Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 1151, 1206, 1213 and 1223.
The provisions of this chapter have been established to ensure that adequate off-street parking is provided to meet the parking needs of uses located within the city.
(Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1472 § 1, 2007)
Minimum Requirements. The parking requirements established are to be considered as the minimum necessary for such uses permitted within the respective zones and where discretionary permits are required. These requirements may be increased upon determination that the parking standards are inadequate for a specific project because that project requires an intense parking demand including, but not limited to, increased use of employees or operational standards. The submission of operational information of a proposed use, such as the number of employees for shifts, when the greatest number of employees is on duty, the hours of operation and the amount of area devoted to particular uses shall be submitted with all conditional use permit applications. These requirements may be decreased subject to the provisions of Section 25.52.006(G).
Location of Parking.
Required parking spaces for residential uses shall be located on the same building site and shall be directly accessible from a street or alley improved to subdivision standards or from a usable vehicular right-of-way of record.
Required parking spaces for nonresidential uses, including hotels, shall be provided on-site unless approved according to Subsection 25.52.006(H) regarding off-site parking.
Property within the right-of-way of a street (either public or private) shall not be used to provide the minimum parking requirements or loading facilities.
Accessibility and Usability.
All required parking spaces for commercial and industrial uses shall be designed and maintained so as to be fully and independently usable and accessible during hours of operation. Required parking areas, including residential parking, shall not be used for any purpose which would preclude the use of the area for the parking of motor vehicles. The storage of materials, motor vehicles for sale, recreational vehicles, wrecked or inoperable vehicles or the repair of vehicles in areas designated for off-street parking is prohibited.
No required parking area or parking space shall be eliminated, reduced or converted in any manner unless equivalent facilities approved by the city are provided elsewhere in conformity with this chapter.
Parking Spaces for the Physically Handicapped. Handicapped parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements set forth in the state building code and other applicable laws and regulations and shall be counted in fulfilling parking requirements.
Intensification of Use.
When a new building is constructed or when a major remodel is proposed, or a use is changed to a use which has a greater parking requirement, or when the floor area of an existing building is enlarged, then the property owner or applicant shall provide parking or purchase in-lieu parking certificates equivalent to the number of parking spaces required by current parking regulations (up to the maximum allowed in Section 25.52.006(E) for the proposed use having a greater parking requirement, or for the entire building which is enlarged less credit for the following:
The actual number of parking spaces provided on-site, if any;
The number of any parking credits granted as described in Section 25.52.006(G);
The number of previously paid for in-lieu parking certificates for the subject premises, if any; and
The number of parking spaces that would have been required by the parking regulations in effect in 1958 for the use currently existing on the property, if the building was built prior to that time, minus the actual number of parking spaces provided on-site, if any.
When an enlargement results in the creation of no more than ten percent additional square footage of floor area and does not exceed five hundred square feet, additional parking shall be required for the enlarged area only.
When an intensification of use is proposed, and when such use and/or building is a portion of a larger premises for which parking spaces are already provided and/or in-lieu parking certificates have been issued and paid for, then any credit for such parking and/or certificates shall be allocated proportionately on a gross square footage basis.
In-lieu parking certificates, referenced above, are allowed only as described in Section 25.52.006(E), Special parking districts—In-lieu parking certificates.
(Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1434 § 10, 2003; Ord. 1472 § 1 (Exh. A), 2007; Ord. 1485 § 9, 2008; Ord. 1501 § 1, 2009; Ord. 1652 § 2, 2021; Ord. 1657 § 2, 2021)
Common Parking Areas. Common parking facilities may be provided to satisfy the on-site requirements contained herein if the sum of the spaces in the common facility equals the sum of the spaces required for the individual developments/uses, subject to the following minimum conditions:
A parking allocation plan shall be approved by the approval authority showing all common parking areas and shall be kept on file in the department of community development.
Where more than one business occurs and common parking areas are utilized, each business must have access to its proportional allotment of the spaces, i.e., no allocation or validation program will be allowed which prevents any tenant from the use of his or her proportionate allocation of parking.
A reciprocal parking easement in a form satisfactory to the city shall be executed by the parties involved and by the owner of the property where the parking spaces are located and shall be kept on file in the department of community development. Such agreement shall ensure the continued availability of the number of spaces allocated to each use.
Joint Use of Parking Spaces. Two or more uses with different hours of operation may utilize the same parking spaces to satisfy their respective parking requirements subject to the granting of a conditional use permit and the following minimum conditions:
There shall be no conflict or overlap between the hours of operation for each use utilizing the same parking spaces;
A parking allocation plan showing all jointly used parking shall be submitted prior to approval of the conditional use permit by the approval authority and shall be kept on file in the department of community development;
A reciprocal parking easement in a form satisfactory to the city shall be executed by the parties involved and by the owner of the property where the spaces are located and shall be kept on file in the department of community development. Such agreement shall ensure the continued availability of the number of spaces designated for joint use at the periods of time indicated;
Non-required parking spaces leased by an existing business at an off-site location for use by customers and/or employees of that business that does not conflict with the business hours of the uses, if any, located at the off-site location shall be exempt from these provisions.
