Wastewater service rates and charges
Grinder tank relocation
$1,000.00 + Materials
Inspection fee resulting from moving a grinder pump
Transfer of existing service to a new customer
Penalty for tampering with a grinder pump (Plus
cost to fix)
Penalty for unapproved connection
(Plus cost to fix)
Returned check charge
Surcharge for loads - grease sample test results
over 200 mg/l
3 times usage rate
Sewer/wastewater rates, charges, and tap fees LUE equivalent
to 200 gallons per day
Residential sewer connection fee
$3,500.00 per LUE
Commercial sewer connection fee
$4,500.00 per LUE
Wastewater application fee
Security deposit - Commercial (Times the number
of fee units for the meter purchased or $10,000.00, whichever is less.)
Transfer fee
Tap fee
Sewer tap excavation of the sewer main
Cost + 25%
Inspections - Single-family detached or duplex unit
Inspections - Commercial
Additional charge for any non-routine charges incurred
by the city in connection with any sewer tap or tap inspection - TBD
Homebuilder deposit
$1,000.00 (for one house)
Sewer/wastewater service rates per LUE
In-city rate per month per LUE
Out-of-city rate per month per LUE
In-city rate per month per LUE
Out-of-city rate per month per LUE
Billing and delinquent accounts:
Late fee
10% of the amount of wastewater bill
Discontinuance of service
15 days after due date; service can be discontinued
Any regulatory assessments required by TCEQ
As applicable
Damage caused to the wastewater system by dangerous substances
Cost to repair
Repair of grinder pump, clearing lines of prohibited objects
Cost to repair + 10%
(Ordinance 19-O-56 adopted 9/23/2019; Ordinance
2023-O-031 adopted 8/23/2023; Ordinance 2023-O-038 adopted 9/13/2023; Ordinance
2024-O-004 adopted 2/14/2024)
A connection fee of $3,000.00 per living unit equivalent for
each wastewater connection shall be charged and collected by the city
for all sewer taps on any residential development by November 30,
2007, and $3,500.00 thereafter, and $4,000.00 for office, retail,
or commercial property by November 30, 2007, and $4,500.00 thereafter,
(1) Has been constructed and occupied on or before the first effective date of section
12.03.032; and
(2) Accepts an offer from the city to connect to the sewer system according to the terms of section
(Ordinance 07-O-54, sec. 2, adopted 11/26/2007; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.032)
In addition to the capital recovery fee, each connection to
new development will be charged a connection fee as follows:
(1) Existing structures that do not connect pursuant to section
12.03.032 will also be charged this capital recovery and connection fee when the property or current occupant elects to connect to the system. In addition to the above capital recovery and connection fees, sewer tap installation involving excavation of the sewer main shall be performed by the city at cost plus 25%.
(2) The
inspection fee for a single-family detached or duplex dwelling unit
is $60.00 per connection; the inspection fee for each inspection of
a wastewater connection for a commercial structure (including apartment
complexes) is $110.00 per connection.
(3) If
an inspection is failed, a fee of $50.00 will be assessed for any
re-inspection required.
(Ordinance 06-O-49, sec. 3, adopted 6/26/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.033)
(a) In
addition to all other fees required by the city, a connection fee
per each living unit equivalent (LUE) wastewater connection shall
be charged and collected by the city for all sewer connections within
100 feet of an existing city collection line with remaining capacity.
The connection fees shall be as follows:
(1) Single-family residential connection: $6,000.00.
(2) Multifamily connections: $3,000.00 per LUE plus the cost of furnishing
and installing wastewater improvements.
(3) Commercial connection to one LUE: $7,500.00.
(4) Nonstandard commercial connection (connections to more than one LUE):
$4,500.00 per LUE plus the cost of furnishing and installing wastewater
(b) The
cost of furnishing and installing wastewater improvements is $3,000.00.
(Ordinance 10-O-15 adopted 6/28/2010; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.034)
A security deposit per sewer connection shall be paid to the
city by each residential customer prior to the initiation of service
in the following amounts:
Meter Size
Security Deposit
(Ordinance 06-O-49, sec. 3, adopted 6/26/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.035)
All customers or applicants for service are subject to the following
miscellaneous fees and charges and shall, when applicable, pay to
the city the following:
(1) Reconnection
fee (following disconnection requested by customer): $75.00.
(2) Reconnection
fee (following disconnection for delinquency): $75.00.
(3) Penalty
inspection fee for tampering or unapproved connection or damage to
the city-owned facilities including control panel, electrical connection
and wiring, service line and valving: $500.00 plus expenses incurred.
(Ordinance 08-O-25, sec. 2, adopted 5/26/2008; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.069)
Monthly Minimum Charge
City of Liberty Hill
Rosenbusch Tract
Williamson County MUD No. 13
Williamson County MUD No. 12
Williamson County MUD No. 19
Williamson County MUD No. 19A
(Ordinance 12-O-09 adopted 4/9/2012; Ordinance 15-O-06 adopted 2/23/2015; 2009 Code,
sec. 13.02.072)
Surcharges under section
12.07.003 are as follows:
Surcharge Rate
($ per pound)
Concentration Limit
Total phosphorus
(Ordinance 22-O-10.12-04, sec. 13.02.75,
adopted 10/12/2022)
The fee for a SIU (significant industrial user) permit is $125.00.
The permit renewal fee is $75.00/year.
(Ordinance 22-O-10.12-04, sec. 13.02.76,
adopted 10/12/2022)