The following access and improvement requirements shall apply
in all zones unless specifically exempted by other approvals of subdivisions,
land divisions, conditional use permits, variances, design review,
precise street plan lines or unless specifically waived by the city
council where their application would cause hazardous or other undesirable
situations. When applied to currently developed property, if additions
or alterations exceed fifty percent of the existing population density
or intensity of use, these standards shall apply as if the construction
were on vacant property.
(Ord. 812 § 1, 1974; Ord. 832 § 31, 1975)
(A) For definitions of "access," "street," "driveway," "subdivision standards" and "usable vehicular right-of-way of record" in relationship to a "lot," a "building site" or "parcel," refer to Chapter
25.08, "Definitions and Standards" and Title
21 for definitions and street design standards.
(B) There shall be safe vehicular access from a "usable vehicular right-of-way
of record" to off-street parking facilities on the property requiring
such facilities.
(C) Vehicular access to lots fronting on arterial and primary residential
collector streets shall be such that there shall be a paved turning
area on the lot or device to permit motor vehicles to head into the
street, as approved by the city engineer.
(D) Direct access shall be provided to building sites. Access to new
building sites created through a street extension or subdivision review
and approval process shall be provided by roads with direct access.
Secondary emergency access when required or proposed shall be provided
by roads with direct access.
(Ord. 812 § 1, 1974; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1417 § 2, 2002)
To provide proper access for the users and to prevent congestion
and other hazards related to the use of the land permitted in the
applicable zones, the following improvements are deemed necessary
and must be provided by the property owner prior to the public utilities
being authorized permanent connection and occupancy being permitted:
(A) Alleys shall have been improved along the full alley frontage of
the subject lot to the standards approved by the city engineer.
(B) Curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall have been installed along the
full street frontages of the subject building site to the standards
approved by the city engineers in a manner consistent with the subdivision
street design standards unless it has been determined by the design
review board that such improvements would be out of scale or character
with the immediate vicinity or are otherwise unnecessary.
(C) Street base and pavement along the full street frontage of the subject
building site to the standards approved by the city engineer shall
be provided from the gutter at the subject property side of the street
to the centerline of the right-of-way.
The width of pavement shall meet the dimensions prescribed in
Title 21 of this code, and shall provide adequate on-street parking
areas at the minimum rate of one parking space per fifty feet of lot
frontage. The design and location of such parking areas is subject
to design review.
Driveway approaches and access ramps shall be limited in width
to the actual inside dimensions of garage openings.
(D) Rights-of-way to accommodate the above shall have been dedicated
to the city or, in the case of private improvements, to the homeowner's
association or other entity responsible for maintaining the street
(E) The city may require improvements beyond the property frontages and
centerline for a reasonable distance to properly and safely blend
the configuration of existing improvements with the above requirements.
(F) Private streets shall be improved and maintained to the minimum width
standard with asphaltic concrete, Portland cement concrete or a similar
approved material to a minimum thickness of four inches which is to
include repair of potholes, settlement, differential separation, street
base and pavement failures for a reasonable distance as related to
the construction project, including the entire frontage of the lot.
Upon issuance of a building permit private roads are to be graded
to the minimum width standard and financial security or bonds provided
to insure ultimate improvements to the standards specified in this
(G) In order to assure the proper and timely construction of the street
improvements described herein, the city shall require the posting
of a bond, instrument of credit or other adequate surety in an amount
sufficient to defray the actual cost of construction and administration.
(Ord. 812 § 1, 1974; Ord. 832 § 32, 1975; Ord. 1005 § 1, 1981)
(A) Applicability of this Section. The following drainage requirements
shall apply in all zones unless specifically exempted by other approvals
of subdivisions, land divisions, conditional use permits, variances,
design review, or unless specifically waived by the city council where
their application would cause hazardous or other undesirable situations.
When applied to currently developed property, if the total aggregate
building footprint area included in all such separate additions and
alterations exceeds fifty percent of the building footprint area prior
to the making of such additions and alterations, these requirements
shall apply as if the construction were on vacant property.
(B) Drainage Fee Requirement Established. Where the subject property has not previously paid drainage fees according to this section or Section
21.08.160, the owner shall pay those fees as established in this section prior to the issuance of a building permit, for the purpose of defraying the actual or estimated costs of constructing the planned drainage facilities in the respective local drainage area; provided, however, that said fees shall be subject to a maximum of six thousand two hundred twenty-five dollars per gross acre of the subject lot.
(1) Local Drainage fees Established. The following fees are established in those local drainage areas as established in Section
North Local Drainage Area:
No fees required.
West Local Drainage Area:
No fees required.
Central Local Drainage Area:
Dwelling, single-family
The lesser of (a) $3,910.00 per dwelling or (b)
$6,225.00 per gross acre prorated on the total area of the lot.
Dwelling, two-family or multiple family
The lesser of (a) $2,932.00 per unit or (b) $6,225.00 per gross
acre prorated on the total area of the lot.
