No fence shall be constructed within the commercial and industrial zones until the plans and design for such fence shall have been approved pursuant to the zoning compliance review procedure (Section 19.128.090). In addition, a fence may require a building permit from the Building Division.
All fences, whether required or not, shall be located and limited in accordance with provisions of this Division.
Fences are required under various provisions of this Division and other laws, including, but not limited to, the screening and protection of parking areas, storage areas, swimming and therapeutic pools, and utility facilities. Such required fences together with the facilities and activities required to be enclosed shall be located so as not to conflict with open space and yard setback requirements.
Conflict with State Law. In the case of fencing requirements pursuant to state law which unavoidably conflict with the requirements of this Division, the state requirements shall prevail.
As defined in Section 19.104.080, the term "fence" as used in this Division means fence, freestanding wall, hedge, or berm unless otherwise specifically stated.
A maximum 2-foot-high solid fence may be permitted anywhere on a lot.
A not view-obscuring fence, such as wrought iron, may be permitted as follows:
A maximum of a 3.5-foot-high fence may be permitted anywhere on a lot.
A maximum of a 6-foot-high decorative fence may be permitted along any street frontage at a distance equal to or greater than the required parking setback for the zone (see subsection (b) of Section 19.520.020.B.1.). This provision shall not supersede the requirements of Chapter 19.536 of this Division.
Elsewhere, a 15-foot maximum height fence may be permitted with exceptions for the following required yards and areas:
For the CO, CS, CG, and CM zones, within the required 20-foot front yard and the required 20-foot side or rear yard, abutting a street, measured from the street property line.
For the CR zone, within the required 20-foot front yard and the required 20-foot side or rear yard, abutting a street, measured from the street property line, except that special provisions and development incentives may apply for certain uses pursuant to Chapter 19.556.
For the MR zone, within the required 50-foot front yard and the required 50-foot side or rear yard, abutting a street, measured from the street property line.
For the ML zone, within the required 25-foot front yard and the required 15-foot side or rear yard, abutting a street, measured from the street property line.
For the MH zone, within the required 50-foot front yard and the required 20-foot side or rear yard, abutting a street, measured from the street property line.
In all commercial and industrial zones, fences more than seven feet in height shall be permitted only when approved under the site plan review procedure (Section 19.128.040) and subject to the terms of such approval as well as the same yard and area restrictions detailed in subsection C of this section.
The maximum height of any fence shall be 15 feet except where a greater height is required for sightscreening or noise reduction.
(Ord. 1382 § 14, 1998; Ord. 1737, 4/9/2024)
All fences in every zone, whether required or not, shall:
Utilize no salvaged materials unless reconditioned or refinished.
Be suitably finished on both sides.
Utilize colors and materials that are compatible with the property and neighborhood.
All fences shall be maintained in good repair and appearance.
Chain Link and Wire Fencing. Except within the MH zone and as permitted within this section, there shall be no use of chain link or wire fencing in a location between a street and any buildings on a property or which otherwise faces a street property line within public view.
Chain link fencing may be used within such areas for approved temporary uses and for the purpose of temporarily securing vacant or vacated properties and construction sites.
For site screening purposes, a chain link gate with screening slats may be used across driveways within such areas.
For temporary site screening purposes for a period of 3 years or less, a chain link fence with screening slats may be used around soil remediation equipment.
Where the location and public view is a side or rear property line along a Commuter Arterial or Local Street, as defined within the Circulation Element of the General Plan, chain link fencing may be permitted in such areas pursuant to an Interdepartmental Review. Plans submitted for review shall exhibit such construction details as vinyl-coated or painted posts and top rails with a vinyl-coated heavy gauge chain link wire mesh to enhance the durability and appearance of the fence.
Vision Clearance Area. Any fence within the required vision clearance area adjacent to any driveway or alley where it intersects with a public street, as defined under section 19.536.020, shall not be a view-obscuring fence.
Any masonry wall shall be of a minimum 6 inch wide block construction. In addition, the wall shall be of ornamental masonry in earthtone colors compatible with the structures on the property. Standard grey or pink block shall not be considered as ornamental masonry and may not be used except to match existing adjacent walls.
(Ord. 1367 § 7, 1998)
In any commercial or industrial zone, any open use (a use not including a main building) shall be fenced and landscaped along any street frontage in the same manner as required for parking areas (see subsection E of Section 19.532.010 and subsection E of Section 19.536.070).
In a commercial or industrial zone, in connection with any development, an ornamental solid masonry fence shall be provided along any property line of the subject property which abuts any residential zone. Within the front yard, such fence shall have the maximum height allowed for fences in the front yard in the abutting residential zone. Elsewhere, such fence shall be not less than six feet high and not more than seven feet high.
Any parallel fences constructed with less than 3 feet separation shall be considered double fences. It is the in-tent of the City to discourage double fences whenever possible in order to avoid areas in which children and animals may become lodged, areas which may encourage rodent infestation, and areas which may accumulate litter and debris.
In instances where double fences are unavoidable, the gap between the fences shall be completely sealed with flashing, cement cap, or other material in a manner acceptable to the Planning and Building Divisions.
Where a new fence is required along a property line and an existing fence or wall is located on the opposite side of the property line, the Director may suspend the requirement for the new fence provided that the existing fence can substantially satisfy all requirements of this Division and/or any conditions of an approval. Such suspension shall become null and void once the adjacent wall or fence is removed or found unacceptable by the Director and the requirement for the new fence shall be completed at such time.