Shared Parking. A reduction from parking space requirements as specified in Section 25.52.012, may be allowed for certain mixed use developments which have different peak hours of operation or intensity of use subject to the granting of a conditional use permit and the following minimum conditions:
A shared parking study prepared by a licensed traffic engineer with experience in performing shared parking studies shall be submitted which demonstrates that the development will result in a more efficient use of proposed or provided parking because the combined peak parking demand is less than the normal standards due to different, offsetting parking activity or intensity patterns of the businesses in the development, or there is a relationship among the uses that results in the attraction of patrons or customers to two or more uses with a single auto trip to the development.
A shared parking allocation plan showing all shared parking shall be submitted as part of the conditional use permit application. The number of spaces required for an approved shared parking plan shall be based on the number of spaces estimated to be the combined use peak parking demand. In addition, a well balanced mixture of uses within the development must be demonstrated.
Valet Parking. Valet parking on a lot, whether proposed on-site or off-site to fulfill parking requirements, or off-site for non-required parking requirements, requires approval of a conditional use permit. The application shall include a parking plan and program providing the following minimum information:
Parking space layout, dimension of spaces, drive aisles and valet routes (if the proposed parking is located off-site). Parking lot layout and drive aisle widths shall be subject to review and approval by the fire department;
Operation information of the lot including whether the valet parking is for the use of employees or customers, including the number of the employees, shift hours and hours that the parking lot would be in use;
A plan to minimize noise, loitering and trash adjacent to the off-site valet parking lot;
The drop-off and pick-up areas must be safe from traffic hazards and be adequately posted;
Valet parking must be off-street and comply with the provisions of Section 25.52.006(A) and (B), regarding common or joint parking areas;
If the valet parking includes off-site spaces, the property providing the off-site parking spaces shall be restricted by a form satisfactory to the City (such as a reciprocal parking easement), binding the off-site parking location to the use for the duration of the use;
If an existing approved off-site valet parking area(s) becomes unavailable for any reason, the associated business license, conditional use permit and certificate of use and occupancy shall automatically become null and void;
Existing off-site valet parking operations not conforming to the provisions of this subsection (D) shall, within six months after receiving appropriate written notice from the community development department, either obtain approval of a conditional use permit or abate such operations. Valet parking currently operating on-site operations as of June 1, 2007, shall continue to be legal nonconforming unless there is a change in intensity or use.
Special Parking Districts—In-Lieu Parking Certificates. For areas designated by the City Council to be hardship areas and for which special districts are formed for the purpose of providing central or common parking facilities and/or improving public transit, the City Council may grant relief from the requirements of this section, to the extent that an individual property owner or lessee participates in or contributes to parking in the central facility and/or improving public transit by acquiring in-lieu parking certificates equivalent to the number of spaces required for his or her individual development, up to a maximum of three certificates for any one site, except as described below.
The issuance of parking certificates shall be subject to the following:
For any request of four or more in-lieu parking certificates, a parking demand study shall be completed to evaluate the proposed intensification, potential neighborhood impacts and available nearby off-site and on-street parking when considering issuance of parking certificates and the number thereof. In lieu parking certificates in excess of three, shall not be approved unless the parking demand study conclusively demonstrates that the proposed intensification will not negatively impact adjacent residential neighborhoods, commercial areas and/or coastal access. Mitigations to offset potential parking impacts shall be described in detail in the parking demand study, and incorporated into and implemented with the project for which the in-lieu certificates are allowed. The maximum number of in lieu parking certificates for any one use shall not exceed 50% of the number of parking spaces required (fractional numbers shall be rounded up). A coastal development permit shall be required with issuance of parking in lieu certificate(s).
Fees and schedule of payment for such in-lieu parking certificates shall be established by resolution of the city council. The timing of the payment of in-lieu parking certificates shall be paid prior to the issuance of the first business license or building permit unless specified differently by the City Council.
Spaces for Bicycles. The approval authority may require the provision of bicycle racks or bicycle parking facilities in any development submitted for development review. If such bicycle parking facilities are required, the location and design of such facilities shall be shown on the site plans and shall be subject to approval.
