This zone is intended for low-density, single-family residential areas, which will provide a suitable environment for family life for residents. The zone is intended to provide a quiet living environment free from rooming and boarding houses, commercial and industrial activities, and, to the greatest degree possible, free from other than local vehicular traffic. All new development in this zone shall be compatible with the immediate residential neighborhood with respect to scale, mass and height. The purpose of this zone is to allow low-profile, single-family residences that preserve existing public and private views and minimize building mass and bulk in a manner that is sensitive to their terrain and to environmental constraints.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 969 § 2, 1979; Ord. 1187 § 3(3), 1989; Ord. 1353 § 2, 1999)
Buildings, structures and land shall be used and buildings and structures shall hereafter be erected, designed, structurally altered or enlarged only for the following purposes:
Single-family dwelling except those devoted to time-share use;
Child care, subject to the standards in Chapter 25.08;
Guest house or guest room, subject to the following conditions:
The lot contains not less than seven thousand square feet,
There is not more than one guest house or one guest room on any one lot,
There is no kitchen within such guest house or guest room,
The floor area of the guest house is not in excess of three hundred square feet,
Such guest house or room is used by the occupants of the main building or their guests or servants and is not rented, let or hired out whether the compensation for hire is paid directly or indirectly in money, goods, wares or merchandise,
Such guest house shall utilize the same vehicular access as serves the main dwelling unit;
Home occupations subject to the standards in Chapter 25.08;
Public parks, playgrounds and beaches, and such recreation, refreshment and service buildings as are purely accessory, and incidental thereto;
Mobilehomes and factory built housing not meeting Uniform Building Code standards (subject to downtown specific plan Ch. 25.40 herein and located only where specified in the housing element of the general plan of Laguna Beach, and not being subject to lot design and setback requirements unless required pursuant to design review deliberations);
Residential care facility, small licensed, subject to: (1) no outdoor smoking, (2) fire and building code inspection and compliance, and (3) maximum occupancy of six persons; and
Residential housing, special needs.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 454, 1960; Ord. 969 § 2, 1979; Ord. 988 § 2, 1980; Ord. 1008 §§ 1, 2, 1981; Ord. 1187 § 3(3), 1989; Ord. 1550 § 5, 2011; Ord. 1575 § 5, 2013; Ord. 1666 § 2, 2021; Ord. 1687 § 4, 2023)
The following uses may be permitted subject to the granting of an administrative use permit as provided for in Section 25.05.020:
Family day care home, large, subject to the following standards:
The operator of the facility must be licensed pursuant to Chapter 3.5 or 3.6 of the California Health and Safety Code;
A business license shall be obtained in accordance with Chapter 5.08, Business Licenses;
No signs identifying the day care facility are permitted other than those permitted pursuant to Section 25.54.010;
Parking shall be in compliance with Chapter 25.52;
Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between seven a.m. and seven p.m.;
Outdoor play for children shall not begin before nine-thirty a.m.;
The facility shall comply with State Fire Marshal fire and life safety standards.
Parking or storage of recreational vehicles (meaning any travel trailer, boat, camper, motor home, van, travel and utility trailer or converted bus) that is more than twenty feet in length and more than six feet in height, subject to the following:
The vehicle shall be owned by the owner of the property or the tenant who is the primary resident of the property.
The outdoor parking of such vehicles shall not be closer than five feet to a property line, shall not be parked in the front or side yards and shall be located on a paved, or any other stable, all-weather surface approved by the director of community development.
The vehicle shall not be connected to electricity, sewer or water.
The vehicle shall not be used, either temporarily or permanently, for sleeping or living purposes.
The vehicle shall not be used for storage of goods, materials or equipment other than those that constitute part of the unit or are essential for its immediate use.
The vehicle shall be in operable condition.
The vehicle shall be effectively screened from a public right-of-way and/or adjacent residences with fencing and/or landscaping to the maximum extent allowed under the zoning regulations.
All vehicles being parked or stored as of the effective date of this subsection and not conforming to the provisions hereof shall within three months after receiving appropriate notice from the community development department, either obtain approval of an administrative use permit or cause the vehicle to be removed from the property.
