This chapter is intended to meet the requirements of the California Government Code, Section 65089 (b) (3) which requires development of a trip reduction and travel demand element to the CMP, and California Government Code, Section 65089.3(a) (2) which requires adoption and implementation of Trip Reduction and Travel Demand Ordinance.
New commercial, office, industrial, and mixed use developments employing 100 persons or more may adversely impact existing transportation and parking facilities, resulting in increased motor vehicle emissions, deteriorating levels of service, and possibly significant additional capital expenditures to augment and improve the existing transportation system. In order to more efficiently utilize the existing and planned transportation system and to reduce vehicle emissions, it is the policy of the City to:
Reduce the number of peak-period vehicle trips generated in association with new development.
Promote and encourage the use of alternative transportation modes such as ridesharing, car pools, vanpools, public bus, and rail transit, bicycles, and walking as well as those facilities that support such modes.
Achieve related reductions in vehicle trips, traffic congestions, and public expenditure and achieve air quality improvements through utilization of existing local mechanisms and procedures for project review and permit processing.
Promote coordinated implementation of strategies on a county-wide basis to reduce transportation demand.
Achieve the most efficient use of local resources through coordinated and consistent regional and local TDM programs.
(Ord. 1264 § 5 (part), 1991)
For purposes of this chapter, the definitions for the following terms shall apply:
"Alternative Transportation Modes"
means any mode of travel that serves as an alternative to the single occupant vehicle. This can include all forms of ridesharing such as carpooling or vanpooling, as well as public transit, bicycling, or walking.
"Applicable Development"
means any new development project that is determined to meet or exceed the employment threshold using the criteria contained in Section 19.540.030.
"Carpool or Vanpool"
means two or more persons using the same vehicle to commute to or from an employment site or sites.
means any person employed by a firm, person(s), business, educational institution, non-profit agency, or corporation, government agency or other entity. Employee shall include a person employed on a full time, part time, or temporary basis.
"Employment Generation Factors"
refers to factors as specified in Section 19.540.030 for projecting the potential employment of any proposed development project.
"Mixed-Use Development"
means new development projects that combine any one of these land uses with another: residential, office, commercial, light industrial, and business park.
"New Development Project"
means any non-residential project being processed where discretionary action by a decision-making body is required.
"Transportation Demand Management (TDM)"
means the implementation of programs, plans, or policies designed to encourage changes in individual travel behavior. TDM can include an emphasis on alternative travel modes to the single occupant vehicle (SOV) such as carpools, vanpools, and transit, reduction or elimination of the number of vehicle trips, or shifts in the time of vehicle commutes to other than the peak periods.
(Ord. 1264 § 5 (part), 1991)
This chapter shall apply to all new development projects that are estimated to employ a total of 100 or more persons as determined by the methodology specified in Subsection B. below.
For purposes of determining whether a new development project is subject to this chapter, the total employment figure will be as follows:
Employment projections developed by the project applicant, subject to approval by the Director of Development Services; or
Employment projections developed by the City using the following employee generation factors by type of use.
Land Use Category
Gross Square Feet / Employer
Hotel or Motel
0.8 / room
The employment projection for a development of mixed or multiple uses shall be calculated on a case by case basis based upon the proportion of development devoted to each type of use.
(Ord. 1264 § 5 (part), 1991)
All applicable developments shall be subject to the Facility Standards as specified in this chapter and shall include in their project plan's provisions to provide each of the improvements.
Preferential parking for carpool and vanpool vehicles.
At least 10 percent of the employee parking spaces shall be reserved and designated for carpool and vanpool vehicles by marking such spaces "Carpool Only".
Such spaces shall be located near the building's employee entrance(s) or at other preferential locations within the employee parking areas as approved by the City.
Where applicable, vanpool vehicle accessibility shall include a minimum 7′2″ vertical clearance for those parking spaces and ramps to be used by such vehicles.
The total number of employee parking spaces shall be determined by using the parking requirements specified in this Chapter and the following factors by type of use as specified.
Type of Use
Percent of Total Parking Devoted to Employee Parking
Hotel or Motel
Facilities for Bicyclist.
Secure, adequate, and convenient storage for bicycles shall be provided.
Separate shower and locker room facilities shall be provided for men and women employees unless a finding is made by the Director of Development Services that provision of such facilities on a specific development are not practical or efficient.
Information on Transportation Alternatives.
A commuter information area shall be provided within or near each building. The area shall be centrally located and accessible to all employees.
Such area shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the display or provision of information such as:
Current maps, routes, and schedules for public transit
Available employee incentives for use of alternate transportation modes, if any.
Bus Stop Improvements. Bus stop improvements shall be provided and located as deemed necessary and appropriate by the City Engineer. Said improvements shall be developed in accordance with the standards set forth by the City Engineer and may include dedication of right-of-way for improvement of bus pullouts, bus pads, and bus shelters.
(Ord. 1264 § 5 (part), 1991)
Periodic monitoring of the applicable developments may occur to ensure full and continued implementation of the Facility Standards as described in Section 19.540.040 of this chapter.
(Ord. 1264 § 5 (part), 1991)