Incentives. The City Council may approve a conditional use permit and a coastal development permit when required, upon recommendation by the approval authority, to reduce the parking standards required under this chapter where the proposed use provides for and promotes the use of alternative modes of transportation such as ride-sharing, carpools, vanpools, public transit, bicycle and walking; and where the reduced parking requirement will not adversely impact public access to beaches, parks, open spaces, and trails and one or more of the following conditions apply:
The proposed use is a very low or low income, or disabled housing project;
The proposed use is a sidewalk cafe having outdoor seating available to restaurant customers, and when the outdoor seating is located on public property or right-of-way, to the general public as well, which contributes positively to the local pedestrian environment. The parking reduction may be granted on a temporary or seasonal basis and shall be limited to a maximum of five spaces; and
The proposed use incorporates innovative parking solutions, such as a shuttle service program provided by the entity whose parking requirement has been reduced. Any proposed innovative parking solution shall provide parking mitigation measures at an equivalent ratio to the parking spaces required by Section 25.52.012(G) for the proposed intensification of use. An innovative parking solution shall be described in a detailed program which includes, but is not limited to, the number of otherwise required parking spaces that will not be provided, a detailed description of the proposed innovative solution, a detailed description of how the innovative solution provides an equivalent ratio to the number of parking spaces that would have been required without the innovative solution, and a detailed description of how the proposed solution is expected to offset impacts from the reduction in required parking spaces, supported by studies and/or examples. An example of a program for innovative parking solutions might include, but not be limited to, a shuttle service program provided by the entity whose parking requirement has been reduced that indicates the number and capacity of shuttle vehicles, the range of shuttle services, where shuttle vehicles are stored and the hours of shuttle service operation. At the discretion of the Director of Community Development, peer review of such a program may be required and paid by the applicant.
A parking study shall be prepared by a qualified engineer, retained by the entity whose parking requirement has been reduced, that reviews efficiencies, effectiveness and/or problems of the approved innovative parking solutions at one year and at five years from the date of their approval; and the study shall be provided to the City for review and assessment.
This Subsection 25.52.006(G)(3) shall expire five years from the date of effective certification of LCP-5-LGB-19-0139-1. If innovation solutions have been implemented pursuant to this section, and the required engineered parking studies demonstrate the effectiveness of those innovative parking solutions, a Local Coastal Program amendment may be requested to retain this subsection for an extended period. Such an LCPA shall include all necessary supporting documentation with submittal of the LCP amendment request.
Off-Site Parking Spaces. Additional parking that is required for an intensification of nonresidential uses, not involving floor area additions to an existing building envelope, may be satisfied by providing off-site parking spaces subject to the approval of a conditional use permit and coastal development permit where required and compliance with the following minimum standards:
The property providing the off-site parking spaces shall be located on one site and within six hundred feet of the establishment and shall be deed restricted in a form satisfactory to the City (such as a reciprocal parking easement), binding the off-site parking to the use; and
The off-site parking spaces shall be available at all times during which the business or commercial use is open or operating;
The proposed off-site parking spaces are not necessary to satisfy the parking requirements of the property on which the parking spaces are located;
The applicant, as part of the application for the conditional use permit, shall submit a detailed parking plan indicating the location of the proposed off-site parking spaces. The off-site parking spaces shall be located so that they safely and adequately serve the purpose for which they are intended. The following factors, among others as deemed appropriate, shall be considered:
Proximity of the off-site parking spaces,
Traffic circulation to and from the off-site parking spaces,
Ease and safety of pedestrian access to and from the off-site parking spaces, and
The type of use of the property on which the off-site parking spaces are located (for example, off-site parking may not be appropriate for high turnover uses such as fast food restaurants and may be problematic);
Appropriate signage shall be required at both the business or commercial use and the off-site parking area. Each off-site parking space shall be individually and permanently signed indicating the name of the business or commercial use and the operating hours of such use for which those spaces shall be available;
The off-site parking spaces shall be available at no cost to employees, patrons, customers or business-used vehicles of the business or commercial use that is requiring those spaces. The off-site parking spaces may not be used for paid parking purposes during the operating hours of the business or commercial use that is requiring those spaces; and
The applicant and owner of the affected properties (if someone other than the applicant) shall execute and enter into a written agreement in a form satisfactory to the city, and kept on file in the department of community development. The agreement shall ensure the continuous availability of the number and location of the off-site parking spaces required for the duration of the business or commercial use and for the operating hours of such use. Annual proof of the validity of the lease shall be filed with the community development department. The term for the business lease and the off-site parking shall be the same time period. The agreement shall contain an acknowledgment by the applicant that the conditional use permit and any associated business license and/or certificate of use shall automatically be revoked and become null and void if any of the required off-site parking spaces becomes unavailable for any reason without the provision of an equivalent number of replacement on-site parking spaces or approved other off-site parking spaces. Any such revocation shall be effective upon the applicant's receipt of written notification by the city.
Commercial Parking Lots. Any commercial parking lot (to mean and include a place maintained for parking of vehicles where such parking is permitted upon payment of a fee), including those that are part of a commercial development and/or center and charging a fee for use of required off-street parking, shall obtain approval of a conditional use permit subject to the following minimum requirements:
A parking study prepared by a licensed traffic engineer with experience in performing parking studies shall be submitted that includes the following minimum information:
Demonstrate that the commercial parking lot will result in a more efficient use of proposed or provided parking;
Demonstrate that the combined peak parking demand is equal to or less than the normal standards due to different, off-setting parking activity or intensity patterns of the businesses in the development.
