No building permit shall be issued until the following requirements are met:
All streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way shown on plans approved by the City Council and which abut the subject property shall be dedicated to the planned right-of-way line or a deed of dedication deposited in escrow with an escrow agent acceptable to the City attorney, the delivery of which is conditioned upon the required permit being granted.
All improvements of streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way which abut the subject property and are required in order to conform to improvement standards approved by the City Council shall be installed, or a performance bond, in a reasonable amount to be determined by the City Engineer, with sureties to be approved by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Clerk, or cash in a like amount shall be deposited with the Finance Director to be placed in a trust fund.
Vision clearance areas shall be provided as follows:
On any corner lot: a triangular area at the street intersection measuring fifteen feet along each street property line (or the projections thereof parallel to the centerlines of the streets) from the point of intersection of such property lines (or the projections thereof);
At the intersection of an alley with a street, or at the intersection of two alleys, or at an angle point where the alignment of an alley changes by sixty degrees or more: a triangular area measuring fifteen feet along each street or alley property line from the point of intersection of the property lines;
At any driveway entrance from or exit to a street: triangular areas on each side of the driveway measuring fifteen feet along the street property line and fifteen feet along the edge of the driveway from the point of intersection of the edge of the driveway with the street property line.
Within a required vision clearance area there shall be no fence, tree, shrub, or other obstruction to sight between two feet and seven feet above the established street grade. Where the vision clearance area for an existing driveway falls on adjacent property, no additional obstruction in the two-foot to seven-foot height range shall be placed in the vision clearance area except a fence which does not obscure sight through more than ten percent of the area in the vertical plane. Where existing obstructions exist on adjacent property in the two-foot to seven-foot height range, any new driveway constructed on the subject property shall be located so as to not have any such obstructions in its vision clearance areas.
Permitted Encroachments. The following encroachments are permitted within the required vision clearance area:
Fences, walls, and hedges, not over 2 feet high.
Landscaping, not over 2 feet high.
Access walkways.
In case of any conflict between the requirements of this section and any safety requirements pursuant to the fire code, the fire code requirements shall prevail.
Every garage, carport, parking area, loading area, drive-in or drive-through service area, or other off-street vehicular waiting or maneuvering area shall be connected to one or more public streets or alleys by one or more driveways meeting the standards set forth in this section.
Driveway Width.
In the various zones, the width of any driveway shall be within the limits shown in Table 19.636.030.
Where the driveway approach width at the street property line required by the City Engineer pursuant to Title 12 is different from the driveway width required by this section, a variable width transition segment outside the street right-of-way shall be provided to provide a smooth connection.
Driveway Height Clearance. Within the required driveway width, there shall be no obstruction from the driveway surface to a height of eight feet. In addition, any portion of a driveway not covered by a building or porte cochere shall be unobstructed to a height of fourteen feet.
Driveway Curvature. The minimum turning radius for any curve in a driveway shall be twenty-five feet measured to the outside edge of the driveway.
Driveway Circulation Pattern.
Driveways and on-site circulation shall be arranged so that vehicles are not required to back into a street.
In all zones, in order to preclude backing from a parking space into an alley, there shall be no direct entry from an alley to a parking space.
Table 19.636.030
All Zones
Minimum Driveway Width
Maximum Driveway Width
13 feet
35 feet
25 feet
35 feet
In connection with the use of each lot, sufficient off-street parking space shall be provided to meet the demand created by all activities on the lot. The minimum requirements for each use shall be as shown in Table 19.636.040, entitled Parking Spaces Required. Additional requirements may be imposed, based upon substantiated estimates, as a condition of approval of a development under site plan review, conditional use permit, or other development approval procedure provided for in this Title. For uses or property for which no parking requirement is set forth in Table 19.636.040, nor previously determined under the interpretation procedure (Section 19.128.010), nor established under a development approval procedure, a parking requirement shall be determined for that type of use pursuant to the interpretation procedure set forth in Section 19.128.010.
The floor area of any space used for parking, loading, or vehicular circulation shall not be included in the gross floor area use to calculate a parking requirement.
