This chapter provides the requirements and standards for the location and operation of power generating facilities as defined in Section 19.08.070. It is the intent of this chapter to minimize the adverse impacts of such uses and their associated equipment by establishing permitting requirements and standards for locating the various types of facilities within residential, commercial, industrial and public/quasi-public zones.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
Exempt from Permit. In addition to the requirements established by Article II, the following power generating facilities are exempt from permit, subject to the City’s Planning Manager’s and/or building official’s determination that the proposed power generating unit or facility will not have an adverse impact on public health and safety:
Emergency power generating facilities such as temporary portable generators, permanent natural gas generators or similar emergency facilities are principally permitted within the residential zone districts when in conformance with the established residential standards.
Passive power generating facilities that conform to the residential standards and do not materially impact the character of the zone district or adjacent residential uses are exempt from obtaining a permit.
Permit Required. Power generating facilities requiring a permit are addressed in the permitted use types for residential zones (Section 19.10.020), commercial zones (Section 19.12.020), industrial zones (Section 19.14.020) and civic and resource protection zones (Section 19.16.020).
Residential Standards. The following requirements shall apply to power generating facilities in all residential zones established by Article II:
Setbacks. Permanent ground mounted and portable temporary generators shall comply with separation requirements from structures as required by all applicable Building and Fire Codes.
Front Yard Setback/Screening Required. Permanent emergency generators shall not be placed in front yards and shall be screened from public view from streets and adjacent properties by fences, or walls of six feet in height and/or landscaping. Portable temporary generators (gas/diesel) used during emergency power outages shall not be located within the front yard setback. Solar ground mounted panels or photovoltaic panels shall not be allowed within the front yard setback.
Roof Mounting. Solar panels and photovoltaic applications shall be allowed to be mounted on residential roofs with the provision that these improvements conform to the maximum height standards established in Article II. Additionally, solar panels and photo voltaics shall be mounted to the roof in a manner that does not detract from the surrounding neighborhood and preserves the residential nature of the house. Typical methods to achieve this would be to mount the panels as close to parallel to the pitch of the roof and in close proximity to the roofing material.
Commercial and Industrial Standards. The following requirements shall apply to power generating facilities in all commercial and industrial zones established by Article II:
Development Standards. Emergency power generating facilities shall be sited so that they are screened from public view from streets and adjacent properties. Emergency power generating facilities and all other power generating facilities shall comply with all development standards of the applicable zoning district.
Roof Mounting. Power generating facilities are permitted to be mounted on the roof. Where reasonably feasible, the power generating units shall be screened from view by the building’s parapet or roof design.
Operation. Emergency power generating facilities shall be limited in usage to times when power is unavailable from the local electric utility due to scheduled blackouts or due to natural disasters which have impacted the utility’s ability to provide service. Limited testing of the facilities is permitted during times in which electricity is available from the utility. Emergency power generating facilities are not permitted to provide a substitute or supplemental power source under normal circumstances when the electric utility is capable of delivering power.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)