There is established a fee of one dollar, to be collected by the Director of Public Health, for each burial or removal permit required by Division 7, Part 1, Chapter 6 of the Health and Safety Code, provided that this fee shall not be collected in the following cases:
Where any provision of the Health and Safety Code requires the payment of any other fee by the applicant for a burial or removal permit;
Where the permit is required for the burial or removal of a body of a member of the armed forces of the United States who has died while serving in the armed forces beyond the continental limits of the United States or on foreign soil;
Where the cost of burial or removal of a body has been paid or will be paid by the State and the County or the City;
Where any fee has been paid or will be paid pursuant to City ordinance for a burial or removal permit to a health officer acting as a local registrar of any incorporated City which constitutes a primary registration district.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 982 N.S. § 1; prior code §§ 3051—3051.4; Ord. 35 § 1, 1956; Ord. 456 § 10, 1979)