The purpose of this Division is to promote the value and impact of signs for the general public and business community while enhancing the City's various neighborhoods and protecting the safety and welfare of the public.
When used in this Division, the words, terms, and phrases defined in this section shall have the meaning and construction given herein. Other definitions which relate to this Division may also be found under Division 1, Section 19.104.080.
Frontage, building.
"Building frontage" means the horizontal length of a wall of a main building where such wall faces a street. The measurement of such length is along a line parallel to the street. Where a building is arranged to include establishments with exterior public entrances but no wall space facing a street, the horizontal dimension of 1 wall of each such establishment which faces a mall or other private way may be considered to be building frontage.
Frontage, business.
"Business frontage" means the horizontal length of a segment of building frontage which encloses a single business establishment and contains the primary public entrance to such establishment.
"Sign" means any object, device, display or structure, or part thereof, situated outdoors or situated indoors and visible from outdoors, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct, or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event, or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, design, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination (other than illumination that highlights building features, such as exposed neon accenting building trim), or projected images. This definition does not include any supporting sign structure which in itself is not designed to attract attention.
Sign, A-frame.
"A-Frame" sign means a portable or movable sign made of wood, cardboard, plastic, or other lightweight and rigid material having the capability to stand on its own support(s) and consisting of 1 or 2 panels connected and hinged at the top. A-Frame signs are commonly referred to as sandwich board signs.
Sign area.
"Sign area" means the total sign face area of all sign faces of a sign; except, for the following types of signs, the total sign area is considered to be only the area of the single largest sign face:
Double-faced signs where the 2 sign faces are parallel, on opposite sides of the same sign frame,
Three-dimensional signs.
Sign, commercial.
"Commercial sign" means a sign containing a message on behalf of any entity, company, or individual for the intent of making a profit.
Sign, canopy.
"Canopy sign" means a sign suspended or attached beneath an eave, awning, canopy, arcade or other building overhang.
Sign, display board.
"Display board sign" means a permanently installed panel provided for the posting of temporary advertisements or messages, and/or upon which manually changeable messages are displayed. This definition does not include electronic "scoreboard" type display boards.
Sign, electronic display board.
"Electronic display board" means a permanently installed panel provided for the purpose of temporary advertisements or messages, upon which electronic messages are displayed with flashing or "moving" letters or symbols.
Sign face.
"Sign face" means each area or display surface of a sign, including any framing, trim, or molding, but not including any supporting sign structure which in itself is not designed to attract attention. In the case of a sign face with no definite perimeter, the boundary of the sign face is considered to be a parallelogram, triangle, or circle which encloses all portions of the sign. In the case of a three dimensional sign, the flat projection of the largest area which can be seen at one time is considered as the sign face.
Sign face area.
"Sign face area" means the area of a plane surface defined by the boundaries of a sign face.
Sign, ground.
"Ground sign" means a sign affixed to a ground sign structure which is free-standing, supported from the ground, and not attached to a building.
Sign, monument.
"Monument sign" means a ground sign supported on the ground in such a manner that the bottom edge of the sign face at any point is not more than 2 feet above ground level and the top is not more than 8 feet above the ground level.
Sign, noncommercial.
"Noncommercial sign" means any sign that is not a commercial sign.
Sign, off-premises (billboard).
"Off-premises (billboard) sign" means "billboard" and/or "electronic billboard (which includes digital billboards)," as defined in Section 19.912.090 of this Code, excluding any temporary real estate open house sign, and any approved temporary sign advertising a special community benefit event.
Sign, projecting.
"Projecting sign" means a sign mounted on a building wall or fascia in such a manner that 1 or more sign faces are not parallel to the building wall.
Sign, roof.
"Roof sign" means a sign extending above, through or over the roof or eave line of a building, not including a sign mounted against the lower portion of a mansard type roof.
Sign structure.
"Sign structure" means a structure, other than a building, upon which 1 or more signs are attached in any manner.
Sign structure, ground.
"Ground sign structure" means a sign structure supporting a ground sign. A ground sign structure is considered to include all attached signs.
Sign, temporary.
"Temporary sign" means a sign (including pennants, banners, forced cold-air inflatables, or other objects constituting a sign as defined in this chapter) which is not permanently fixed to a building or sign structure.
Sign, T-frame.
"T-Frame" sign means a portable or movable sign of wood, cardboard, plastic, or other lightweight and rigid material capable of standing on its own consisting of a stabilizing base and having no more than 1 panel capable of displaying information on one or both sides and resembling an inverted letter "T." T-Frame signs are also referred to as T-Board signs.
Sign, wall.
"Wall sign" means a sign mounted flat against the wall or fascia of a building or against the lower portion of a mansard-type roof.
Sign, window.
"Window sign" means a sign that is applied or attached to the exterior or interior of a window or located in such manner within a building that it can be seen from the exterior of the building through the window.
(Ord. 1582 § 3, 2015; Ord. 1671 § 3, 2019)
No sign, whether permanent or temporary, including any supporting structure and lighting thereof, shall present any hazard to the safety of pedestrian or vehicular traffic by obstructing the flow of such traffic, by obstructing the sight lines required for the safe movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, by interfering with the visibility and effectiveness of any traffic control or warning device or in any other manner.