(Ord. 1088 § 6, 1985; Ord. 1474 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1529 § 1, 2010; Ord. 1651 § 2, 2020)
The following uses may be permitted subject to the granting of a conditional use permit as provided for in Section 25.05.030 of this title:
Recreation facilities, municipal and public;
Horse stables;
Nursery school;
Planned residential development (the conditional use permit must be approved by the city council after the planning commission makes a recommendation regarding the project. A subdivision proposal shall be processed in conjunction with the conditional use permit application for the planned residential development);
Public and private schools;
Utility substation; and
Such other uses as the planning commission may deem, after a public hearing, to be consistent with the intent and purpose of this zoning district and similar to and no more obnoxious or detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, than other permitted uses.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 525, 1963; Ord. 942 § 2, 1978; Ord. 969 § 2, 1979; Ord. 992 § 4, 1981; Ord. 1187 § 3(3), 1989; Ord. 1303 § 4, 1995; Ord. 1320 § 3, 1996; Ord. 1353 § 2, 1999; Ord. 1529 § 1, 2010; Ord. 1550 § 6, 2011; Ord. 1575 § 6, 2013)
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and structures in the R-1 zone:
Lot Area. Each lot shall have a minimum area of six thousand square feet. Also see (K) of this section modified minimum lot area and minimum population density standards.
Lot Dimensions.
Width—Each lot shall have a minimum width of seventy feet;
Exception: Cul-de-sac lots shall have a minimum lot width at the front property line of forty feet,
Depth—Each lot shall have a minimum depth of eighty feet.
Population Density. There shall be a minimum of six thousand square feet of lot area for each dwelling unit; provided, however, that, subject to the conditional use permit provisions of Section 25.05.030, there shall be no more than one dwelling on any one lot. Also see (K) of this section:
Building Height.
No new building, additions to existing buildings or structures in this zone shall have a height greater than permitted under the following table when measured from the finished or natural grade, whichever is more restrictive:
Slope in Percent
Height Permitted
(in feet)
0 to 15
20 and over
Through Lots. On a through lot, height shall be measured from the higher curb or street centerline.
In addition to (D)(1) above, building height shall be limited to the following:
Rear Lot Line Above Street
(slope in percent)
Height Permitted Above Rear Lot Line
(in feet)
0 to 5
5+ to 10
Over 10
Through Lot
(slope in percent)
Height Permitted Above Upper Curb Elevation
(in feet)
0 to 5
5+ to 10
10+ to 15
15+ to 20
Over 20
Rear Lot Line Below Street
(slope in percent)
Height Permitted Above Curb Elevation
(in feet)
0 to 5
5+ to 10
10+ to 15
15+ to 20
Over 20
Note: Building Height to Front Yards: See Section 25.50.004(D) for further height restrictions in relation to yard requirements.
Note: Special Standards: See Section 25.10.010 for specified areas with special height standards.
The city council, when the planning commission deems it necessary and desirable due to special topographic or other localized conditions, may, by ordinance, establish special building height standards for a specified area within the R-1 zoning district more restrictive than the standards set forth in this subsection.
General Provisions.
The general provisions of Chapter 25.50 shall apply.
Schools, churches, country clubs and other nonresidential uses shall observe yards no less than twenty feet from all property lines. Yard areas in excess of the above may be required under the conditional use permit provisions of this title.
The maximum lot area which may be occupied by habitable enclosed building space and covered off-street parking shall depend on lot size. For lots four thousand square feet and under, site coverage shall not exceed forty-four percent and for lots eight thousand square feet and over, site coverage shall not exceed thirty-five percent. The maximum site coverage percentage permissible on any residential lot shall be calculated using the following formula:
Building Site Coverage (%)
=  35  +
(8,000-A) x 9
Where A = lot area (square feet)
For example, if the lot area is six thousand six hundred twenty-five square feet, the maximum allowable building site coverage would be calculated as follows:
Lot Area (A) = 6.625 square feet
Building Site Coverage (%)
=  35  +
(8,000-A) x 9
=  35  +
(1,375) x 9
=  35  +
BSC (%) = 38.09
The building site coverage requirement shall only be modified by the design review board when it is necessary to preserve views, preserve privacy, reduce heights or to maintain neighborhood development patterns.
Front Yard.
Each lot shall maintain a front yard or front yards of not less than twenty feet. Front yards shall not be used for accessory buildings, clotheslines, air conditioning or pool equipment, the storage of trailers, boats, campers, or other materials, or the regular or constant parking of automobiles or other vehicles.
Side Yard.
The width of each side yard shall be not less than ten percent of the average lot width, but in no case less than three feet; except that when the average lot width is forty feet or greater, no side yard shall be less than four feet.
On triangular, gore-shaped or irregular lots, side yards shall be ten percent of the lot width at any point, with a minimum of three feet.
Side yards shall not be used for accessory buildings, clotheslines, air conditioning or pool equipment, the storage of trailers, boats, campers or other materials, or the regular or constant parking of automobiles or other vehicles, except for the required additional parking space when approved by the Design Review Board in accordance with Section 25.52.012(f).