Commercial, industrial
$6,225.00 per gross acre prorated on the total area of the lot.
(2) The fees set forth in the foregoing schedule shall be increased or
decreased in proportion to the percentage increases or decreases in
the Los Angeles area Construction Cost Index, as published in the
Engineering News Record Magazine, comparing with the April 1982 index
value of four thousand five hundred twenty-seven dollars and seventy-one
cents, using the 1913 base year equals 100 index. The fees are to
be computed as of the date of issuance of the building permit.
(D) Local Drainage Area Fund. All fees collected by the city pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the special fund established in Section
21.08.160 and expended in the manner stated in said section.
(E) On-Site Drainage Requirements. Where development on a lot may affect
the flow of water in natural drainage courses, or within streets or
other public rights-of-way, the city engineer may require reasonable
drainage improvements within the lot or right-of-way to accommodate
the potential effect of such water flow. Improvement beyond the subject
lot and/or right-of-way may be required where necessary to properly
and safely conform to the configuration of existing natural drainage
courses and/or other drainage improvements. This is in addition to
the drainage fee requirements of this and/or other sections.
(Ord. 812 § 1, 1974; Ord. 1027 § 2, 1982)
All lateral utility connections that are necessary to serve
the use shall be undergrounded to the standards approved by the city
engineer and other appropriate agencies, from the nearest existing
utility pole, structure, or service.
(Ord. 812 § 1, 1974; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991)
Areas for trash and outdoor storage shall be provided on each
property. Such areas shall be designed to conceal all trash and stored
material from public view.
(Ord. 812 § 1, 1974)
Where necessary due to development on private property or due
to the application of these improvement requirements, the city engineer
may require the relocation of, repair of, or improvement to, existing
public improvements and facilities, as may reasonably be affected
by the proposed development. Said relocation, repair or improvement
may include, but shall not be limited to, streets, curbs, gutters,
sidewalks, drainage and sewage facilities, street lights, street signs,
public utility lines and poles, traffic signals, street trees and
fire hydrants.
(Ord. 812 § 1, 1974)
Coastal zone access shall be required for certain types of projects.
(A) As a condition of approval and prior to issuance of a permit or other authorization for any new development identified in subsections
(A)(1) through
(A)(4) of this section, except as provided in subsection B, an offer to dedicate an easement (or other legal mechanism pursuant to Section
25.53.022(I)(2)) for one or more of the types of access identified in Section
25.53.022 shall be required and shall be supported by findings required by Section
25.53.024; provided that no such condition of approval shall be imposed if the analysis required by Section
25.53.024 establishes that the development will not adversely affect, either individually or cumulatively, the ability of the public to reach and use public tidelands and coastal resources.
(1) New development on any parcel or location identified in the land
use plan;
(2) New development between the nearest public roadway and the sea;
(3) New development on any site where there is substantial evidence of
a public right of access to the sea acquired through use, or a public
right of access through legislative authorization;
(4) New development on any site where a trail, bluff-top access or other
recreational access is necessary to mitigate impacts of the development
on public access.
(B) Exceptions to subsections
(A)(1) through
(A)(4) above shall apply in the following instances:
(1) Projects excepted from the definition of new development as defined in subsections
(A)(1) through
(A)(4) above;
(2) Where the findings required by Section
25.53.024 establish any of the following:
(a) Public access is inconsistent with the public safety, military security
needs, or protection of fragile coastal resources,
(b) Adequate access exists nearby, or
(c) Agriculture would be adversely affected.
Exceptions identified in subsections (2)(a) through (c) above shall be supported by written findings as required in Section 25.53.024(C).
(Ord. 1254 § 1, 1992)
Written findings of fact, analysis and conclusions addressing
public access must be included in support of all approvals, denials
or conditional approvals of projects between the first public road
and the sea (whether development or new development) and of all approvals
or conditional approvals of projects (whether development or new development)
where an access dedication is included in the project proposal or
required as a condition of approval.
(A) Such findings shall address the applicable factors identified by subsection
(B) of this section, and shall reflect the specific level of detail specified, as applicable. Findings supporting all such decisions shall include:
(1) A statement of the individual and cumulative burdens imposed on public access and recreation opportunities based on applicable factors identified pursuant to subsection
(B) of this section. The type of affected public access and recreation opportunities shall be clearly described;
(2) An analysis based on applicable factors identified in subsection
(B) of this section of the necessity for requiring public access conditions to find the project consistent with the public access provisions of the coastal act;
(3) A description of the legitimate governmental interest furthered by
any access condition required;
(4) An explanation of how imposition of an access dedication requirement
alleviates the access burdens identified.
(B) Required Project—Specific Findings. In determining any requirement for public access, including the type of access and character of use, the city shall evaluate and document in written findings the factors identified in subsections
(B)(1) through
(B)(5) of this section, to the extent applicable. The findings shall explain the basis for the conclusions and decisions of the city and shall be supported by substantial evidence in the record. If an access dedication is required as a condition of approval, the findings shall explain how the adverse effects which have been identified will be alleviated or mitigated by the dedication. As used in this section, "cumulative effect" means the effect of the individual project in combination with the effects of past projects, other current projects, and probable future projects, including development allowed under applicable planning and zoning.
