Requirements and Exceptions. A tentative and final parcel map shall be filed and recorded for any subdivision subject to the Subdivision Map Act for which a tentative and final tract map is not otherwise required, except as provided in paragraph (b) below and except for subdivisions of four (4) parcels or fewer for construction of removable commercial buildings having a floor area of less than one hundred square feet (100').
Waiver of Requirement. The requirement for filing and recording a parcel map may be waived, provided that the Planning Director and City engineer find the proposed division of land meets all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this Title as to characteristics including but not limited to: (1) area; (2) improvement and design; (3) floodwater drainage control; (4) appropriate improved public roads; (5) sanitary disposal facilities; (6) water supply availability; and (7) environmental protection; and further provided that the Planning Director determines that a parcel map is not otherwise required by the Subdivision Map Act.
Approval or Conditional Approval by the Planning Commission. The requirements of Section 20.16.070 shall apply to the review of parcel maps of four (4) or fewer parcels. Upon approval or conditional approval of the parcel map, the Clerk of the Planning Commission shall forward the approval or approval with conditions to the City Council for review and approval through the following process.
The item shall be placed on the City Council's Consent Calendar. Any City Council Member or any interested person may remove the item from the Consent Calendar and request that the item be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. If the item is removed from the Consent Calendar, the City Council shall hold at least one (1) public hearing and the requirements of Section 20.16.080 shall apply. If the item remains on the Consent Calendar, the item shall be deemed approved when the Consent Calendar containing that item is approved. If the Planning Commission denies the subject parcel map, or imposes a condition of approval with which the applicant disagrees, the applicant may appeal the denial, or the conditional approval, to the City Council in accordance with the requirements of Section 20.40.90. Nothing herein shall prevent the Planning Commission from requesting that the City Council hold a public hearing on a parcel map of four (4) or fewer parcels.
(249 § 3, 1989; Ord. § 4, 1992; Ord. 296)
Parcel maps shall be based on a field survey in conformity with the Professional Land Surveyors Act unless such requirement is waived by the Engineer.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
If dedications or offers of dedication are required, they shall be made by certificate on the parcel map, unless use of a separate instrument for such dedication is approved by the Engineer.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
In conjunction with approval of final parcel maps, the Engineer shall have the authority to accept or reject dedications and offers of dedication that are made by certificate on such map. The City Clerk shall transmit approved parcel maps directly to the County Recorder.
After recordation of the final parcel map, the subdivider shall forward two (2) copies of thirty-five millimeter aperture cards and one blue line print of the recorded parcel map to the Engineer.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
In accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, the City Council may require improvements for parcel maps and remainder parcels. The timing for construction of such improvements may be determined pursuant to an agreement between the subdivider and the City Council.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)