All final maps shall conform to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this title and also shall conform to the requirements specified in the action of the City Council approving or conditionally approving the tentative map. All final maps shall be in the form and shall contain and be accompanied by the data specified by the rules and regulations prescribed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.010, 1979)
No final map shall be filed in the office of the County Recorder until approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.020, 1979)
A final map may be filed for a portion of the land encompassed within an approved tentative map, provided the City Council has approved such a filing in its approval of the tentative map.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.030, 1979)
As a condition precedent to the approval by the City Council of any final map, all parcels of land shown thereon, and intended for any public use shall be offered for dedication for public use except those parcels, other than streets, intended for the exclusive use of the lot owners in the subdivision, their licensees, visitors, tenants and servants.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.040, 1979)
In the event that a grant of an open space easement is to be made over any portion of the subdivision, the final map shall contain a certificate signed and acknowledged by those parties having any record title interest in the subdivided land granting such open space easement and stating the conditions of the grant.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.050, 1979)
All final maps or parcel maps approved pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and this title shall be transmitted to the County Recorder for filing within 10 calendar days of such approval, and such time may not be extended.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.060, 1979)
Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, a final map shall be prepared and filed pursuant to an approved tentative map for every major subdivision.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.070, 1979)
In lieu of filing a final map, unless otherwise required by the Subdivision Map Act, a parcel map may be filed pursuant to an approved tentative map when any of the following conditions prevail:
The land before division contains less than five acres, each parcel created by the division abuts upon a maintained public street or highway, and no dedication or improvements are required by the Planning Commission or, in the event of an appeal, the City Council.
The land consists of a parcel or parcels of land having approved access to a public street or highway which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for industrial or commercial development and which has the approval of the Planning Commission or, in the event of an appeal, the City Council as to street alignments and widths and no dedication is required by the Planning Commission or, in the event of an appeal, the City Council.
The form and content of any parcel map of a major subdivision filed pursuant to this section shall be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18.52.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.080, 1979)
In addition to all certificates by the Subdivision Map Act, all final maps shall have the following certificates or endorsements:
A certificate by the County Treasurer and the City Treasurer to the effect that there are no unpaid special assessments or bonds which may be paid in full shown by the records in their offices against the subdivision or any part thereof;
A certificate by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors that the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code have been complied with regarding deposits for taxes on the property within the subdivision;
Approval by the County Recorder of the tract number designation of the subdivision as assigned by the City;
Certificate of the County Recorder as to the recorder as to the recordation of the map;
The approval of the City Attorney as to form;
Certificate of engineer responsible for surveying;
A certificate of the City Engineer stating the following:
He or she has examined the final map,
The subdivision as shown is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map, and any approved alterations thereof, and that it conforms to all conditions of approval of the tentative map,
All provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and of any local ordinances applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map have been complied with, and
He or she is satisfied that the map is technically correct;
A certificate signed by an officer of the City charged with overseeing the City's implementation of CEQA stating the status of the subdivision with regard to CEQA;
Other certificates as are appropriate.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.090, 1979)
Every final map submitted to the City Council shall bear the certificate of a qualified title company that the parties who executed the owner's certificate required by Section 66486 of the Subdivision Map Act are all the parties having any record title interest in the land subdivided. Said certificate shall also set forth the names of the parties owning the interests set forth in Section 66436 of said act together with a description of said interests and the reasons the parties did not execute the owner's certificate.
The City Clerk shall notify the title company making such certificate of the date the final map will be transmitted to the County Recorder. Such notification shall be made at least 48 hours before said date. The title company shall, on said date, present to the County Recorder a letter stating that on said date the names of the parties and the other facts set forth in the title company's certificate were the same as shown by the certificate.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.100, 1979)
In lieu of the title company certificate required by Section 18.40.100, there may be filed with the City Engineer a subdivision guarantee from a qualified title insurance company which guarantees that the parties named therein are the only parties having any record title interest in the land subdivided.
The owner's certificate required by Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act shall bear the signatures of all parties owning any record title interest in the land subdivided except those which have been omitted pursuant to Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act. The names of any parties who own interests described in Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act and who have not signed the owner's certificate together with a description of their respective interests and the reasons why they have not signed the certificate.
The City Clerk shall notify the title company furnishing the subdivision guarantee of the date the final map will be transmitted to the Clerk of the County Board of Supervisors for ultimate transmittal to the County Recorder. Such notification shall be made at least 48 hours before said date. The title company shall, on said date, present to the County Recorder, pursuant to the requirements of Section 66465 of the Subdivision Map Act, a letter stating that at the time of filing of the final or parcel map in the office of the County Recorder, the parties consenting to such filing are all of the parties having a record title interest in the real property being subdivided whose signatures are required by Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code, as shown by the records in the office of the County Recorder.
(Ord. 459 § 16.11.101, 1979)