The side yard setback requirement may be increased by the design review board if it is determined that it is inadequate due to existing development patterns in the surrounding area.
Accessory Buildings in Side Yards. Except as provided for in Section 25.50.004(F)(3), accessory buildings shall maintain a side yard of the same width as required of the main building.
Rear Yard.
Each lot shall maintain a rear yard of not less than twenty feet, except as noted in Section 25.50.008(E). The rear yard requirement may be increased to twenty-five feet by the design review board when it is determined that existing development patterns in the surrounding area (such as in South Laguna) have existing rear yards greater than twenty feet.
In the case of an irregular, triangular or gore-shaped lot, the required setback shall be measured from a rear lot line established as a line within the lot, ten feet long, parallel to and at a maximum distance from the front lot line. A lot which is bounded on all sides by streets may have no rear lot line.
Accessory Buildings in Rear Yards. A detached garage or carport located in a rear yard abutting an alley and which garage can be entered by vehicle from the alley must maintain a setback of twenty-five feet from the opposite side of the alley, but in no case shall such a garage or carport be closer than five feet to the rear lot line.
Fences, Hedges and Walls. The provisions of Section 25.50.012 shall apply.
Space Between Buildings. The provisions of Section 25.50.014 shall apply.
Access. The provisions of Chapter 25.53 shall apply.
Signs. The provisions of Chapter 25.54 shall apply.
Off-street Parking. The provisions of Chapter 25.52 shall apply.
Modified Minimum Lot Area and Maximum Population Density Standards.
The minimum lot area and maximum population density as set forth in this section have been modified where, on the official zone map, a number greater than six thousand follows and is connected with a hyphen with the zone symbol. Such number shall designate the minimum lot area required in square feet.
Where a number less than one hundred and the word "acre" or "acres" follows and is connected with a hyphen with the zone symbol, such number shall designate the minimum allowable acreage of the lot.
Design Review. Structures, physical improvements, and site developments shall be subject to the provisions of Section 25.05.040.
Residential Compatibility. All new development shall be compatible with the immediate residential neighborhood with respect to scale, mass and height.
Community Design and Landscape Guidelines. Where applicable, landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the community design and landscape guidelines as adopted by Resolution No. 89-104 or as amended thereafter.
Landscaped Open Space Requirement. All new homes or major remodels shall provide the following minimum ground-to-sky landscaped open space or landscaped area, depending on the lot size:
Lot Area
Required Minimum Landscaped Area
2,500 sq. ft. or less
2,500 to 14,500 sq. ft.
Percentage based on the following formula:
15% + [((A—2500) x 20) / 12,000] Where A = lot size in sq. ft.
14,500 sq. ft. and over
Landscaped open area or landscaped area shall be any combination of living plants (such as grass, ground cover, shrubs, vines, hedges or trees). To qualify as part of the required landscaped area there must be a minimum dimension of three-feet. The landscaped area may be located anywhere within the lot, including the buildable or setback areas. A major remodel is a structural renovation and/or addition, which equals or exceeds fifty percent of the original gross floor area of the structure on the lot.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 431, 1958; Ord. 437, 1959; Ord. 525, 1963; Ord. 622, 1969; Ord. 632, 1969; Ord. 641, 1970; Ord. 721, 1972; Ord. 724, 1972; Ord. 832 §§ 2, 3, 1975; Ord. 845 § 1, 1975; Ord. 859 § 1, 1976; Ord. 898 § 1, 1977; Ord. 969 § 2, 1979; Ord. 983 § 1, 1980; Ord. 1187 § 3(3), 1989; Ord. 1223 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1354 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1416 §§ 7, 8, 2002; Ord. 1475 § 1, 2007)
Pursuant to subsection (D)(6) of Section 25.10.008 of this chapter, the planning commission having deemed it necessary and desirable due to special topographic or other localized conditions, special building height standards are established for that certain area specified as follows: Tracts 4623, 5509, 6721, and those lands generally located between Skyline Drive and Park Avenue in the city as depicted on the map labeled Exhibit A and incorporated in this section by reference; excepting therefrom Tracts 825, 1018, 5800, 9854, Parcel Map 64-11, Lots 29-37 of Tract 2904, portion of Section 19, Township 7 South, Range 8 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian and Parcel Map 85-34 (six foot limit previously established).
The special building height standards established for said area are as follows: Notwithstanding the building height provisions of Section 25.10.008(D) of this code, no building or structure shall have a height greater than fourteen feet above the mean front curb height.
Boundary of Special Height Limit
(Ord. 983 § 2, 1980)