Signs shall be designed and maintained to be compatible with the architectural design, style, and materials of the on-site building(s) to which the sign is affixed or otherwise located on the property.
Signs shall utilize detail features, (i.e., arches, trim, siding, colors, rock veneer, etc.) similar to the style of the building(s) the sign is affixed or otherwise located on the property.
Ground sign design and size shall be in proportion to the scale and massing of the development it identifies.
Ground sign cabinets shall be architecturally integrated into the overall design of the sign structure to prevent the cabinet from appearing as an addition.
Ground sign supports shall be wrapped with pole covers with design and finishes to match the on-site buildings.
The location of proposed ground signs shall take into account the location of existing ground signage on adjacent properties so as not to block their visibility.
Multi-tenant ground signs and wall signs with backgrounds shall maintain uniform background colors.
No sign face or sign area shall be added to an existing sign unless within a permanent frame or panel indicated for such purpose on approved plans for the total sign structure.
Illumination. Where lighted signs are permitted, the illumination shall be fixed, steady and directed or controlled so as to prevent glare on streets, walkways, and residential property. There shall be no blinking, twinkling, scintillation, cyclic variation, motion, or the appearance of motion in the illumination of any sign. Electronic display boards are exempt from this provision when authorized under a conditional use permit.
Maintenance. All signs shall be maintained in good condition and working order, to be free of graffiti, peeling paint, faded colors, and/or broken and damaged materials.
Obsolete Signs. All signs shall pertain to existing businesses or services and goods offered on the premises. Any sign face no longer in compliance with this section shall be removed or covered to the satisfaction of the Director after 60 days of becoming obsolete.
Signs on Public Property and in Public Rights-of-Way.
With the exceptions to the temporary signs listed in paragraph 2 of this subsection, placing, mounting, installing, affixing, erecting, maintaining, or displaying any temporary commercial sign on public property or in the public rights-of-way is prohibited.
Subject to the limitations set forth in this paragraph, the following temporary signs are permitted to be displayed on parkways, public property and public rights-of-way:
Official Signs. The following signs associated with the City or other governmental agency are permitted:
Traffic control or traffic directional signs placed or erected by the City or another governmental agency.
Public notices or signs required by local, state, or federal regulations.
Signs placed or erected by the City in furtherance of its governmental functions.
Signs providing information about a public or public-private project, development site, or event. For purposes of this subsection, "public event" means an event organized by the City or other governmental agency. "Public-private event" means any event that is issued a temporary use permit or special permit pursuant to Division 10 of Title 19 of this code or an event located on City owned property pursuant to a valid agreement approved by the City such as a license or lease agreement. Project and development site signs shall not be over 32 square feet in area. For event signs under this subsection, signs shall comply with any conditions and restrictions contained in the temporary use permit, special permit, license, or lease agreement, whichever is applicable.
Banner signs advertising special community benefit events at specific locations stated below when both the event and the signs are approved by the City. The specific locations for the placement of such banner signs are:
across Beach Boulevard on the south of the intersection of Beach Boulevard and Franklin Avenue,
across Orangethorpe Avenue, approximately 430 feet east of its intersection with Valley View Street,
across Orangethorpe Avenue, approximately 75 feet east of the northerly extension of Indiana Avenue,
across La Palma Avenue, approximately 675 feet east of its intersection with Valley View Street,
across Knott Avenue, approximately 185 feet north of Houston Street,
across Beach Boulevard on the south of the intersection of Beach Boulevard and Melrose Avenue, and
such other locations as approved by resolution of the City Council
Temporary Special Event Signs. For purposes of this subsection, a "special event" sign is any sign identifying, displaying, directing, or conveying information, idea, or message related to an event or occasion occurring within the City that does not invite members of the public to attend for the primary purpose of completing a commercial transaction at the site or location of the event or occasion. Examples of permitted special events signs include, but are not limited to, signs related to social gatherings (provided entry does not require a cover fee or the purchase of any food or drink), real estate open houses, support groups, religious services, and educational meetings. The examples listed in this subsection are not intended to create content-based regulations, but rather assist for purposes of interpretation and application. Special event signs shall comply with the sign restrictions set forth under subsection 3.
Noncommercial Signs. Temporary signs that are not commercial signs are permitted subject to the sign restrictions set forth under subsection (F)(3).
Sign Standards and Restrictions. All temporary signs permitted under Sections 19.904.030(F)(2)(b) and (c) shall comply with the following standards and restrictions:
Design and Size.
Signs shall be in the form of an A-Frame or T-Frame sign only, which shall not exceed a maximum standing height 36 inches measured from the pavement to the highest point of the sign and 24 inches in width measured between the outer most edges of the sign or frame, whichever is greater.
Sign display panels shall not be larger than 4 square feet in area.
Placement. Signs shall be placed in a manner that does not obstruct pedestrian movement and shall comply with the following:
Signs may not be placed on sidewalks measuring less than 60 inches in width.
