This chapter provides for staged approval of major projects. This allows for the comprehensive review and resolution of site development issues early in the City’s review and approval process for major projects, and provides streamlining for projects which implement the Major Project Permit. The level of required project information detail increases as each stage of approvals/entitlements are granted. It is understood that implementing projects may need to modify the design approved via the Major Project Permit, and the intent of this section is to establish a tiered modification process that grants streamlining to minor or less intensive changes.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014; Ord. 6662 § 12, 2023)
This chapter applies to the following major projects that meet one or more of the following criteria:
Commercial center in excess of 250,000 square feet, as a total of all “proposed” building pads, and all phases (regardless if not all pads are proposed to be developed at one time);
Office or mixed use development in excess of 250,000 square feet, aggregate total;
Industrial development in excess of 500,000 square feet, aggregate total; or occupying more than 50 acres;
Motel or hotel development of more than 200 rooms;
Original, nonresidential specific plan parcels in excess of 15 acres, excepting publicly owned parcels; and
Any nonresidential or multi-family project where, based on the preparation of an initial study pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act, the Planning Manager determines that there is a potential for significant environmental impacts. Such impacts may include, but are not limited to, flooding, native oak trees, wetlands, grading, drainage, traffic and circulation , and public services and facilities.
Notwithstanding the above requirements, the Planning Manager may determine in writing that features of any proposed project do not warrant the staged review as provided by this section. In making this determination, the Planning Manager shall find that the size, scale and phasing of the project do not warrant a staged review, and development of the project shall have minimal environmental impacts. Such projects shall be processed in accordance with applicable zoning and site review ordinance requirements. The Planning Manager’s decision to require or to not require a project to be processed in accordance with this section may be appealed to the Planning Commission by filing a written appeal within 10 calendar days of the decision in accordance with Chapter 19.80.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014)
Review Process. All projects subject to this section shall be processed and reviewed in three stages, as described below:
General. The required development plans for a major project shall consist of three types of plans, approved in three stages: Stage 1—Preliminary Development Plan; Stage 2—Architectural and Landscaping Plan; and Stage 3—Final Development Plans. The approved preliminary development plan shall be the basis and establish the conditions by which Stage 2—Architecture and Landscaping and Stage 3—Improvement Plans shall be applied.
Stage 1—While entitled “preliminary” this only refers to the level of detail of application materials required for Stage 1 processing. The preliminary development plan review shall [establish approved] configuration of buildings, parking, landscaping and open space locations, rough grading and drainage on- and off-site, vehicular and pedestrian circulation and development phasing. Stage 1 approval shall be comprehensive and shall be detailed enough to complete all required environmental review. All Stage 2 and 3 submittals and approvals shall substantially conform to the Stage 1 approval. Approval of final development plans shall be required prior to issuance of grading or building permits, unless specifically conditioned to permit earlier issuance in conjunction with preliminary development plan approval. Stage 1 review shall be performed by the Planning Commission.
Stage 2—Architecture and landscaping plan review shall include any conditions of approval or changes stipulated as part of the preliminary development plan approval. The architecture and landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission.
Stage 3—Final plans shall include all site development, architecture and landscaping, and shall incorporate all of the conditions and changes stipulated in the preliminary development plan and architecture and landscaping plan review. Review and approval of the final plans shall be by the Planning Division.
Stage 1—Preliminary Development Plan.
Application. An application for a Stage 1—Preliminary development plan shall be made on the form provided by the Planning Division, accompanied by the fee established by the City Council, and shall contain all of the information listed below. Such information shall be submitted in a form as specified by the Planning Manager.
