All refuse shall be stored within trash containers which meet City standards. Except when temporarily placed for pickup, all such containers shall be located or screened so as not to be in public view.
Except for a temporary use, all non-residential uses in the open space zones shall provide a trash enclosure for the purpose of screening the trash container(s) from public view, maintaining any loose debris within the enclosure, providing a permanent location for the container(s) that will not encroach upon driveways, parking, pedestrian, and emergency access areas, and eliminating the accessibility of trash to the elements and animals. The trash enclosure shall conform to the following standards;
All required trash enclosures receiving the 3 cubic yard commercial bin(s) shall meet the requirements as shown in Illustration 19.624.010 (A) and (B).
Enclosures for larger than 3 cubic yard commercial bins shall be constructed of masonry block or concrete tilt-ups, designed to sight screen the bins, and to be architecturally compatible with other buildings on the site. Structural and architectural features shall be subject to approval of the Planning and Building Divisions. Maneuvering areas shall meet the minimum requirements of equivalent size loading area.
Enclosures for compactors located outside the building shall be constructed of masonry block, designed to sight screen the bins, and to be architecturally compatible with other buildings on the site. Structural and architectural features shall be subject to approval of the Planning and Building Divisions.
Location. Enclosures shall be located and arranged for ease of pick-up and shall not interfere with other activities on the site. Such location shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Division.
Maintenance. All trash enclosures and adjacent paving shall be maintained as a condition of the use.
Upon written acceptance from the franchised agent for trash disposal, the requirement for a trash enclosure may be waived by the Director for a trash compactor, provided that the storage of the compactor and all trash shall be kept within the building and that the type and amount of trash will not create a public nuisance.
Outdoor storage of materials, equipment, or other items is permitted only where allowed under Section 19.612.010, subject to all other limitations of this Division and other laws. Outdoor storage shall not be located in any required parking area, loading area, or accessway, in any front yard, in any area required to be landscaped, or in any area where a six-foot-high fence is not permitted.
Except as further provided in this section, all outdoor storage shall be screened from public view (as defined in Section 19.104.080); and, if located within three hundred thirty feet of a freeway or major highway, shall also be screened from view from such freeway or highway. Required screening shall be accomplished by one or more of the following methods:
By buildings or structures located on the same lot as the outdoor storage;
By buildings or structures located on abutting property where such buildings or structures immediately abut the property line;
By fences at least six feet high which meet the requirements of Chapter 19.628. Where access drives or walks enter such fenced outdoor storage areas, they shall have gates with substantially the same height, appearance, and screening effectiveness as the required fencing.
Stored materials or other items shall not be stacked higher than the sight-screening provided.
Plant nursery stock, when neatly arranged, need not be screened. All stored items other than living plants shall be screened.
Outdoor display of materials, equipment, or other items shall be permitted only where indicated under Section 19.612.010 for permitted uses, subject to all other limitations of this Division or other law.
Outdoor display shall not be located in any required parking area, loading area, accessway, or any area required to be landscaped. Where site plans are approved pursuant to any provision of this Division, any permanent outdoor display area shall be shown thereon and subject to such approval.
Temporary Displays.
Not withstanding the provisions of subsections A and B of this section, temporary outdoor displays are permitted when authorized as part of a special events sale under Title 19, Division 10;
Such temporary displays may be located upon required parking areas, walkways, and landscaped areas only to the extent permitted by the terms of the authorizing permit.
Illustration 19.624.010 (A)
Trash Enclosure Requirements for 3 cubic yard bin
Alternate A
Access / Location Requirements:
• Locate trash area(s) with convenient accessibility for both deposit and pick-up.
• Location(s) shall be approved by the Planning Division.
• Provide a side or rear access door/gate for multi-tenant uses.
• Provide a 7 foot high overhead door for trash pick-up service, with standard garage door hardware and construction.
Construction Requirements:
• Provide 6 inch reinforced block wall construction.
• Provide a 4 inch P.C.C. pad, flush with adjacent driveway.
• Structural details shall be approved by the Building Division.
• Provide a 6 inch wide, 8 inch high concrete curb at base of interior walls for protection of walls from trash bin.
Design / Finish:
• Block walls shall be of decorative finish compatible with adjacent structures or walls.
• Decorative beams or other appropriate screening material shall be provided across the open top to screen trash area from view from 2nd and 3rd stories.
• Deviations from these standards may be considered at the discretion of the Director.
Illustration 19.624.010 (B)
Trash Enclosure Requirements for 3 cubic yard bin
Alternate B
Access / Location Requirements:
• Locate trash area(s) with convenient accessibility for both deposit and pick-up.
• Location(s) shall be approved by the Planning Division.
• Locate enclosure(s) 4 foot back from adjacent driveways and parking stalls to preclude gates from swinging out into vehicles.
Construction Requirements:
• Provide 6 inch reinforced block wall construction.
• Provide a 4 inch P.C.C. pad, flush with adjacent driveway.
• Structural details shall be approved by the Building Division.
• Provide a 6 inch wide, 8 inch high concrete curb at base of interior walls for protection of walls from trash bin.
• Construct door frames from welded 2 inch square metal tubing or 2.5 inch angle iron.
• Heavy-duty hinges with a 180 degree swing shall be welded to door frames and to 2.5 inch square metal tube posts of a minimum 1/4 inch thickness set in concrete footings.
Design / Finish:
• Block walls shall be of decorative finish compatible with adjacent structures or walls.
• Material covering door frames shall be durable and compatible with adjacent buildings. (chainlink and grapestake are not permitted)
• Deviations from these standards may be considered at the discretion of the Director.