Existing Streets in Adjoining Area. The street system in the proposed subdivision shall relate in general to the existing streets in the area adjoining the subdivision.
Future Subdivision of Adjoining Property. The proposed street plan shall give consideration to the future subdivision of adjoining unsubdivided property.
Proposed Use of Abutting Property. All streets shall be designed to serve the proposed use of the land abutting them.
Prohibited Streets. Streets less than fifty feet in length and half-width streets shall not be permitted.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Street Access to Private Property. Along expressways and major highways, street access to private property shall be provided by means of (1) a street separated from the expressway or major highway by a tier of lots; or by (2) cul-de-sac streets entered from a street other than the expressway or major highway.
Provision for Parkways, Expressways, Flood Control and Hillside Property. Design of streets shall make provisions for parkways, expressways, flood control channels and hillside property.
Cul-de-sac Streets. Cul-de-sac streets shall not be more than one thousand feet (1000') in length and shall be terminated by a turn-around right-of-way not less than ninety feet (90') in diameter.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Private streets and ways may be included within a subdivision only with the approval and consent of the Council, and provided, the Council finds that:
There is adequate provision for their construction and continued maintenance;
The welfare of the occupants of the subdivision will be adequately served; and
The public's welfare will not be impaired.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Minimum Rights-of-Way. The minimum rights-of-way for expressways shall be one hundred ten (10) feet (not including frontage roads), except where a greater width is required to accommodate traffic in accordance with an approved design.
Access to the Subdivision. Where abutters' access rights have not been relinquished to the City, State or County, access to the subdivision shall be provided as described in Section 20.68.020(a).
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
The minimum rights-of-way for major and secondary streets and highways and residential streets shall be as described in Chapter 20.08.
Street grades between six percent (6%) and ten (10) percent will be approved only for locations where topographical conditions make lesser grades impractical. A grade exceeding ten (10) percent will be approved only when conclusive evidence shows that a lesser grade is impractical.
The minimum street grade shall not be less than five-tenths of one percent (.05%)
Curves in residential streets shall have a minimum center line radius of three hundred feet (300') in comparatively level locations and of one hundred and fifty feet (150') in steep or hillside locations. All other streets and highways shall have a minimum centerline radius of one thousand feet (1000')
Street jogs of less than two hundred feet (200') shall not be permitted.
20.68.080(a) All street connections shall be at approximate right angles.
20.68.080(b) Street corners shall provide for a maximum twenty-five foot (25') curb radius.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)