Existing and proposed general topographical grades in sufficient detail to provide an overall grading and drainage plan;
Location of, and an arborist report for, all native oak trees on site and immediately adjacent to the project site, and a tree mitigation plan pursuant to the tree preservation requirements contained in Chapter 19.66;
Location of significant natural features and resources, including wetlands, intermittent and perennial streams and copies of any resource mitigation plans or permits;
Location, estimated floor area and intended use of all proposed buildings, structures and other improvements, including maximum heights;
An on-site pedestrian and vehicular circulation and parking plan, including a table of parking spaces to be provided for projected uses/tenants, loading areas, transit facilities, and any off-site traffic control devices or improvements necessary for public safety, and points of ingress and egress to the development;
A traffic impact analysis as required by the Manager of Public Works/City Engineer;
Location of proposed open space and landscaped areas, including a general “palette” of plant and landscape materials;
Softline perspectives that convey the basic architectural intent/theme of the improvements. Such drawings shall not be required to include final details;
A preliminary study of facilities and services required such as drainage, water, sewer, and public utilities;
Location of existing and proposed public services and facilities, and easements;
A plan, including any operational programs, to ensure compatibility between proposed development and adjacent land uses;
If within an adopted specific plan area, a narrative statement indicating how the proposed major project conforms with the applicable plan and applicable design and landscape guidelines;
A tentative construction, phasing and completion schedule, including completion of Stage 2 and Stage 3 application submittals; and
Any information deemed necessary by the Planning Manager in order to complete an environmental review and as deemed necessary to complete Stage 1 review.
Planning Commission Review.
The preliminary development plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission, at a duly noticed public hearing. In addition to all other required findings, the following findings must be made before approval can be granted.
The preliminary development plan is consistent with the General Plan, applicable specific plan, and adopted City design guidelines; and
The design and installation of the preliminary development plan shall not be detrimental to the public health and safety, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare.
In approving a preliminary development plan, the Planning Commission may place conditions on the project to assure that the design and installation of the project shall be consistent with the public health, safety and welfare; and may add conditions or standards applicable to Stage 3—Final Plans to assure that the project is reviewed and developed in an orderly manner. The Planning Commission shall not take formal action or condition building architecture or landscaping materials, but may make recommendations related to these for consideration in Phase II review.
Notice of Action. Within two working days of the action by the Planning Commission, a notice of the decision shall be mailed to the applicant at the address appearing on the application, or to such other address designated in writing by the applicant, and to each City Council member and the City Manager. The notice shall contain the following information:
Findings upon which the decision was based;
The type of environmental document prepared and date ratified;
The action of the Planning Commission;
Conditions of approval;
A preliminary development plan expiration date and extension requirements;
Notice of the appeal period and a brief description of procedure to file an appeal;
Notice of need to pursue administrative remedies; and
For City Council notices only, a copy of the preliminary development plan.
Appeal of Planning Commission Decision. The Planning Commission decision on a preliminary development plan may be appealed in writing to the City Council within 10 calendar days of the decision, as provided in Chapter 19.80.
Preliminary Development Plan Expiration. An approved preliminary development plan shall expire two years from the date of the Planning Commission’s action, unless building permits have been issued, substantial site work has commenced and substantial liabilities have been incurred in good faith reliance on the permits. The approval may be extended for up to two additional years. Alternatively, the Planning Commission may as a condition of approval specify a longer period of time prior to the expiration of a preliminary development plan.
A request to extend the approval shall be made on an application form provided by the Planning Manager, and shall be accompanied with a written narrative explaining the reasons for the extension and with a fee as established by the City Council. The application shall be submitted prior to the expiration of the preliminary development plan and once the application is submitted to the Planning Division, the plan shall be automatically extended for another 60 days.
The Planning Commission shall approve the request for an extension if the preliminary development plan is in compliance with all applicable City requirements in effect at the time such extension is considered by the Commission.
Stage 2—Architecture and Landscape Review.
Application. An application for architecture and landscaping review may be made at any time provided a preliminary development plan has been approved by the Planning Commission and such plan has not expired. In such cases where the preliminary development plan approval shall not impact the building design or landscaping, concurrent processing of a preliminary development plan and architecture and landscaping applications may be approved by the Planning Manager. The application shall be made on the form provided by the Planning Division, accompanied by the fee established by the City Council, and shall contain the following information, at a minimum:
Architectural renderings of typical structures and improvements, including elevations, materials, colors and either perspective drawings, scaled model or computer generated three dimensional video model. Architectural guidelines shall also be submitted for any buildings proposed for construction in a future phase;
A landscaping plan indicating the quantity, size, and type of materials, parking lot shading and compliance with the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance;
A lighting plan depicting the location, type and intensity of all proposed external fixtures and including treatment to reduce or eliminate off-site glare;
Typical design of outdoor furniture and water features, if proposed;
The design of any project perimeter screens, fences and walls; and
Any information deemed necessary by the Planning Manager to complete Stage 2 review and comply with the approved preliminary development plan.
Planning Commission.