Parking spaces determined to be in excess of those required for the existing uses on-site, if any, may be leased to persons other than those visiting the commercial business at the site. The spaces for the businesses and the spaces leased to others must be clearly identified on the plan.
All existing commercial pay lots and businesses offering parking for a fee not conforming to the provisions of this subsection (I) shall, within six months after receiving appropriate written notice from the community development department, either obtain approval of a conditional use permit or cease the operation.
(Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1305 § 2, 1995; Ord. 1361 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1415 § 1, 2002; Ord. 1472 § 1 (Exh. A), 2007; Ord. 1485 § 9, 2008; Ord. 1501 § 2, 2009; Ord. 1551 § 1, 2011; Ord. 1652 §§ 3—6, 2021; Ord. 1657 §§ 3—6, 2021)
The following are minimum standards unless otherwise stated:
Size of Spaces and Parking Bay Dimensions (in Feet).
Residential (covered in a garage or carport): eight feet eight inches by eighteen feet each space. Garage door openings shall have a minimum unobstructed height clearance of six feet eight inches and a minimum unobstructed width clearance of eight feet for a single car garage door or sixteen feet for a double car garage door. The covering of any residential or commercial parking spaces with tents or canvas/plastic enclosures is prohibited;
Parallel parking space: eight feet by twenty-two feet each space;
Compact parking space: eight feet by fifteen feet each space;
Motorcycle parking space: four feet by eight feet each space;
Bicycle parking space: two feet by six feet each space. Provision to secure bicycles must be included with each space;
Handicapped Spaces. As required by the most recent version of the California Building Code (Part 2 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations);
All others: eight feet four inches by eighteen feet each space;
Loading space (see subsection (G) of this section): ten feet by thirty-five feet by fourteen feet in height each space;
Parking Bay Dimensions. The minimum width of each parking bay shall be clear of all obstructions and shall be determined by the stall width and parking angle in accordance with the following tables. (Where parking stalls of two bays interlock, the parking bays may overlap.)
Pavement. All parking stalls, driveways and maneuvering areas shall be paved and permanently maintained with asphalt concrete, concrete or any other stable, all-weather surfacing approved by the director of community development and subject to current city standards.
Additional Parking Stall Width Requirements. Every parking stall, other than those provided for a one-family or two-family dwelling, which is adjoined on either side of its longer dimension by an obstruction which is located less than three feet from the access aisle measured along the length of the stall shall have its minimum width increased by at least twenty-four inches measured from the obstruction.
Tandem Parking. Subject to approval authority's approval, residential tandem parking is allowed in accordance with Section 25.52.012(F) for a single-family or two-family dwelling. When tandem parking is permitted by the approval authority, it may be located in a private garage or parking area as covered or uncovered parking.
On-Site Turn-Around. On-site turnaround capability is required when accessing streets in commercial and industrial zones and may be required in residential zones as set forth in Section 25.53.004(C).
Encroachment. In all zones, excluding residential, parking areas shall be so designed that no vehicle shall be required to encroach into a street or sidewalk in backing out of a parking space.
Loading Space Requirements. Loading spaces for the loading and unloading of merchandise and/or supplies may be required for individual uses by the approval authority.
Exception: Loading spaces shall be required in accordance with their respective zones as indicated in Chapters 25.18 and 25.32. The approval authority may modify this requirement when the applicant can demonstrate that impacts to pedestrian safety and off-site traffic circulation are negligible and that the nature of the business does not necessitate the provision of a loading space.
Striping and Identification.
Automobile. All nonresidential parking stalls shall be clearly outlined with double lines on the surface of the parking facility (see Chart No. 1).
Handicapped. Handicapped spaces, when required, shall be striped and marked according to the applicable state standards.
Compact, Motorcycle and Bicycle. Every stall designated to accommodate compact cars, motorcycles or bicycles shall be clearly marked as such. Compact parking stalls shall be identified with letters six inches high at the stall entrance. All compact, motorcycle and bicycle parking spaces shall be concentrated in one area where possible for ease of identification.
Location. Access driveways to every parking area and garage shall be designed in a manner to provide the minimum practical interference with the use of adjacent property and with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. The driveway locations are subject to the approval authority's approval and the city engineer's review.
Access driveways in hillside areas should be located and designed to minimize the effects of hillside grading, drainage runoff, erosion and intrusion into habitat, viewshed and other environmentally sensitive areas.
Width. Every private access driveway shall be at least ten feet in width; each common access driveway serving two to four residential units shall be at least sixteen feet wide; all other driveways shall be at least twenty feet wide.
