The fiscal year of the City shall begin on the first day of July of each year and end on the thirtieth day of June of the following year.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The City manager shall prepare and shall recommend a budget for the ensuing fiscal year to the council on or before the first regular meeting in June. The budget document shall present a comprehensive financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year, including at least the following information:
Statements of the bonded and other indebtedness of the City, including the debt redemption and interest requirements, the debt authorized and unissued, and the condition of sinking funds.
Estimates of all proposed expenditures for each department and office of the City, showing in addition the expenditures for the last preceding fiscal year, appropriations and anticipated expenditures for the current fiscal year, and reasons for recommended departures from the current expenditure pattern.
Detailed estimates of all anticipated revenue sources of the City, with a comparative statement of the amounts received by the City from each of such sources for the last preceding fiscal year and the amounts expected to be received for the current fiscal year.
A statement of the estimated balance or deficit, as of the end of the current fiscal year, for all funds.
Such other supporting schedules as the council may request or are otherwise required by law.
(Res. No. 60-3, § 1; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
After review of the budget recommended by the City manager, the council shall make such revisions as it may deem advisable at a noticed public meeting and shall set the time for holding a public hearing thereon. Not less than ten (10) days prior to said public hearing, the council shall cause to be published a notice thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. Copies of the proposed budget shall be available for public inspection in the office of the City clerk for a period of at least ten (10) days prior to said hearing.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
At the time advertised, or at any time to which such public hearing shall from time to time be adjourned, the council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget, at which interested citizens desiring to be heard shall be given such opportunity.
After the conclusion of the public hearing the council shall further consider the proposed budget and make any revisions thereof that it may deem advisable and on or before June 30, it shall adopt the budget with revisions, if any, by the affirmative votes of at least three (3) councilmembers. Upon final adoption, the budget shall be in effect for the ensuing fiscal year. A copy thereof, certified by the City clerk, shall remain on file in the office of the City clerk where it shall be available for inspection.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
From the effective date of the budget, the several amounts stated therein as proposed expenditures shall be and become appropriated to the several departments, offices and agencies for the respective objects and purposes therein named. All appropriations shall lapse at the end of the fiscal year to the extent that they shall not have been expended or lawfully encumbered, except as provided later in this section and in Section 7.08.
No money shall be drawn from the City treasury nor shall any obligation for the expenditure of money incurred, except pursuant to the budget appropriation. The council may, by ordinance adopted by the affirmative vote of at least three (3) councilmembers, transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance or any portion thereof, from one department, fund or agency to another, or appropriate available revenue not included in the budget.
(Res. No. 240; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The council shall annually set aside from the income of each of its revenue producing public utilities the following amounts and in the following order, to wit: First; An amount fully sufficient for the payment of principal, interest, reserve fund and sinking fund requirements of any revenue bonds or general obligation bonds secured in whole or in part from such utility revenues, the proceeds of which bonds have been applied to the acquisition, construction or completion of such public utilities. Second: An amount sufficient to pay or provide for the payment of maintenance and operation of such public utilities, including a reserve for maintenance and operation.
Thereafter the council may set aside an amount, from any surplus moneys remaining, to create and maintain a separate utility reserve fund for each public utility. The amount to be set aside in such separate utility reserve fund shall not exceed a sum which, according to the estimate of the City manager and approved by the council, shall be sufficient to meet normal depreciation of such public utility. Such utility reserve funds, if established, shall be used for the replacement, betterment and extension of each of said public utilities and, in addition, may be used for the payment of the principal of and interest on, or retirement prior to maturity of, any revenue bonds of the City or any general obligation bonds secured in whole or in part from such public utility revenues, the proceeds of which bonds have been applied to the acquisition, construction or completion of any such utility, if and to the extent that other funds are not then available for such payment.
(Res. No. 68-10, § 1; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The council shall, by ordinance, establish capital outlay funds for specified capital improvement purposes, and such other special funds as it may deem necessary. The council may levy and collect taxes for such purposes, but shall not, in making such a levy, exceed the maximum tax rate provided for in this charter unless authorized by the affirmative votes of a majority of the electors voting on the proposition at any regular or special election at which such question is submitted. The council may transfer to any such fund any unencumbered surplus funds on hand at any time. Such special funds, created by or supplemented with tax revenues upon which a vote of the electors has been required, shall remain inviolate for the purposes for which they were created unless the use of such funds for some other purpose is authorized by the affirmative vote of a majority of the electors voting thereon on such proposition at a general or special election. Any unexpended and unencumbered surplus remaining in such special funds after the purpose for which the special fund was created has been accomplished may be transferred by the council to its general funds or to other special funds.
The council shall, by ordinance, provide a system for the assessment, levy, and collection of special taxes and assessments upon property. The council may, in its discretion, authorize the officers of Placer County to perform any functions for the City relating to the assessment of property, the collection of taxes, the collection of assessments levied for municipal improvements, the sale of property for nonpayment of taxes or special assessments, and the redemption of property from sales.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
(Added by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
Special assessments for local improvements shall be levied in the manner prescribed by state law.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The bonded indebtedness of the City may not in the aggregate exceed the sum of fifteen (15%) percent of the total assessed valuation of property within the City, with the exception of any indebtedness that has been or may hereafter be incurred for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, extending, replacing, or maintaining municipally owned utilities, for which purposes a further indebtedness may be incurred by the issuance of bonds, subject as to amount only to the provisions of the constitution and laws of the State of California.
