There are certain buildings which have special historic, cultural or aesthetic interest, and by virtue of that may have significant value to the community. It is the intent of this chapter to prevent the demolition of such significant buildings unless it is needed for the development of a new building and after having a noticed public hearing and a discretionary approval.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
means the intentional, physical act or process which removes or destroys a building, either in part or in whole. However, interior and exterior remodeling are not considered demolition and are not restricted by this chapter.
“Significant building”
means a building which has special historic, cultural or aesthetic interest, and which has been listed in Section 19.61.030(A) of this chapter. A significant building shall be characterized by one or more of the following: (1) a building at least 50 years old; or (2) a building listed on the National Register of Historic Places or California Register of Historic Places; or (3) a building determined by the City Council to be notably associated with one or more historic persons or events, or with the broad architectural, cultural, political, economic or social history of Roseville.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
The following constitutes the current list of significant buildings.
Property Name
West House
345 Atlantic St.
Barker Hotel
302 Lincoln St.
Bank of Italy Building
341 Lincoln St.
McRae Building
100 Main St.
Haman House
424 Oak St.
Odd Fellow Hall
110-112 Pacific St.
Kaseberg House (including Victorian mansion and brick structures)
16 Richards Dr.
Citizens Bank
201 Vernon St.
Vernon Street Hotel
222-226 Vernon St
Masonic Building (Roseville Theater)
235-245 Vernon St.
Tower Theater
417 Vernon Street
Placer County Exhibit Building
700 Vernon St.
First Methodist Church
109 Washington Blvd.
Hemphill House (McAnally)
315 Washington Blvd.
The list of properties contained in subsection A may be amended in the manner set forth in Chapter 19.86, Zoning Ordinance Amendments, of this title with the following additional provision:
Any person may request the listing of a building by submitting an application to the Planning Manager. The Planning Manager or City Council may also initiate such proceedings on its own motion. The application shall include a statement explaining the reason(s) the building should be listed.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014; Ord. 6198 § 1, 2020; Ord. 6538 § 19, 2022)
Permits Required. No person shall demolish or cause to be demolished any significant building without first obtaining approval of a Design Review Permit or Design Review Permit modification in the manner set forth in Chapter 19.76 of this title, unless the building is exempt from such permit, as described in subsection D.
Findings for Demolition. In addition to the required findings for approval of a Design Review Permit or Design Review Permit modification, all of the following findings shall be made, based on substantial evidence.
The proposed development could not occur without demolition of the significant building.
The proposed development will provide a substantial public benefit mitigating the loss of the significant building.
To the extent feasible, mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project to reduce the effect of the demolition.
The technological feasibility of maintaining the significant building and the economic cost of building restoration would preclude the owner from making any reasonable use of the property.
Mitigations for Demolition. Mitigations for the demolition of a significant building may include, but are not limited to, the following: preservation in place; relocation to another location on the same site; relocation to another site; reuse of architectural elements or building materials from the building; and archival photographic study of the building.
Exemption for Dangerous Building. The requirement to obtain a Design Review Permit approval shall not apply to any significant building that the chief building inspector determines is dangerous to the health and safety of the building occupants, neighbors or public, pursuant to Roseville Municipal Code, Chapter 16.35. The chief building inspector shall set forth in writing the reasons for the determination that the significant building is dangerous to the health and safety of the building occupants, neighbors or public, and therefore immediate demolition is warranted. Upon receipt of notice from the chief building inspector that the dangerous building has been demolished, the Planning Manager shall process an amendment to remove it from the list of significant buildings.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)