The minimum driveway width shall be increased as necessary to provide sufficient clearance and direct access, as measured at right angles, to garage and parking facilities, and shall maintain such additional width for an unobstructed backup area of at least twenty-five feet measured from the face of the garage or parking area, excepting parking bays designed in accordance with subsection (A)(6) of this section.
Driveway and Ramp Slopes.
Driveways and vehicle accessways shall not exceed an average gradient of ten percent within the first twenty feet off a street or alley right-of-way, fourteen percent for the next one hundred thirty feet, and twelve percent for the remaining length of the driveway. Exception: In cases where an existing driveway being used for access has to be modified because of an approved publicly- or privately-sponsored street improvement project, such grade may exceed the normal requirements provided the design is approved by the director of community development and the city engineer. Transition slopes shall be designed to the standards established by the city and commonly known as the construction standards and specifications for the construction of public works in the city.
For the purpose of calculating the driveway grade, the elevation of the property line or the street plan line (the more restrictive shall apply) shall be a minimum of three and one-half inches on curbed streets, or five inches on non-curbed streets, above the elevation of the centerline of the street improvement. Access to alley shall be three inches above alley improvement centerline gradient, measured at the property line.
Exception: In cases where it can be determined with reasonable certainty that a street will not be the subject of future widening, the elevation above the centerline street improvement gradient may be taken at points other than at the property line subject to approval by the director of community development; provided, however, that any driveway grade resulting therefrom does not exceed a ten percent maximum within the right-of-way.
Driveway Covers. The covering of access driveways with tents or canvas/plastic enclosures is prohibited.
Parking Area Design.
Internal Circulation. All portions of public parking areas or garages shall be accessible to all other portions thereof without requiring the use of any public street. The approval authority may grant an exception to this requirement when the applicant can show that the impact on street traffic will be negligible and that additional parking beyond the required spaces for the project will be provided.
Entrances and Exits. Each entrance to or exit from a public parking area shall be constructed and maintained so that any vehicle entering or leaving the parking area shall, before crossing a pedestrian walk, be clearly visible at a distance of not less than ten feet to a pedestrian approaching such entrance or exit by the pedestrian walk. Exits shall be clearly marked with vehicle stop signs. Appropriate entrance and exit signs shall be maintained on the lot.
Bumper Guards. Bumper guards may be required by the approval authority and must be continually maintained.
Buffering Residential Zones. When a nonresidential use has a parking area abutting a residential zone, a landscaped buffer (such as a fence, wall, natural berm and/or landscaping) not less than five feet in height or more than six feet in height above the grade in the parking area shall be provided and maintained between the parking lot and the adjoining residential property. Within the required front yard and along the front property line, the height of the buffer shall be not less than two and one-half feet and not more than three and one-half feet. Any such buffer is subject to approval authority's approval.
Commercial Parking Lots. A public parking area containing no required parking stalls shall be designed in compliance with Sections 25.05.040, 25.52.010 and subsections (A) through (K) of this section.
Carpool Parking. Preferential parking spaces designated for carpool vehicles may be required for certain development as specified in Chapter 25.94.
Parking Table
Parking Angle
8′ 4″ x 18′ Stall
9′ 0″ Stall
1 Row
1 Row
2 Rows
2 Rows
1 Row
1 Row
2 Rows
2 Rows
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
11′ 2″
27′ 7″
36′ 5″
52′ 10″
10′ 9″
27′ 7″
36′ 10″
44′ 4″
53′ 8″
11′ 5″
29′ 7″
38′ 2″
47′ 8″
56′ 3″
29′ 7″
38′ 2″
47′ 8″
12′ 9″
39′ 4″
51′ 4″
58′ 8″
11′ 5″
39′ 8″
50′ 8″
59′ 3″
15′ 3″
39′ 10″
54′ 10″
59′ 8″
18′ 3″
39′ 10″
57′ 10″
59′ 8″
21′ 10″
21′ 10″
60′ 3″
60′ 3″
19′ 9″
39′ 4″
58′ 4″
58′ 8″
Parking Table
Parking Angle
10′ 0″ Stall
Compact Stall 8′ 0″ x 15′
1 Row
1 Row
2 Rows
2 Rows
1 Row
1 Row
2 Rows
2 Rows
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
9′ 4″
37′ 9″
44′ 9″
55′ 5″
26′ 7″
32′ 7″
9′ 4″
28′ 7″
39′ 3″
47′ 9″
58′ 5″
30′ 2″
40′ 3″
50′ 4″
60′ 5″
29′ 2″
35′ 2″
46′ 3″
52′ 3″
10′ 5″
40′ 8″
51′ 8″
61′ 3″
31′ 8″
35′ 8″
49′ 3″
53′ 3″
13′ 9″
40′ 4″
54′ 4″
60′ 8″
32′ 8″
35′ 8″
50′ 3″
53′ 3″
17′ 7″
39′ 7″
56′ 7″
35′ 2″
35′ 2″
52′ 3″
52′ 3″
Compact Parking Stalls
(Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1326 § 2, 1997; Ord. 1354 § 4, 1999; Ord. 1373 § 1, 2001; Ord. 1403 §§ 3, 4, 2002; Ord. 1415 § 2, 2002; Ord. 1416 § 20, 2002; Ord. 1472 § 1 (Exh. A), 2007; Ord. 1551 § 2, 2011)
Landscaping. In a parking area (excluding the interior of parking garages) where more than five parking spaces are provided, the following conditions apply:
A minimum of fifteen percent of the parking lot area shall be landscaped;
One fifteen-gallon tree shall be provided for every three parking spaces and shall be arranged so as to achieve the desired shading specified in subsection (A)(3) of this section;
Tree species shall be chosen and trees placed so as to produce fifty percent shading of the parking lot surface within ten years. Demonstration of the fulfillment of this requirement shall be done as part of the landscape plan submittal;
Setbacks. All parking lot setbacks shall be landscaped except for areas required for vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress;
All landscaping is subject to approval authority's approval.
