Zoning Districts are hereby established in order to designate, regulate, and distribute uses of land and their intensity of activity to ensure the harmonious development of the City consistent with the General Plan. This chapter establishes the framework for Zoning Districts in the City, and establishes the City of Plymouth Zoning Map (hereafter referred to as the Zoning Map) as the official designation of district boundaries. Each district is guided by standards for building height, setbacks from the street and neighboring properties, relationship of building size to parcel size, and overall form and function of land development in the City of Plymouth.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
The City of Plymouth Zoning Districts are listed and described in Table 19.48.020-1. Table 19.52.020-1 in Chapter 19.52 describes the relationship of General Plan Land Use categories to the zoning districts established in this chapter.
Base Zoning District. Every parcel of land in the City is regulated by a Base Zoning District. Each district establishes the primary type and intensity of land uses allowed as well as the development standards that apply to that zone. Base districts are divided into five main categories as follows:
Agricultural (see Chapter 19.56).
Residential Zoning Districts (see Chapter 19.56).
Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts (see Chapter 19.60).
Public and Quasi-Public Zoning Districts (see Chapter 19.64).
Planned Development Districts (see Chapter 19.28).
Overlay Districts. Overlay Zoning Districts serve the purpose of protecting unique location-specific features and implementing General Plan and other specific City policies. All properties within these districts are subject to supplementing and superseding guidelines. The General Plan establishes three overlay districts as follows:
Downtown Historic Overlay (see Chapter 19.66).
Highway Scenic Corridor Overlay (see Chapter 19.66).
Mineral Resource Protection Overlay (see Chapter 19.66).
Zoning District Symbol
Zoning District Description and Name
Agriculture. 40 acre +, Williamson Act, SO I &PA land areas currently in Amador County.
Rural Residential. Allowing for estate and rural living 1 DU per acre or less.
Standard Residential. Primarily single-family neighborhoods in a variety of styles and formats.
Village Residential. A mix of size, type, and density to allow for all household formations.
Village Commercial. Covering the historic and central areas of town, with a mix of uses.
Suburban Commercial. Allowing for the diverse range of uses oriented to both people and cars.
Highway Commercial. Ensuring a place for auto-oriented businesses to serve travelers.
Industrial/Business Park. Providing a location in the community for heavier commercial, light industrial, and business park operations.
Open Space. Providing for natural resource protection and community recreation.
Public/Institutional. Ensuring civic, community, and governing needs are met.
Downtown Historic Overlay. Protecting architectural resources and town character.
Highway Scenic Corridor Overlay. Enhancing and protecting the image of Plymouth.
Mineral Resource Protection Overlay. Ensuring mineral deposits may be accessed.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
The Zoning Map is the official designation of Zoning District boundaries on real property within the City. The Zoning Map shall be regulated as set forth below.
Incorporated by Reference. The Zoning Map is hereby incorporated into this Development Code by reference as though it were fully included.
Map Amendments. Amendments to the Zoning Map shall follow the Zoning Amendment process established in Chapter 19.26 (Zoning Amendments) and shall be reflected on the City's Zoning Map.
Record of Zoning Map Changes. The Zoning Map and a record of all prior amendments shall be kept on file with the City Clerk and shall constitute the original record. Electronic and hard copies of the currently effective Zoning Map shall also be kept on file with the Planning Department.
Relationship to General Plan. The Zoning Map shall implement and be consistent with the City's adopted General Plan.
Zoning District Symbol. Zoning districts shall be illustrated on the Zoning Map as follows. Each Base Zoning District shall be shown on the Zoning Map by use of its representative Zoning District symbol, as listed in Table 19.48.020-1 (City of Plymouth Zoning Districts). Each Overlay Zoning District shall be shown on the Zoning Map by use of its representative symbol in conjunction with the Base Zoning District Symbol.
Uncertainty of District Boundaries. If there is uncertainty about the location of any Zoning District boundary shown on the Zoning Map, the precise location of the boundary shall be determined by the Planning Director as listed below:
The boundaries of a Zoning District shall be the parcel lines of real property, unless otherwise shown. Where a district's boundaries approximately follow plot lines, those lines shall be interpreted as the district boundaries.
If a district boundary divides a parcel and the boundary line location is not specified by distances printed on the Zoning Map, the location of the boundary shall be determined by using the scale appearing on the Zoning Map. Except as otherwise provided by this Code through integrated development, each portion of the property shall be developed to the standards and allowed use provisions of the applied Zoning District and any applied overlay zone(s).
Where the street layout on the ground or the parcel lines differs from such layout or lines shown on the Zoning Map, the Planning Director shall determine the exact boundary and the Zoning Map shall be amended to conform to the layout on the ground.
Where a public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the property that was formerly in the street or alley shall be included within the Zoning District of the adjoining property.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)