The parking regulations contained in this chapter are intended to provide space off public streets for automobiles and other vehicles, to prevent traffic congestion, to encourage safe vehicular travel, and to provide for the welfare and convenience of residents and shoppers. This chapter recognizes that adequate off-street parking facilities should be provided in accordance with the type of land use, and the standards set forth in this title should be the minimum required to provide reasonable assurance that the public health, safety, and welfare will be maintained.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
The parking requirements of this chapter shall be observed only for proposed uses or developments requiring site plan review by the City Council or Community Development Director as identified in Chapters 19.26, 19.27, and 19.28, provided that in no case shall the number of existing parking spaces be reduced and that any new and all existing parking spaces shall be permanently available and be permanently maintained for parking purposes.
Cumulative alterations or additions to existing residential structures that are not new dwelling units of up to five hundred square feet, or a combined total (existing square footage plus new square footage) of up to one thousand five hundred square feet, neither of which is exceeded, shall be allowed without providing additional off-street parking as required by this chapter, provided that in no case shall the number of existing off-street parking spaces be reduced and that any new and all existing off-street parking spaces shall be made permanently available and be permanently maintained for parking purposes.
The parking exemption shall not be allowed for multifamily structures where the addition consists of a new bedroom or would be located on a portion of the lot that could otherwise be used for parking, on lots west of Seacoast Drive, and on lots fronting on the east side of Seacoast Drive.
Cumulative alterations or additions greater than five hundred square feet to existing residential structures, that are not new dwelling units, or a combined total (existing square footage plus new square footage) greater than one thousand five hundred square feet, may be allowed without providing additional off-street parking as required by this chapter with the approval of a site plan and design review application by the community development department that demonstrate that there are inadequate side yards or areas to provide the additional parking, that there is no adjacent alley to provide access for the additional parking, and that substitute tandem parking in the driveway will be provided.
(Ord. 94-888; Ord. 2005-1032; Ord. 2007-1052; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
The number of required off-street parking spaces for residential uses shall be as follows:
R-1-6000, R-1-3800, R-3000, and R-3000-D: two spaces per dwelling unit, one hundred percent enclosed;
R-2000 and R-1500: two spaces per dwelling unit, fifty percent enclosed.
(Ord. 94-888, 1994; Ord. 2005-1032; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
For new development or expansion of existing structures designed to accommodate a variety of shops, stores, offices, restaurants, personal convenience services, and athletic and health clubs in the C/MU-1, C/MU-2, and C/MU-3 zones, off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the standard listed in the following table. During site plan review, the City would determine whether the standard for required parking could be reduced based on the types of proposed land uses and existing land use, and the availability of parking (both private and public parking) in the project area. Shared parking shall be permitted and shall only be approved when technical evidence is presented to justify the shared use. The Urban Land Institute Guidebook Shared Parking Second Edition (2005) shall be used as a guideline and supplemented by additional findings, where appropriate.
Zone/Land Use
25% Reduction for Vertical Mixed-Use
Eligible for Waiver for Commercial Uses Less Than 1,000 SF
Eligible for Additional Parking Reduction for Shared Parking
C/MU-1 and C/MU-3
1 space per 500 gross SF of commercial
1 space per 1,000 gross SF of commercial
Multiple-family residential
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Hotel without cooking facilities
1 space per guest room
Hotel with cooking facilities
1.5 spaces per guest room
(Ord. 2012-1130 § 1; Ord. 2013-1140 § 1)
The number of required off-street parking spaces for other residentially oriented uses shall be as follows:
Boarding houses, retirement homes, and clubs having sleeping rooms: two spaces plus one space for each three beds;
Hostels: one space per five beds, plus two total employee spaces;
Mobile home parks, trailer parks: one and one-half spaces for each trailer space;
Hospitals, sanitariums: one and one-half spaces for each bed.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-888; Ord. 2002-986 §§ 9, 10; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
The number of required off-street parking spaces for commercial and other uses shall be as follows:
Automobile service stations: one space for each pump island;
Bowling alleys: two spaces for each lane;
Car washes, self-service or attendant-operated: three spaces for each stall;
Educational institutions: five spaces plus one for each employee;
The following uses require one space for each fifty square feet of net floor area, plus one space per two employees at largest work shift:
Drive-in restaurants, drive-through establishments, and food stands;
The following uses require one space for each seventy-five square feet of net floor area, plus one per two employees at largest work shift:
Establishments for the sale and consumption on the premises of food and beverages (minimum four spaces);
The following uses require one space for each one hundred square feet of net floor area, plus one space per two employees:
Funeral homes,
Sports arenas,
The following uses require one space per each one hundred square feet of net floor area, plus one space per two employees minimum. When a conditional use permit is required for any of these uses, applicant shall provide a report by a qualified civil engineer or other specialist that shows the proposed uses and maximum required parking:
Religious assemblies,
Fraternal organizations (Masons, Moose, Elks, Eagles, etc.),
Service organizations (such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Jaycees, etc.),
Veterans organizations (American Legion, VFW, FRA, Disabled American Veterans, etc.);
All other commercial uses require one space for each five hundred square feet of net floor area;
In the C/MU-1, C/MU-2, and C/MU-3 zones, shared parking or off-site parking within one thousand feet of the project site may be used to satisfy this requirement with the approval of a conditional use permit. Projects in these zones shall be reviewed to determine the suitability and feasibility of implementing one or more transportation demand management strategies that may be approved through a development agreement.
For mixed-use development of multiple-family residential over commercial use, required parking may be reduced by up to twenty-five percent with approval of a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 635 § 3, 1984; Ord. 640 § 1, 1984; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 94-888 § 3; Ord. 2001-960 § 19; Ord. 2005-1032 § 3; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1; Ord. 2013-1140 § 1)
Where parking requirements for a use are not specifically defined in this chapter, the parking requirements for such use shall be determined by the Community Development Department, subject to approval by the City Council. Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified in this chapter or professionally accepted standards.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
Where computation of required off-street parking results in a fractional requirement, the requirement shall be calculated as follows:
If the fraction is one-half or more, it shall be calculated as one space;
If the fraction is less than one-half, it shall be disregarded.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
Each parking space shall be not less than eight and one-half feet in width, eighteen feet in length, and seven feet in height, except as follows:
Alley Spaces. Off-street parking spaces aligned perpendicular to an alley and accessing directly off an alley such that the alley is used for back-out shall be a minimum of twenty-two feet in length.
Parallel Spaces. Parallel spaces are those located parallel to a property line, accessway, building, or structure in such manner that a vehicle occupying the space must maneuver from a parallel position to the parking space. Parallel spaces shall not be less than twenty-two feet in length by eight feet in width.
Each parking space adjoining a wall, column, or other obstruction higher than 0.75 feet shall be increased by one foot on each obstructed side.
Disabled parking requirements as established under State law and the California Building Code shall be satisfied.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 635 § 4, 1984; Ord. 690 § 13, 1986; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
No parking area in a C/MU-1, C/MU-2, or C/MU-3 zone shall be located so as to require or encourage the backing of automobiles or other vehicles across any street lot line to effect egress from the place of parking.
Parking areas in R zones shall meet the following standard:
Where properties abut both an alley and a street designed as a collector, major, or prime arterial, no new street curb cuts or parking layouts requiring backing into the street shall be allowed;
Where properties abut both a collector, major, or prime arterial and a local street, access shall be taken only from the local street;
Properties abutting both an alley and residential street shall take access from the alley with the exception that one sixteen-foot-wide curb cut allowing no more than two vehicles to back into the street may be allowed.
Each parking space shall be provided with adequate ingress and egress to a public street or alley. "Adequate ingress and egress" means a driveway meeting the following conditions:
Minimum width of nine feet;
Surfaced as required in this chapter;
No part included in the area of a required parking space;
Minimum width of driveway serving more than two dwelling units or a commercial use shall be twelve feet;
Minimum width of driveway providing two-way access shall be eighteen feet;
Minimum width of driveway providing two-way access to a parking area serving nine or fewer spaces on a fifty-foot-wide or smaller lot shall be twelve feet, when the parking area is not between a structure and a street subject to site plan approval by the Community Development Department;
Any driveway also used for back-out and maneuvering for adjacent parking shall provide a width required under subsection D of this section.