Where there is more than one activity or use on a lot, the total parking space requirement shall be the sum of requirements for the separate components unless a conditional use permit is granted by the City for shared parking. An application for shared parking facilities may be considered for uses with significantly different peak hours of operation which must meet the following requirements:
A parking study prepared by a traffic engineer shall be submitted by the applicant demonstrating that there will not exist substantial conflict in the peak hours of parking demand for the uses for which joint use is proposed.
The number of parking spaces credited from one use to another under a shared parking agreement shall not create a situation where either use does not maintain the minimum number of spaces deemed necessary during peak hours of operation.
Parking spaces designated for joint use shall be located within a reasonable proximity to the use served as determined by the permit issued.
A written agreement shall be drawn to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and executed by all parties concerned assuring the continued availability of the number of spaces designated for joint use.
Table 19.636.040
Parking Spaces Required
Nursery school
1 space per employee plus 1 passenger loading square per 6 children. Joint use with church parking allowed.
Elementary or junior high school
1 space per 200 square feet teaching area, or public assembly requirement. whichever is greater.
Senior high school
1 space per 100 square feet teaching area, or public assembly requirement, whichever is greater.
College, university, vocational, business or trade school
33 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area of classrooms, lab or other instructional floor area plus 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of office or administrative floor area.
Public Assembly
Auditorium, theater, mortuary, gymnasium, outdoor stadium arena, outdoor grandstand
1 space per 3 fixed seats or 4.5 feet of bench.
Skating rink
5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of rink area, plus requirement for any accessory use; i.e., full-service restaurant, arcades, etc.
35 spaces per 1,000 square feet of dance floor area.
Recreation hall, community center, club or lodge, conference rooms, banquet rooms
10 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Passive park (no buildings or sport facilities)
2 spaces per acre.
Golf course
8 spaces per hole plus requirements for other facilities.
Golf driving range
1.5 spaces per tee plus requirements for other facilities.
Miniature golf
2 spaces per 1,000 square feet lot area.
3 spaces per court.
Swimming pool
1.5 spaces per 100 square feet pool and deck area.
Commercial Recreation
Bowling alley
3 spaces per alley plus requirement for other activities.
Racquetball or handball courts
3 spaces per court plus requirement for other activities.
Other commercial recreation (not public assembly or outdoor)
5 spaces per 1,000 square feet gross floor area.
Eating and drinking (including fast food establishments)
10 spaces per 1,000 square feet gross floor area, including outdoor eating and drinking areas. 10 spaces minimum.
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet gross floor area.
Retail goods and services
5 spaces per 1,000 square feet gross floor area.
Public utility facilities with no employees or visitors (transformer stations, pumping stations, etc.)
No requirement.
Other uses in commercial zones
5 spaces per 1,000 square feet gross floor area.
Drive-In Facilities
Drive-in theater
Waiting spaces ahead of entry gate as determined under conditional use permit.
Where an off-street parking district has been established, the parking space requirement for each property within the district shall be reduced by the share of the total spaces provided by the district which is proportional to the share of the district assessment borne by the same property.
Any fractional space requirement resulting from the calculation of required parking spaces shall be disregarded if less than 0.50 space and shall be counted as one required space if 0.50 or greater.
Required parking shall be located on the same lot as the activities or uses served, except as follows:
Required parking may be located on a lot adjacent to the lot served subject to a recorded covenant as provided in subsection B of this section.
Any required parking provided by means of an off-street parking district is not subject to a specific location requirement.
Where required parking is not on the same lot as the activity or use served, a covenant running with the land shall be recorded by the owner of the parking lot guaranteeing to the City that the required parking will be maintained for the use or activity served.
Except as further provided in this section, the layout of parking areas shall meet the standards shown in Table 19.636.060, entitled Parking Layout Standards.
There shall be a clear vehicular entry to every required parking space at least equal in width to the required width of the space.
Each parking space and aisle shall have a clear height of at least six and one-half feet. At least twenty percent of the spaces provided together with their associated parking aisles shall have a clear height of at least seven feet.
Parking spaces for the handicapped shall be provided in accordance with state standards.
Required parking spaces shall meet the requirements for standard car parking as shown in Table 19.636.060, entitled Parking Layout Standards; except, for any parking area of ten or more spaces, not more than thirty percent of the required spaces may be for compact car parking.
Any parking area shall provide internal circulation for access to all spaces without causing vehicles to back into or reenter a street.
Waiting (queuing) spaces shall not overlap parking aisles or driveways.
