This zone is intended for low-density, single-family residential development within the Lagunita community. Its purpose is to preserve existing ocean views and privacy through residential development that maintains both the community's terraced roofline profile and compatibility with the immediate residential neighborhood with regard to mass, scale, and height.
(Ord. 1411 § 1, 2002)
This chapter shall only regulate that portion of the city commonly referred to as "Lagunita." The specific area shall include all of those lands located within Tract No. 1017 unit one of Lagunita in the County of Orange, Tract No. 1030 in the County of Orange, State of California and Parcel Map P.M. 105-48. The Lagunita Zone is depicted on the map labeled Exhibit "A," inclusive of Lots 1 through 64, set out at the end of this chapter.
(Ord. 1411 § 1, 2002)
Buildings, structures and land in the Lagunita Zone shall be used, and buildings and structures shall hereafter be erected, designed, structurally altered or enlarged only for the following purposes:
Single-family dwelling;
Child care (family day care home, small) subject to the standards in Chapter 25.08; and
Residential care facility, small licensed.
(Ord. 1411 § 1, 2002; Ord. 1550 § 17, 2011; Ord. 1575 § 17, 2013)
The following may be permitted subject to the granting of an administrative use permit as provided for in Section 25.05.020.
Family day care home, large, subject to the following standards:
The operator of the facility must be licensed pursuant to Chapter 3.5 or 3.6 of the State Health and Safety Code;
A business license shall be obtained in accordance with Chapter 5.08, Business Licenses;
No signs identifying the day care facility are permitted other than those permitted pursuant to Section 25.54.010;
Parking shall be in compliance with Chapter 25.52;
Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between seven a.m. and seven p.m.;
Outdoor play for children shall not begin before nine-thirty a.m.;
The facility shall comply with the State Fire Marshal fire and life safety standards.
(Ord. 1411 § 1, 2002)
The development standards as set forth in the R-1 Residential Low Density Zone shall apply in the Lagunita Zone with the exception of the following:
General Provisions.
The general provisions of Chapter 25.50 shall apply except where noted in this chapter.
Front Yard.
The front yard setback for the Lagunita Zone shall be the same as the R-1 Zone, but in no case less than seven feet.
Side Yard.
The side yard setbacks for the Lagunita Zone shall be the same as the R-1 Zone, but in no case less than seven feet on each side.
Rear Yard.
The rear yard setback for the Lagunita Zone shall be the same as the R-1 Zone, but in no case less than twenty feet.
Additional Building Setbacks.
All additional building setbacks as set forth in Section 25.50.004(D) shall apply.
Building Height Standards.
No new building or additions to existing buildings or structures in the Lagunita Zone shall have a height greater than the height limit indicated on Exhibit "A." For Lots 2 through 51 height shall be measured from the highest point of the curb adjacent to the street at the front of the property. For Lot 1 and Lots 52 through 64, the maximum allowable building height shall be the same as permitted under the property development standards for the R-1 Zone, Section 25.10.008(D).
For "lot, through" as defined in Section 25.08.022, the maximum allowable building height shall be measured from the highest point of curb adjacent to the street with the higher elevation.
Design Review.
Intent and Purpose. The intent and purpose of this section is to establish design review standards and controls over private development in the Lagunita residential community. It is recognized that there are unique design aspects inherent in the Lagunita community that need to be preserved and enhanced, particularly with respect to preserving existing views and view corridors. The design criteria, as established herein, shall be utilized for all projects proposed within the Lagunita Zone. Prior to any discretionary review by the city, the Lagunita Community Association shall conduct its own project review. The Association will submit a letter of comment to the city for its consideration prior to the design review board's review of the applicant's plans. The adoption of these design criteria will guide and ensure that all future growth contributes to preservation of the Lagunita community character.
All buildings, structures, and improvements shall be evaluated on the criteria in Section 25.05.040, and on the following additional view preservation criteria: a prime consideration for the design review board in reviewing development applications including its landscaping shall be the maintenance of views and view corridors. For purposes of this chapter, a "view corridor" shall be defined as a vista or scenic field of vision enjoyed from a residence between and/or above other structures or buildings. Property development standards for the Lagunita Zone shall represent the maximum allowable building envelope. The actual development allowed might be less than that designated by the general standards for the Lagunita Zone because of localized conditions identified during the design review process.
(Ord. 1411 § 1, 2002)