Unused Space. Any unused space resulting from the design of the parking area shall be used for landscape purposes, trash containers and/or bicycles.
Landscaped Islands. All landscaped islands located within parking areas shall be protected from vehicular traffic.
Maintenance of Landscaping. All landscaped areas shall be adequately watered, trimmed and/or pruned and kept in a healthy and thriving condition free from weeds, debris and trash.
Drainage. All parking facilities shall be graded and drained so as to provide for the disposal of all surface water on the site and shall be subject to review and approval by the director of community development.
Lighting. All lighting used to illuminate a parking area shall be designed, located and arranged so as to reflect the light away from any street or adjacent premises.
(Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1472 § 1 (Exh. A), 2007)
Minimum Parking Spaces. At least the minimum number of parking spaces required shall be provided pursuant to the requirements specified under Municipal Code Section 25.52.012(G), unless otherwise specified in this Ordinance.
Exception: Where an interior division is proposed within an existing commercial structure, the result of division shall not create more than three additional individual tenant spaces or be less than 500 square feet in size. Subject to Planning Commission review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit and a coastal development permit where required, division of an existing commercial structure may exceed three additional tenant spaces when each space is less than 500 square feet. At the discretion of the Director of Community Development, an engineered parking impact assessment may be required as a component of the Conditional Use Permit and/or Coastal Development Permit application for a tenant space division. When required, the engineered parking impact assessment must identify measures to offset adverse impacts due to lack of parking.
Parking Requirements for Unspecified Uses. Parking requirements for structures and uses not specifically set forth in this section shall be determined by the director of community development, and such determinations shall be based on the requirements for the most comparable structure or use specified.
Parking Calculations. Methods of measurement used to determine the number of required parking spaces shall be based upon the following:
The number of employees for a business shall be equal to the greatest number of employees during any shift of work.
Gross floor area shall be as defined in Section 25.08.012.
Twenty-four inches of bench, pew or other seating space shall be counted as one seat.
Outdoor "display area" shall be measured by the sum of the footprint area underneath the objects on exhibit for sale plus the pedestrian viewing area(s), which shall be a minimum of two and one-half feet times the length of the viewing area in front of or around the display. Outdoor display areas of one hundred square feet or less shall not require additional parking.
Delivery Trucks. Parking calculations are based on the number of spaces required for the public and employees of the proposed use. The number of required parking spaces shall include those required in Section 25.52.012(F) plus any spaces required for their vehicles, such as delivery trucks.
Fractional Parking Space. Whenever the computation of the number of parking spaces required by this section results in a fractional parking space, the fractional number shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Exception: In buildings or complexes (group of two or more commercial establishments, planned, developed, owned and managed as a unit) where the common or joint use of parking areas is proposed and an approved parking allocation plan has been accepted, calculations may result in fractional numbers. When the sum total results in a fractional number, the fractional number shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Compact, Motorcycle and Bicycle Stalls. In every parking area and garage containing six or more stalls, fifty percent of the stalls provided may be designed as compact spaces. Bicycle and motorcycle parking spaces are encouraged and will count towards required parking. To count toward required parking, eight bicycle spaces or two motorcycle spaces count for one standard size parking space, not to exceed ten percent of the required parking.
Parking Spaces Required for Specific Uses. No structure or use shall be permitted or constructed unless off-street parking spaces, with adequate provisions for safe ingress and egress, are provided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The following is a categorization of the various types of uses and their associated minimum parking requirements which may be increased by the approval authority if it is determined that the parking standards are inadequate for a specific project.
Number of Required Spaces.