The free-and-clear back-out and turning radius from a parking space to a drive aisle shall be no less than twenty-four feet.
All accessways shall be kept free and clear of any obstructions for a height of not less than seven feet.
Notwithstanding lesser setback requirements or other provisions of this title, the minimum distance from the street lot line to the door of a garage or the entrance of a carport shall be twenty feet where the garage or the entrance of a carport faces the street and the driveway is perpendicular to the street; this setback distance may be reduced to fifteen feet subject to site plan and design review approval by the Community Development Department.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 690 § 13, 1983; Ord. 628 § 1, 1984; Ord. 635 § 5, 1984; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2005-132 § 5; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
Off-street parking facilities shall be located as follows:
Same Building Site. Required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot they are required to serve.
Tandem Parking. Every required parking space shall have unrestricted ingress and egress that does not require the moving of another vehicle. This restriction may be modified by the Community Development Department for those projects subject to Section 19.48.020(C).
Angle Parking. Where required parking spaces are located at an angle to the required access way of greater or less than ninety degrees, the one-way drive aisle width for a sixty-degree angle shall be eighteen feet, for a forty-fivedegree angle, thirteen feet six inches, and for a thirty-degree angle, twelve feet.
The minimum two-way aisle width shall be twenty-four feet in all cases.
Commercial Parking. Required off-street parking facilities serving commercial or mixed commercial-residential buildings or uses may be located in any part of a lot except within five feet of any street lot line.
Residential Dwellings. Required off-street parking facilities serving dwelling units shall be located as follows:
Unenclosed and uncovered parking spaces shall be permitted in any portion of a lot, except the required front yard of any lot (in any case not within fifteen feet of the front property line) and the required street side yard of a corner or reversed corner lot. This restriction may be modified by site plan/design review approval pursuant to Section 19.48.020(C). Any parking enclosure or cover shall respect structural yard requirements as established under this title.
No parking area, the location of which is not regulated by the requirements enumerated in this section, shall be located any closer than three feet from any side property line except for parking in a rear yard accessing off an alley.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 635 § 6, 1984; Ord. 690 §§ 14, 15, 1986; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2005-1032 § 5; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
All parking spaces, parking areas, and driveways shall be surfaced with Portland cement concrete on a suitable base as determined by the building official or may be surfaced with alternative paving materials approved by the Community Development Department such as, but not limited to, turf pavers, ribbon driveways, and pervious concrete. Urban runoff from imperviously surfaced driveways and parking areas shall be designed to drain toward approved biofiltration areas or media filtration mechanisms. Parking spaces and parking areas shall be part of or adjacent to the paved driveway. Parking off a paved driveway, on lawns or on unpaved areas, shall not be allowed.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 98-931 § 9; Ord. 98-933 § 4; Ord. 2005-1032 § 5; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
Each parking space shall be clearly marked and striped with paint or other more durable materials, contrasting in color with the surface to which it is applied, so as to delineate the boundaries of such space. Markings shall not be required where the boundaries are evident because of curbs, termination of paving, or similar reasons.
Parking spaces serving multiple-family buildings (more than two dwelling units) shall be marked with the apartment number (or other designation) of each dwelling unit, so that each dwelling unit is assigned a parking space. Additional parking spaces, required or optional, need not be marked.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2005-1032 § 5; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
All parking spaces abutting buildings or structures, or located so that access and egress are provided from one direction, shall be provided with concrete curb or bumper, or its equivalent, at least six inches in height. Bumpers shall be located not more than three feet from the front edge of the parking space. Bumpers shall be adequately anchored to the ground.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
Where parking areas abut property zones for residential uses they shall be separated from such property by a solid fence, wall, or building six feet in height, provided that in the required front yard the fence or wall shall not exceed four feet in height.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
For landscaping provisions applicable to off-street parking, see Chapter 19.50.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 635 § 7, 1984; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
All outdoor lighting for parking areas shall be so shaded and adjusted that light therefrom is directed to fall only on the same premises where such light source is located.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
No required parking spaces shall be used for storage of refuse and recycling containers.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
Any area regularly used for the parking of vehicles shall be developed, improved, and maintained in the same manner as required parking areas.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)