No person, business or enterprise shall fail to comply with each and every term, condition and restriction specified or incorporated in any license, permit, approval or other entitlement that is issued pursuant to the provisions of this code.
This section shall apply to any person, business or enterprise, whether or not the person, business or enterprise was the original applicant for the license, permit, approval or other entitlement, and whether or not the person, business or enterprise is the owner, lessee, agent or employee, if the person, business or enterprise has notice of the terms and conditions of the license, permit, approval or other entitlement.
(Ord. 1608 § 1, 2015)
A violation of Section 1.18.010 may be prosecuted as an infraction or a misdemeanor in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.04.025 of this code, or alternatively, an administrative citation may be issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.15 of this code. In addition, or as a further alternative, the city may pursue any form of administrative remedy, civil action or other judicial relief against a person, business or enterprise violating Section 1.18.010.
(Ord. 1608 § 1, 2015)