Structures and Uses
Required Off-Street Parking
Residential Uses
Dwelling, single-family or two-family
2 covered spaces per dwelling unit plus an additional space when the gross floor area of each residence is 3,600 or more square feet. The required additional parking space shall be provided as uncovered parking unless the applicant can provide justification that the additional covered parking space will not increase the appearance of mass and bulk. Subject to approval authority's approval, the required parking may be provided as tandem parking. See Section 25.52.008(D).
Dwelling, multi-family
1 1/2 spaces for every studio or 1-bedroom unit; 2 spaces for every unit with 2 or more bedrooms and 1 additional guest space for 4 units and every 4 thereafter. At least 50% of the spaces must be covered. Of the covered and uncovered spaces, 50% of each may be compact-sized. Exception: (1) Artist's joint living and working quarters need not provide covered spaces; (2) The city may reduce or waive parking requirements for housing projects with units committed to long-term, low-income or senior citizen's housing, e.g., as defined under the Federal Government Section 8 Housing or its equivalent.
2 covered spaces for each mobilehome with an additional space for 4 or more bedrooms, which spaces may be uncovered and/or in tandem.
Mobilehome in mobilehome zone
2 spaces for each mobilehome, 1 of which must be covered and may be in tandem but not located in any setback area.
Artist's joint living and working quarters
See type of dwelling unit above.
Bed and breakfast inn
The required number of spaces shall be 2 covered spaces per residence, plus 1 parking space for each guest unit. The guest spaces may be uncovered and/or in tandem.
Guesthouse, guest room
1 space for each guesthouse or guest room, which space may be uncovered and/or in tandem.
Rooming house
2 spaces for each rooming house, plus 1 space for each room to be rented.
Health Uses
Animal hospital or veterinary office
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
1 space for each patient bed.
Clinics, medical, etc. with more than one professional; emergency service provider
1 space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Office for a single doctor, chiropractor or optometrist
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Dentist, one or more
1 space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Rest home, home for the aged, nursing home and recovery center
1 space for each 3 beds.
Group counseling/meetings
1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
Educational and Cultural Uses
Child care center, nursery school, preschool, large family day care home (parking requirements shall be determined based on maximum build out/capacity)
1 space for each employee, plus, 1 space for each 5 children, or 1 space for each 10 children where a circular driveway or its equivalent, designed for the continuous flow of passenger vehicles for the purpose of loading and unloading children and capable of simultaneously accommodating at least 2 such vehicles, is provided on the site.
Elementary or junior high school
2 spaces for each teaching station.
High school
7 spaces for each teaching station.
College or university
1 space for each full-time equivalent student, less the number of spaces provided to serve on campus housing in accord with this schedule or as approved by a Conditional Use Permit in conjunction with a shared parking study as specified in Section 25.52.006(C).
Business, professional or trade school
7 spaces for each teaching station.
Dance school or studio
1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
1 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
Art, music or recording studio (no retail sales)
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Art galleries (indoor or outdoor display and retail sales), except as provided in Section 25.52.012(C)(4)
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor and display area.
Places of Assembly and Recreational Uses
Auditorium, assembly hall, dancehall, stadium, conference facility, theater, spectator area, club, lodge, church, chapel or mortuary
1 space for each 3 fixed seats and/or 1 space for every 35 square feet assembly area, whichever is more restrictive. Additional parking, if any, for all other related uses/buildings shall be established through a Conditional Use Permit application and shared parking study as specified in Section 25.52.006(C) for any new or remodeled building, when the remodel project involves 10% or more cumulative addition to the original square footage of all the structures on the site.
Skating rink, roller or ice
1 space for each 25 square feet of gross skating area, plus 1 space for each 5 seats or fraction thereof in spectator's area, or 1 space for every 150 square feet of public area not available to skaters, whichever is greater.
Pool/billiards parlor, entertainment center or arcade
1 space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Bowling alley
5 spaces for each lane.
Tennis court/racquetball court
3 spaces for each court plus any required for other uses.
Health clubs, exercise areas, rooms, aerobics studios
1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area, plus any spaces required for other uses.
Golf driving range
1 1/2 spaces for each 10 linear feet of driving range width.
Golf course
8 spaces for each hole.
Miniature or "Par 3" golf course
3 spaces for each hole.
Swimming pool, commercial public (open to members or nonmembers)
1 space for each 100 square feet of water surface, but not less than 10 spaces for any such use.
Office Uses
Commercial bank, savings and loan offices, other financial institutions, public or private utility office, mutual ticket agency or similar window service offices
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area. Parking spaces shall include those spaces provided for any drive-up service lanes.
General office and other business, technical, service, administrative or professional offices
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Business and Commercial Uses
Hair salon or barbershop
1 space for each 1 1/2 chairs or 1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater.
Other personal service establishments including tanning salons, nail salons, massage services or uses of a similar nature
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
General retail stores, including outdoor display, except as provided in Section 25.52.012(C)(4)
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Shopping center
Number of spaces subject to a shared parking study as specified in Section 25.52.006(C).
