This zone provides for public, quasipublic and private institutional facilities. The uses permitted in this zone shall be oriented to provide public benefits. These designated uses may be established in response to the health, safety, educational, public service and cultural needs of the community.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(7), 1989)
All uses in this zone shall require a conditional use permit due to the potential impacts of institutional uses on adjacent properties and uses. The following uses may be permitted subject to the granting of a conditional use permit as provided for in Section 25.05.030.
Civic and government buildings;
Educational institutions;
Public/private parks and playgrounds;
Residential housing, special needs;
Child care, preschools and nursery schools;
Hospitals and related medical uses;
Medical or dental offices and clinics;
Public utility buildings and structures;
Extended care facilities;
Philanthropic and charitable institutions other than those of a correctional nature; and
Other uses the planning commission deems, after conducting a public hearing, to be similar to and no more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the neighborhood than any use listed above.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(7), 1989; Ord. 1320 § 3, 1996; Ord. 1550 § 19, 2011; Ord. 1575 § 19, 2013)
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and structures in this zone.
Lot Area. Each lot shall have a minimum of two and one-half acres.
Lot Dimensions. No requirements.
Yard Area, Building Setback and Building Site Coverage Standards.
The general provisions of Chapter 25.50 shall apply, except as modified herein.
Front Yards. Each lot shall maintain a front yard of not less than twenty-five feet, except that at least forty feet shall be provided from Laguna Canyon Road and Coast Highway. See additional building setback requirements in Section 25.50.004(D) of this title.
Side Yards. Each lot shall maintain side yards, each of which shall be at least ten percent of the average lot width. On triangular, gore-shaped or irregular lots, side yards shall be ten percent of the lot width at any point with a minimum of four feet.
Rear Yard. Each lot shall maintain a rear yard of not less than thirty feet.
Building Site Coverage. The maximum coverage shall not exceed thirty-five percent.
Building Height Standards.
The maximum overall height of any building (per the building height definition in Municipal Code Section 25.08.016) shall not exceed thirty-six feet, including parking garage floor levels with access ramps located outside the structure's ground floor footprint. This thirty-six-foot height limit shall include roof chimneys, vents, mechanical equipment, mechanical enclosure, elevator shafts, stairways and other such structural elements required for the operation of the building. Per the building height definition, subterranean floors are exempt from the height measurement limit.
Notwithstanding the front lot line definition and exception process of Section 25.08.022, the front lot line shall be the property line abutting the most primary or highest capacity road classification.
Parking Standards. The provisions of Chapter 25.52 shall apply, except that setbacks for parking lots shall be as follows: ten feet from ultimate right-of-way, sidewalk, alley or adjacent building; twenty-five feet from Coast Highway, Laguna Canyon Road or adjacent residential area.
Access and Improvement Standards. The provisions of Chapter 25.53 shall apply.
Signs. The provisions of Chapter 25.54 shall apply.
Trash and Outdoor Storage Areas. Areas for trash or outdoor storage shall be provided for each use, and such areas shall be enclosed and architecturally screened in such a manner as to conceal all trash or stored material from public view.
Loading. All loading and unloading shall be performed on the site and shall be screened. Such operations shall be limited to the hours between seven a.m. and seven p.m., except for urgent care or emergency deliveries.
Exterior Lighting (public utility lighting is exempt from these standards).
Lighting fixtures shall be limited to a maximum height of twelve feet. All exterior lighting (except for security lighting) shall not be illuminated when facilities are closed.
All lighting shall be designed and located so as to confine direct rays to premises.
Landscaping. Landscaping as required, shall be in accordance with the community design and landscape guidelines as adopted by Resolution No. 89-104 or as amended thereafter.
Design Review. All buildings, structures and improvements are subject to design review as provided in Section 25.05.040.
All other applicable sections of Title 25 shall apply, except as modified in this chapter.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(7), 1989; Ord. 1489 § 6, 2008)
Areas within the institutional zone are usually located in close proximity to residential areas and frequently share a functional and/or visual relationship with these areas. It is therefore necessary for special emphasis to be placed on the design and orientation of development to ensure the preservation of the character and integrity of the surrounding residential areas. The following design criteria shall be used for the purpose of evaluating the development proposals and shall supplement other design criteria used by the design review board:
The height, scale, mass and bulk of buildings shall not be overbearing in relation to nearby residential structures and the building design shall take into account the scale of adjacent residential development. Potential view impediments shall also be considered.
All noise-producing equipment such as compressors, heating and air-conditioning units shall be insulated or enclosed so that they do not adversely impact adjacent properties.
Landscaping shall be utilized and designed to enhance the compatibility of existing and new facilities with nearby residential areas, in accordance with the community design and landscape guidelines.
All other structures and improvements associated with the primary building(s), such as parking facilities, traffic circulation, light standards and other ancillary features, shall be designed to avoid interference with any residential environment.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(7), 1989)