The Chapter contains the regulations for the Medium Density Residential Zone established by the City. The regulations of this Chapter shall apply to all properties within the Medium Density Residential Zones within the City, except as modified by the specific situations as defined in the Planning Area in which the building site is located. (Refer to Chapter 21.14 for the specific Planning Area in which the building site is located.)
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
The purpose of this district is to provide regulations for the development of that portion of the residential properties within the City with densities in the range of 4.6 to 7.0 dwelling units per acre, consistent with the historic low density residential character of the City established over the past twenty-five (25) years.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
The following shall be permitted in the Medium Density Residential Zone:
Single family detached and attached residential uses shall be a primary use;
Multifamily residential uses shall be a primary use, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit;
Accessory uses and structures related to the primary use;
Agricultural uses, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit;
Ancillary Quarters in conjunction with the primary use;
Recreational facilities, including, but not limited to, tennis courts, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
Small and large family day care, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit; and
Short-term residential rental, subject to the requirements of Chapter 5.20 of this Code.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996; Ord. 537 § 1, 2003; Ord. 653 § 5, 2011; Ord. 674 § 5, 2013; Ord. 734 § 3, 2021)
Each lot shall have a minimum lot area of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet net, i.e., not including streets and alleys unless cluster development is approved in accordance with a Conditional Use Permit.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
All lots hereafter created shall comply with the following minimum standards:
Standard Lots.
Lot Width:
100 feet
Lot Depth:
100 feet
Front Yard Setback:
20 feet
Rear Yard Setback:
10 feet
Interior Side Yard Setback:
8 feet
Street Side Yard Setback (on corner lots):
15 feet
Garage Door Setback:
20 feet
Irregular Lots. The minimum lot depth and width of lots which are irregularly shaped and located on a curve or cul-de-sac street may be modified to approximate the average on the adjacent properties upon specific approval by the City Council.
Highway 111 Buffer Area. Along Highway 111, the buffer area shall be between any structures and the roadway. The buffer area shall extend one hundred seventeen (117) feet from the existing face of curb along Highway 111 or one hundred (100) feet from the ultimate Highway 111 improvement as approved by the City Council on May 17, 2007 by Resolution 2007-27. For acceleration and deceleration lanes installed along Highway 111, the one hundred (100) foot setback shall be measured from the curbline projected from the improved curb, as shown in Figure A below. If common area structures, facilities or other such support structures are proposed within the buffer area, they should not project above the exterior wall adjacent to Highway 111. No habitable structures will be permitted within the buffer area. Where perimeter roadways are utilized, they should be located within the buffer area, between Highway 111 and any residential lot.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996; Ord. 428 § 3, 1998; Ord. 606 § 1, 2007)
The number of residential units per gross acre of area, calculated on a tract map basis, shall not exceed seven (7) dwelling units per acre.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
General. Buildings and structures erected in this zone shall have a height over seventy (70) percent of the horizontal roof area, not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet, with no point of the roof extending above thirty (30) feet in height. In no case shall the building exceed two (2) living stories above the pad elevation of the building site.
Adjacent to property zoned Hillside, Very Low Density or Low Density Residential:
The building shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height at the minimum required setback lines.
The maximum building height shall not be allowed within the following distances of the property lines:
46 feet
36 feet
Interior Side:
34 feet
Exterior Side:
41 feet
Buildings shall not exceed the height established by planes between the maximum building height allowed at the minimum side and rear building setbacks and the maximum building height allowed at the minimum building setbacks for said maximum building height, (b)(1)(i), above.
Adjacent to all other zoned properties:
The building shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height at the minimum required setback lines.
The maximum building height shall not be allowed within the following distances of the property lines:
30 feet
20 feet
Interior Side:
18 feet
Exterior Side, Corner Lot:
25 feet
Buildings shall not exceed the height established by the planes between the maximum building height allowed at the minimum side and rear building setbacks and the maximum building height allowed at the minimum building setbacks for said maximum building height per subsection (b)(2)(i), above.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
All dwelling units constructed in this zone shall have a minimum usable floor area of one thousand (1,000) square feet.
Garage requirements shall be in accordance with Section 21.20.080, of the Residential Development Standards, General.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
Accessory structure requirements shall be in accordance with Section 21.20.090, of the Residential Development Standards, General.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
Structural appendages and project requirements shall be in accordance with Section 21.20.100, of the Residential Development Standards, General.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
Private tennis court requirements shall be in accordance with Section 21.20.120, of the Residential Development Standards, General.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
Outdoor lighting requirements shall be in accordance with Section 21.20.170, of the Residential Development Standards, General.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
Excluding photovoltaic solar equipment and satellite television dishes, all roof mounted equipment, including, but not limited to, heating, venting, cooling, and antenna shall be screened so as to preclude viewing of same from adjacent residences, public ways and golf courses (public or private).
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996; Ord. 533 § 1, 2003; Ord. 720 § 9, 2019)
See Chapter 21.60 Architecture and Landscape Review.
(Ord. 387 § 1, 1996)
Solar energy systems requirements shall be in accordance with Section 21.20.240, of the Residential Development Standards, General.
(Ord. 533 § 1, 2003)