There is created in the City a Tidelands Advisory Committee, referred to in this chapter as the "Committee."
(Ord. 2009-1083 § 1)
The Committee shall consist of five members and the City Community Development Director as an advisory member who shall not have a vote. All other members of the Commission shall each have one vote.
Quorum. Three voting members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
(Ord. 2009-1083 § 1)
All appointments shall be made in accordance with Chapter 2.18 of this code, and any other applicable City Council policies or determinations. The filling of an unexpired term shall be made in accordance with Chapter 2.18 of this code, and any other applicable City Council policies or determinations.
(Ord. 2009-1083 § 1)
The Committee shall have all of the powers and duties established by ordinances and resolutions, which the City Council may enact.
The Committee may prepare and adopt rules and regulations for the internal government of its business including the selection of a chair and designate the time and place of holding meetings. Those rules shall be consistent with Chapter 2.12 of this code, which is applicable to the Committee.
(Ord. 2009-1083 § 1)
It shall be the duty of the Committee to review all matters involving coastal and tidelands issues referred to committee by resolution of the City Council or by the City Manager or designee. The City Council may delegate particular issues or a general work plan for review and make recommendations within the time limits set out in the referring resolution by the City Council.
(Ord. 2009-1083 § 1)
In connection with referred matters, the recommendation of the Committee shall be advisory only, but such matters shall regularly be submitted to the Committee for approval or disapproval before final action thereon is taken by the City Council, the California Coastal Commission and/or the San Diego Unified Port District.
(Ord. 2009-1083 § 1)
Each report of the Committee on matters referred to it shall, where applicable, refer to the City's Local Coastal Plan, San Diego Unified Port District Master Plan and state whether the matter considered does or does not conform to the applicable plans or to any other rules or regulations then in effect.
(Ord. 2009-1083 § 1)
The terms of office shall be as follows:
Two terms of office shall expire on December 31st of each presidential election year; and
Three terms of office shall expire on December 31st of each even year, excluding the presidential election year.
(Ord. 2009-1083 § 1)