The council may, after authorization by the affirmative vote of a majority of the electors voting on the proposition at any regular or special election, issue revenue bonds or any other evidence of indebtedness authorized by state law. Neither such revenue bonds, nor the interest accruing thereon, shall be, or evidence, indebtedness of the City. Such bonds, and the interest accruing thereon, shall be a charge upon, and payable solely from the revenues derived from the operation of such works, facilities or property, and shall not be a charge, lien, encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon, nor shall any recourse on account thereof be had against any other income, receipts, revenues or funds of the City, and neither the credit nor the taxing power of the City shall be deemed to be pledged to, or charged with, such payment, nor shall the holder of any such bond have any right to compel the exercise of any taxing power of the City.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
All bonds to be sold by the City and payable from the City's general fund or any of its enterprise funds shall be advertised for sale at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City and in such financial journals as may be deemed necessary to stimulate competitive bidding, at least fifteen (15) days before the bond sale in the manner required by state law. The provisions of this section shall not be interpreted to require public bidding in the event such bonds are sold to a public financing authority.
(Amended April 13, 1982; amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
Each bond shall contain on its face a statement specifying the purpose for which the same is issued and it shall be unlawful for any officer of the city to use the proceeds thereof for any other purpose, and any officer of the City who shall violate this provision shall be deemed guilty of misconduct of office. All bonds issued by the City shall be signed by such officer or officers as may be designated by the City council and countersigned by the City clerk, under the seal of the City. The City manager shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a complete and detailed record of all bonds issued by the city. Upon the payment of any bond, the same shall be marked "Canceled" or shall be destroyed.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
If any bonds are not sold within five (5) years after authorization, such authorization shall, with respect to such bonds, be null and void, and such bonds shall be canceled.
(Amended April 13, 1982)
At least three (3) times during the fiscal year, and more often if required by the council, the City manager shall submit to the council data showing the relation between the estimated income and expenses and actual income and expenses to date; and if it shall appear that the income is less than anticipated, the council may reduce appropriations, except amounts required for debt and interest charges, to such a degree as may be necessary to keep expenditures within the cash income.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The council shall designate a depository or depositories for City funds and shall provide for the regular deposit of all City moneys. The council shall require such security for City deposits as it deems desirable and as is authorized or permitted by law, except that personal surety bonds, of themselves, shall not be deemed proper security.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
No suit shall be brought on any claim for money or damages against the City or any department, officer or agency thereof until a demand for the same has been presented to the City clerk and rejected in whole or in part.
All claims and the processing thereof shall conform to the laws of the State of California relating to claims against local public entities.
(Res. No. 240; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
The Council shall provide for an annual audit of the City by a firm of independent certified public accountants who are in no other way connected with the City government. The firm shall be retained subject to the restrictions and limitations prescribed by state law. A comprehensive audit shall be made covering each fiscal year to assure that the City's financial transactions, accounts and records are maintained in accordance with the requirements of the City charter, state and federal laws and generally accepted accounting principles. Such audit report shall be submitted to the council and shall be open to public inspection.
(Amended April 13, 1982; amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 3, 2020)
Except as otherwise provided in this charter, the City manager shall be responsible for all City purchasing, but may delegate the responsibility to any appointed subordinate.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
Competitive prices or bids for all purchases and public works and improvements shall be obtained where practicable and the purchase made from, or the contract awarded to, the lowest responsible bidder; provided, that the council may waive the bidding requirements prescribed in this section in the purchase of noncompetitive items or in case of an emergency. Sealed bids shall be asked for in all transactions involving the expenditure of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00) or more, and in the case of public works, the transaction evidenced by a written contract submitted to and approved by the council. The council may reject any and all bids. In all transactions where sealed bids are required, the council may demand a deposit by each bidder in the form of a certified check or bid bond in an amount which shall be specified in the call for bids. The council may require a faithful performance or surety bond of the successful bidder. Calls for sealed bids shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation of the City and/or on the City's website, not less than five (5) days before the deadline for submission of bids, unless the council declares by resolution that an emergency exists. Detailed purchasing and contract award procedures shall be prescribed by ordinance.
(Res. No. 60-2, § 1; amended April 13, 1982; Res. No. 86-108 § 4; amended June 18, 1986; amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 3, 2020)
The council may, without competitive bidding, enter into a contract with other public jurisdictions established by law, for furnishing goods or services to the City or its inhabitants, or for furnishing goods or services by the City to such public jurisdictions or their inhabitants, or for furnishing goods and services jointly to the inhabitants of the City and the inhabitants of other such public jurisdictions, subject to such restrictions and limitations as may be prescribed by state law.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)
All contracts shall be approved as to legal form by the City attorney.
(Amended by General Municipal Election on November 7, 2000; Amended by General Municipal Election on November 2, 2010)