(1) Project Effects on Demand for Access and Recreation:
(a) Identification of existing and open public access and coastal recreation
areas and facilities in the regional and local vicinity of the development;
(b) Analysis of the project's effects upon existing public access and
recreation opportunities;
(c) Analysis of the project's cumulative effects upon the use and capacity
of the identified access and recreation opportunities, including public
tidelands and beach resources, and upon the capacity of major coastal
roads from subdivision, intensification or cumulative buildout;
(d) Projection of the anticipated demand and need for increased coastal
access and recreation opportunities for the public;
(e) Analysis of the contribution of the project's cumulative effects
to any such projected increase;
(f) Description of the physical characteristics of the site and its proximity
to the sea, tidelands viewing points, upland recreation areas, and
trail linkages to tidelands or recreation areas;
(g) Analysis of the importance and potential of the site, because of
its location or other characteristics, for creating, preserving or
enhancing public access to tidelands or public recreation opportunities.
(2) Shoreline Processes:
(a) Description of the existing shoreline conditions, including beach
profile, accessibility and usability of the beach, history of erosion
or accretion, character and sources of sand, wave and sand movement,
presence of shoreline protective structures, location of the line
of mean high tide during the season when the beach is at its narrowest
(generally during the late winter) and the proximity of that line
to existing structures, and any other factors which substantially
characterize or affect the shoreline processes at the site;
(b) Identification of anticipated changes to shoreline processes and
beach profile unrelated to the proposed development;
(c) Description and analysis of any reasonably likely changes, attributable
to the primary and cumulative effects of the project, to: wave and
sand movement affecting beaches in the vicinity of the project; the
profile of the beach; the character, extent, accessibility and usability
of the beach; and any other factors which characterize or affect beaches
in the vicinity;
(d) Analysis of the effect any identified changes of the project, alone
or in combination with other anticipated changes, will have upon the
ability of the public to use public tidelands and shoreline recreation
(3) Historic Public Use:
(a) Evidence of use of the site by members of the general public for
a continuous five-year period (such use may be seasonal);
(b) Evidence of the type and character of use made by the public (vertical,
lateral, bluff-top, etc., and for passive and/or active recreational
use, etc.,);
(c) Identification of any agency (or person) who has maintained and/or
improved the area subject to historic public use and the nature of
the maintenance performed and improvements made;
(d) Identification of the record owner to prohibit public use of the
area, including the success or failure of those attempts;
(e) Description of the potential for adverse impact of public use on
the area from the proposed development (including but not limited
to, creation of physical or psychological impediments to public use).
(4) Physical Obstructions:
(a) Description of any physical aspects of the development which block
or impede the ability of the public to get to or along the tidelands,
public recreation areas, or other public coastal resources or to see
the shoreline.
(5) Other Adverse Impacts on Access and Recreation.
(a) Description of the development's physical proximity and relationship
to the shoreline and any public recreation area;
(b) Analysis of the extent to which buildings, walls, signs, streets
or other aspects of the development, individually or cumulatively,
are likely to diminish the public's use of tidelands or lands committed
to public recreation;
(c) Description of any alteration of the aesthetic, visual or recreational
value of public use areas, and of any diminution of the quality or
amount of recreational use of public lands which may be attributable
to the individual or cumulative effects of the development.
(C) Required Findings for Public Access Exceptions. Any determination that one of the exceptions of Section
25.53.022(B) applies to a development shall be supported by written findings of fact, analysis and conclusions which address all of the following:
(1) The type of access potentially applicable to the site involved (vertical,
lateral, bluff, etc.) and its location in relation to the fragile
coastal resource to be protected, the agricultural use, the public
safety concern, or the military facility which is the basis for the
exception, as applicable;
(2) Unavailability of any mitigating measures to manage the type, character,
intensity, hours, season or location of such use so that agricultural
resources, fragile coastal resources, public safety, or military security,
as applicable, are protected;
(3) Ability of the public, through another reasonable means, to reach
the same area of public tidelands as would be made accessible by an
accessway on the subject land.
(D) Findings for Management Plan Conditions. Written findings in support
of a condition requiring a management plan for regulating the time
and manner or character of public access use must address the following
factors, as applicable:
(1) Identification and protection of specific habitat values, including
the reasons supporting the conclusion that such values must be protected
by limiting the hours, seasons, or character of public use;
(2) Topographic constraints of the development site;
(3) Recreational needs of the public;
(4) Rights of privacy of the landowner which could not be mitigated by
setting the project back from the accessway or otherwise conditioning
the development;
(5) The requirements of the possible accepting agency, if an offer of
dedication is the mechanism for securing public access;
(6) Feasibility of adequate setbacks, fencing, landscaping, and other
methods as part of a management plan to regulate public use.
(Ord. 1254 § 1, 1992)