Table 19.636.060
Type of Space:
Aisle Width (in feet)
Width in feet
Length in feet
Standard Car Parking:
Angle Parking
9 (1)
Parallel parking
Compact Car Parking:
Angle parking
8 (1)
Parallel parking
Waiting (Queuing) Spaces
Passenger Loading:
Parallel to curb
At angle to curb
With ninety-degree angle parking, an end stall shall be provided with a 2' wide planter adjacent to a wall or structure.
Except as otherwise specified in this Title, parking may be provided in parking lots, carports, garages, or other parking structures.
Drainage. All areas for the movement, parking, loading, repair, or storage of vehicles shall be graded and drained to dispose of surface water. In all cases except single-family residential uses, drainage shall be arranged to prevent surface flow across walkways and driveways.
All areas for the movement, parking, loading, repair, or storage of vehicles shall be paved and maintained to eliminate dust and mud, to provide an even, unbroken driving surface, and to present a uniform appearance.
All paving shall meet one of the following minimum standards:
Portland cement concrete, three and five eighths inches thick,
Asphalt, one and one-half inches thick on a four inch aggregate base,
Other pavement determined by the Director to be equivalent to one of the above standards in useful life, serviceability, and appearance.
Wheelstops. In all angle parking stalls (including ninety-degree parking) facing the perimeter of a parking area, individual concrete wheelstops or a six-inch high poured-in-place concrete curb shall be provided, located three feet inside the front boundary of the stalls.
Landscaped Buffers Along Streets. Every parking area adjacent to a street or alley shall be set back from the street or alley line as required by Section 19.620.020. Such setback areas shall be permanently landscaped in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 19.632.
Interior Landscaping. Within the parking area of any parking lot with ten or more parking spaces, an area equal to at least seven percent of the total parking and driveway area shall be landscaped with trees and some combination of shrubs, vines and ground cover. Such landscaping shall be reasonably distributed throughout the area in order to avoid a monotonous appearance and to enhance the visual attractiveness of the area, especially those portions in public view. All portions of a parking area not improved for parking aisles and stalls and more than five feet by five feet in size shall be landscaped. Any portion of the parking area not landscaped shall be paved. At all boundaries between landscaped areas and paving, a six-inch-high concrete curb shall be provided.
Buffer Fence and Landscaping Abutting Residential Property. For any parking area located within a required yard adjacent to residentially zoned property, a minimum 6 foot high ornamental masonry fence and tree row meeting the requirements of Section 19.632.010 shall be provided.
Marking of Parking Spaces. All parking areas shall be marked as follows:
For all uses: double lines separating stalls, with minimum 4-inch wide stripes and a minimum 8-inch separation;
Spaces for handicapped parking and for compact cars shall be so identified;
In accordance with any additional standards for marking of parking areas which may be adopted pursuant to Section 19.124.050.
Lighting. Security lighting for non-residential uses shall be provided in all parking areas accessible to public entry after dark, subject to the following criteria:
All artificial lighting shall be so designated to provide safety and security to the property users, as well as the enhancement of the general appearance of the development. Use of unhoused, bare bulbs shall be avoided.
Building-mounted lighting fixtures shall not project above the fascia or roof line. Recessed wall mounts are encouraged.
Pole mounted luminaires shall not exceed the height of the buildings on the site, unless otherwise approved by the Director.
All luminaires shall be designed, shielded, or aimed in such a manner so as not to produce glare upon adjacent properties or rights-of-way.
All required lighting shall be permanently maintained as a condition of the use.
In addition to other requirements of this Division, a parking structure shall be subject to the following requirements.
For any portion of a parking structure within 50 feet of a residential zone, there shall be no openings, other than for pedestrian or vehicular access, in any wall which faces the residential zone. Furthermore, any ramp and the top level parking surface within 50 feet of a residential zone shall have a minimum 6 feet high perimeter solid wall as measured from the floor of the parking surface.
For the purpose of screening parked vehicles from public view on all other levels, there shall be a minimum 36 inch high perimeter architectural screen, measured from the finished floor, for all parking areas within the structure.
The use of materials and the architectural design for the parking structure shall be compatible with the other structures on the property.
Suitable trees of a size and height relative to the scale and height of the structure shall be planted near and around the parking structure.