1 space for each room (as defined in Chapter 25.08), which opens to a public way or corridor, yard or court, plus 1 space for each 15 rooms or fraction thereof, plus 2 spaces per each residence. Additional parking may be required based on operational information such as the number of employees for shifts, when the greatest number of employees is on duty, the hours of operation and the amount of area devoted to particular uses.
Hotel/motel with integrated restaurant uses or conference facilities
A 20% reduction from the total parking required for ancillary uses may be granted subject to approval authority's approval. A greater reduction may be allowed, if a traffic study, conducted by a licensed traffic engineer, is submitted and approved by the approval authority.
Food store, grocery store, supermarket or similar use including outdoor display except as provided in Section 25.52.012(C)(4); and caterer
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor and outdoor display area, exclusive of any delivery trucks, as required in Section 25.52.012(C)(5).
Convenience store or mini-market, including outdoor display, except as provided in Section 25.52.012(C)(4)
10 spaces, plus 1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor and display area.
Entertainment, including bar, cocktail lounge and night club
1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area including outdoor serving area.
Food services including, but not limited to restaurants, drive thru, take-out, fast-food and full-service; bakery, ice cream store; juice bar; and delicatessen
1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area, including outdoor seating area(s), or 1 space per 3 seats whichever is greater. Full service restaurants shall provide no fewer than 5 spaces. Additional parking may be required based on operational information such as the number of employees for shifts, when the greatest number of employees is on duty, the hours of operation and the amount of area devoted to particular uses. The minimum number of spaces for drive-thru restaurants shall be 10 spaces. Parking spaces may include those spaces allocated in drive-thru lane(s). Note: If a proposed use consists of a combination of a retail component and a restaurant and/or entertainment component, each component shall be calculated separately, with the entertainment and restaurant area's component of the gross floor area calculated using the above standards, except that the restaurant's minimum of 5 spaces shall not be required when the restaurant component is clearly ancillary.
Commercial laundry facility (coin-operated)
1 space for each three washing machines or 1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater.
Automobile service station (excluding the retail sale of beverage and food items)
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area, plus 2 spaces for each lubrication stall or rack.
Automobile service station (inclusive of the retail sale of beverage and food items)
10 spaces, plus 1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area, plus 2 spaces for each lubrication stall, rack or pit.
Auto detailing
2 spaces for each washing station.
Car wash, self-service
2 spaces per washing bay. (The washing bays may not be counted as parking spaces.)
Car wash, full-service
A parking reservoir area shall be provided which equals in size the area required for parking three (3) times the number of parking spaces provided inside the car wash facility. These spaces may be parked in tandem.
Automobile, truck, boat or similar vehicle sales or rental establishments
1 space for each 350 square feet of office area, plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor auto sales/display, plus 1 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area for repair/service areas.
Automobile/motor vehicle repair garages
1 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than 5 per tenancy.
Furniture store, appliance store, machinery rental or sales store (excluding motor vehicle rental or sales) and similar establishments which handle only bulky merchandise
1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, excluding floor area used exclusively for storage or loading but no less than 4 per tenancy.
Commercial service establishments, such as shoe repair, tailor, dry cleaning, TV repair or other uses of a similar nature
1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, but no less than 2 per tenancy.
Wholesale distributor, mail order house, wholesale printing and publishing establishment
1 space for each 250 square feet of office area, plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor storage area.
Lumberyard, home builder supply
1 space for each 250 square feet of indoor office/sales/display area, plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor storage area.
Contractor's storage yard
1 space for each 250 square feet of office area, plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor storage area, but no less than 5 spaces for any such use.
Retail plant nursery, garden shop, including greenhouse, lath house or similar sales and display establishment
1 space for each 250 square feet of office or indoor sales and display area, plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of outdoor and greenhouse display or storage area.
Flower stand
1 space for each 250 square feet of sales or display area with a minimum of 2 spaces.
Manufacturing or industrial establishment
1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, including ancillary offices.
Laboratory and research establishment
1 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, including ancillary offices.
Warehouse or storage building
2 spaces, plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Public utility facility, including electric, gas, water, telephone and telegraph facility, not having business offices on the premises.
1 space for each employee, but not less than 2 spaces for such facility.
(Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1306 § 2, 1995; Ord. 1333 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1346 § 6, 1998; Ord. 1354 § 5, 1999; Ord. 1415 § 3, 2002; Ord. 1416 § 21, 2002; Ord. 1462 § 1, 2006; Ord. 1463 § 1, 2006; Ord. 1472 § 1 (Exh. A), 2007; Ord. 1485 § 9, 2008; Ord. 1501 § 3, 2009; Ord. 1551 § 3, 2011; Ord. 1652 §§ 7, 8, 2021; Ord. 1657 §§ 7, 8, 2021)