Applications. this Section shall apply to all work done in the subdivisions, whether such work is required by the City or is done at the option of the subdivider. this Section shall also apply to any improvements to be installed after recordation and prior to the release by the Council of the improvement bonds.
Plans and Specifications. All improvements made, constructed or installed in subdivisions shall be according to full and detailed plans and specifications as approved in writing by the Engineer prior to the commencement of the improvement work. These plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Engineer and shall be approved by the Engineer before submitting the final map to the Council.
Future Extensions of Temporary Dead-End Streets. Plans for improvements of streets which temporarily dead-end at the subdivision boundary shall include studies and data sufficient for the Engineer to determine that the future extensions of such streets are feasible.
Permanent Record Requirements. The plans for all improvements shall be legibly drawn by a process creating a permanent record on reproducible material of a quality specified by the Engineer.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Except as otherwise provided in this Title, the minimum improvements which the subdivider shall be required to make or enter into an agreement to make in a subdivision, prior to the acceptance and approval of the final map by the Council, shall be according to Schedule "A."
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
The Council may vary from the provisions of Schedule "A" when it determines that one or more of the following conditions exist:
An offer of dedication is not to be accepted by the City and the subdivision is so designed as to preclude the use of the streets by traffic other than serving the lots within the subdivision;
There are peculiar circumstances present due to the size or slope of the parcel of land, soil or topographical conditions or subdivision design, which reasonably justify a deviation from the standards otherwise applicable; or
The findings required by Section 20.76.070 are made by the Council.
The Council's determination shall be Stated in its minutes, citing the condition or conditions found to exist.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
The maximum improvements which shall be required for a street in any subdivision wherein the abutting property is zoned to preclude commercial and industrial uses shall not exceed an amount equivalent to that required for a collector street. When funds are available and there is a public need, the City may participate in completing the improvement to the required width or standard.
Streets serving property zoned to permit commercial and industrial uses shall be improved to the full section.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Where a subdivision street is designed to permit extension and completion of dedication into adjoining unsubdivided property, there shall be shown on the final map a one-foot wide parcel adjacent to and extending the full width and/or length of that portion of the street that adjoins the subdivided property.
The one-foot parcel shall be offered for dedication with the provision that its acceptance by the Council be contingent upon the extension of the street.
The parcel shall be improved with a barricade extending the full width of the street right-of-way, except that in part-width boundary streets no barricade shall be required.
The parcel may also be accepted at any time by the Council upon the request of the property owners affected and upon such conditions as the Council may deem appropriate.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
A fee to cover the cost of checking plans and specifications of improvements to be constructed or installed in a subdivision and to cover the cost of field and other necessary inspection work shall be paid to the City prior to the recordation of the final map.
This fee shall be an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the cost of the improvements as estimated by the Engineer. Improvements shall include the final monuments.
Parcel maps and maps to revert subdivided lands to acreage shall be subject to this Section if improvements are required by law or by this Title in connection therewith.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Wherever this Title provides that standards of design or the schedule of improvements may be modified, an application for such modification shall be made in writing, stating fully the grounds of the application and the facts relied upon by the subdivider. The application shall be filed with the tentative map of the subdivision. In order for the Council to approve the application, it must find all of the following:
That unusual circumstances or conditions affecting the property render compliance with Schedule "A" impractical;
That the modification is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right; and
That the granting of the modification will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)
Improvements installed in subdivisions shall be constructed in full conformance with the subdivision improvement standards set forth in this Title.
In the absence of a standard for an improvement proposed by the subdivider, the Engineer may establish a standard in keeping with good construction and engineering practices.
(Ord. 249 § 3, 1989)