[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Birnamwood by Ord. No. 11-11-01; amended 11-23-2020 . Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to define the operation of snowmobiles within the Village of Birnamwood.
No person shall operate a snowmobile, unless expressly authorized, upon any public right-of-way, in any public park, in any cemetery, or on any other public municipal property in the Village except as follows.
The intent of this chapter is to provide a means for a person to travel from a residence and lodging establishment within the Village limits for the shortest distance that is necessary for a person to operate a snowmobile to the snowmobile route or trail that is closest to that residence or lodging establishment. It shall be the person's responsibility to determine the shortest route.
No person shall operate a snowmobile on any Village street in excess of 15 miles per hour.
This chapter may be enforced by any law enforcement officer authorized to enforce laws of the State of Wisconsin, Shawano and Marathon Counties, and the Village of Birnamwood. The penalties under § 350.11, Wis. Stats., are adopted by reference.
This chapter is in effect as of the adoption date by the Village Board, Village of Birnamwood. The chapter can be suspended or revoked by the Village Board at any time.