The architecture and landscaping application shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission, at a duly noticed public hearing. Approval shall be granted provided the following findings are made:
The architecture and landscaping is consistent with the General Plan, applicable specific plan, and adopted City design guidelines; and Phase I approval; and
The design shall not be detrimental to the public health and safety, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare.
In approving the architecture and landscaping, the Commission may place conditions on the project to assure that the architecture and landscaping of the project shall be consistent with the public health, safety and welfare; and may add conditions or standards applicable to Stage 3—Final Plans to assure that the architecture and landscaping are reviewed and developed in an orderly manner.
Notice of Action. Within two working days of the action by the Planning Commission, a notice of their decision shall be mailed to the applicant at the address appearing on the application, or to such other address designated in writing by the applicant, and to each City Council member and the City Manager. The notice shall contain the following information:
Findings upon which the decision was based;
The action of the Planning Commission;
Conditions of approval;
Planning plan expiration date and extension requirements;
Notice of the appeal period and a brief description of procedure to file an appeal; and
Notice of need to pursue administrative remedies.
Appeal of Planning Commission Decision. The Planning Commission decision on a preliminary development plan may be appealed in writing to the City Council within 10 calendar days of the decision.
Stage 3—Final Plans. Final plans may be submitted in segments or phased areas if approval to do so was obtained as part of Stage 1. The applicant shall submit a final development plan(s) to the Planning Division incorporating all of the changes and conditions stipulated as part of Stage 1 and 2 approvals. The final plans shall also contain such information as determined by the Planning Manager as necessary for approval of such plans or for carrying out the intent of Stage 1 and 2 approvals. A transportation systems management plan, as required by Roseville Municipal Code Article 37, shall be submitted concurrently with the final plans.
The Planning Manager shall review the plan(s) for substantial compliance and shall provide a written notice to the applicant indicating any areas that are not in compliance with Stage 1 and 2 approvals. Planning division approval of final plans shall be in writing and shall be mailed to the applicant at the address appearing on the application or to such other address designated in writing by the applicant.
No building or final grading permits may be issued until final plans have been approved by the Planning Manager. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, a rough grading permit may be issued if the Planning Manager finds that there is no possibility that rough grading of the site shall prejudice or conflict with the approval of the final plans.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014; Ord. 6198 § 1, 2020)
Letter of Approval. If a request for revision or amendment to the approved Mayor Project Permit is found to be consistent with the below requirements by the Planning Manager and the Planning Manager finds that the revision requested is otherwise consistent with the Mayor Project Permit approvals and certified environmental document, the Planning Manager shall issue a letter of approval. A letter of approval will be issued for modifications to an approved Mayor Project Permit if the proposed modification:
Does not substantially increase the total project square footage. Building locations may be altered if, in the professional judgment of the Planning Manager, the change is found not to negatively affect site circulation, driveway locations, access for public safety vehicles, or to cause other inconsistencies with design standards which cause negative effects;
Is substantially consistent with the intent of the original approval and conditions;
Does not change the finding(s) upon which the approval was based; and
Does not have a substantial or significant effect on the property rights of adjacent landowners; or
Is a modification which does not negatively affect site circulation, driveway locations, or access for public safety vehicles, and is not otherwise inconsistent with design standards in a manner which would cause negative effects, as determined by the Planning Manager.
Major Project Permit, Minor Modification (Administrative). A request for revision or amendment to an approved Mayor Project Permit not found to be consistent with the findings for a letter of approval, as noted above in subsection A, but which meets one or more of the below findings is considered minor. The Planning Manager may approve, conditionally approve, or deny a minor modification to a Mayor Project Permit pursuant to the Type A notification procedures of Section 19.78.020, provided the project complies with one or more of the following:
The improvement meets the intent of the original approval, conditions of approval and environmental document;
The improvement is limited to façade, landscaping or parking lot improvements;
The improvement consists of color changes;
The improvement consists of a modification to or the introduction of a new exterior building material; and/or
The improvement meets all the requirements of this title and the Community Design Guidelines and is minor in nature as determined by the Planning Manager.
Major Project Permit, Modification (Public Hearing Required). All other requests for revision or amendment to the approved Mayor Project Permit shall be reviewed in the same manner as required for the initial approval of that stage of the project. The Planning Manager’s determination whether a revision or amendment is minor shall be final.
(Ord. 5428 § 1, 2014; Ord. 6198 § 1, 2020; Ord. 6662 § 13, 2023)