Derivation of Provisions. The provisions of this chapter are derived from San Diego County Ordinance No. 440 (New Series) as adopted by City Ordinance 32. Each section of this chapter carries a note indicating the corresponding section of the County ordinance.
Definitions. In this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
"Cesspools," "septic tanks," and "seepage pits"
include all manner of sewage disposal other than regular sewage disposal plants and systems operated by a political subdivision and holding a valid permit from the State Department of Public Health.
"Health Officer"
means the Health Officer or any sanitary inspector regularly employed by the County Health Department.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 440 N.S. § 5; prior code § 8601)
Whenever any person, firm or corporation not previously registered applies for examination as a septic tank or cesspool cleaner, such examination to be conducted by the County Health Officer as provided in Section 25004 of the Health and Safety Code, he or she shall pay to the Health Officer or duly authorized representative an examination fee of $10.00. In the event the applicant is unsuccessful in such examination, no part of the examination fee shall be returned to the applicant.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 440 N.S. § 1; prior code §§ 8611, 8612)
In addition to the examination fee provided in Section 8.72.020, there is imposed an annual registration fee of $10.00 upon each person, firm or corporation registered as a septic tank or cesspool cleaner under the provision of Chapter 6, Division 20 (Section 25000 et seq.) of the Health and Safety Code. Said registration fee shall be paid to the Health Officer or duly authorized representative and shall be due on the first day of January and delinquent on the first day of February of each year.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 440 N.S. § 2; prior code §§ 8613, 8614)
The Health Officer shall examine all equipment used in processing septic tanks, cesspools and seepage pits owned or under the control of each person registered under the provisions of this chapter at regular intervals not to exceed 90 days after the permit is granted.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 440 N.S. § 3; prior code § 8615)
Whenever a person, firm or corporation cleans a septic tank or cesspool he or she shall notify the Health Officer or duly authorized representative upon the regulation form adopted by the Board of Health. Said form shall contain information such as location of septic tanks, cesspools and seepage pits, location of the disposal field where sewage effluent or other material has been finally disposed of, or any other information which the Board of Health by regulation may require. Said report shall be transmitted to the Department of Public Health at the close of each day.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 440 N.S. § 4; prior code §§ 8621—8623)
All sums received by the Health Officer or duly authorized representative as fees or charges pursuant to this chapter shall be forthwith deposited with the County Treasurer for the use and benefit of the County.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 440 N.S. § 5; prior code § 8624)