Signs shall be placed so as to maintain a minimum of 48 inches of clearance from any obstruction.
Signs shall not obstruct pedestrian or handicap accessibility to curb ramps, buildings, emergency exits, transit stops, or parking spaces.
Signs shall not be placed on any medians.
Signs shall not be placed projecting over, into, or within any street, alley, roadway, or highway intended for vehicular traffic.
Signs shall not be placed, affixed, or attached to any trees, shrubbery, utility poles, traffic control signs or devices, newsracks, trash receptacles, bus stops, signs, or any other objects or structures installed or located in the public rights-of-way.
No more than 4 A-Frame or T-Frames signs (or any combination thereof) may be placed by any person or entity, or in association with any person or entity, or in connection with any particular idea, message, or event and shall not be placed in the on public property or public rights-of-way more than 30 days prior to that date of the event or occasion.
A person or entity placing signs in on the public rights-of-way is permitted to place no more than 1 sign on each side of any single block. For purposes of this subsection, "block" shall mean that portion of a street or highway lying between the nearest 2 intersecting or intercepting street(s), highway, railroad right-of-way, terminus or dead-end street or highway, or city boundary.
Maintenance. Signs shall be kept neat, clean, and in good repair. Signs which are faded, torn, damaged or otherwise unsightly or in a state of disrepair shall be immediately replaced, repaired, or removed.
Signs Projecting into Public Rights-of-Way. No sign shall project over any public walkway, sidewalk, alley, street, or public property except as may be expressly permitted pursuant to this code. On private property, in any outdoor areas open to the public, no portion of any sign attached to a building and extending below a height of 7 feet above ground level shall project more than 6 inches from the face of the building.
Signs shall not mimic or otherwise resemble an official city or governmental signs so as to create confusion or mistake.
The City shall remove signs violating this subsection and shall store the signs for 21 days and provide notice to the party responsible for displaying the sign(s), if reasonably known. During this time persons may retrieve the signs from the City upon payment of associated storage fees in an amount established by resolution of the City Council. If the removed signs have not been retrieved after the 21 days, the City may dispose of the removed signs in any manner deemed appropriate by the City.
Each sign in violation of this subsection shall constitute a separate and distinct violation and every day a violation of this subsection exists shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. The removal of any sign under this subsection is cumulative and supplemental to the remedies authorized under Chapter 1.04 of this code. Abatement of signs in violation of this subsection shall not constitute a defense to any remedy or proceeding that may be employed simultaneously under Chapter 1.04 of this code. Moreover, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit any right or remedy otherwise available to the City in law or equity, nor shall this subsection be construed to create a duty or obligation on the part of the City to enforce this subsection.
(Ord. 1441 § 1, 2003; Ord. 1671 § 4, 2019; Ord. 1698 § 3, 2021)
Every sign larger than 4 square feet of surface area, erected in connection with any business within the City of Buena Park and which utilizes any non-Latin/Roman letters, symbols, or characters in 50 percent or more of its advertising message and in lettering readable from the nearest public street, shall be considered to be a "non-English language sign." Each non-English language sign shall contain thereon a generic description written in English, of the nature of such business, readable from the nearest public street.
In all cases where a zoning sign permit, sign erection permit, or other sign permit is required by this Code or other law, the applicant shall submit to the City a certification, executed under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, containing an English language translation of all letters, symbols, or characters proposed to be displayed on the non-English language sign. An application for any such permit shall not be deemed to be complete unless and until the applicant has provided the certification required herein.
The provisions of this section shall apply to signs meeting the criteria stated herein which are sought to be erected on or after September 6, 1989.
The following types of signs are prohibited:
Any form of moving, oscillating, or rotating sign;
Inflatable signs (other than forced cold-air inflatables);
Portable signs, not including temporary signs which are otherwise permitted;
Off-premises signs (billboards), not including billboards otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 19.912.090, and temporary signs which are otherwise permitted;
Roof signs.
(Ord. 1582 § 4, 2015)
Special areas exist within the City where a sign plan review by the Planning Commission shall be required prior to the issuance of any sign zoning compliance permit and the erection of any sign. The purpose of this review is to promote a sense of overall orderliness and attractiveness in the appearance of these special areas which is consistent in quality and style. The following special areas are designated for such sign plan review:
Any integrated development in the commercial and industrial zones.
Any property located in the ECSP zone.
Special sign criteria applies under separate documentation entitled "Beach Boulevard Entertainment Corridor Specific Plan" under Section V—Development Requirements, F. General Provisions, 8. Signs. Where this document refers to the sign regulations of this Division, the sign standards for commercial zones of Chapter 19.912 shall be applied to such reference.
Any deviation from the criteria of this Division and the Beach Boulevard Entertainment Corridor Specific Plan may be considered via a conditional use permit application.
Any property or area that the Planning Commission may determine to require a sign plan review during an approval process.
Any property located in the ACSP zone.
Special sign criteria applies under separate documentation entitled "Auto Center Specific Plan" under Section VI—Development Standards. Where this document refers to the sign regulation of this Division, the sign standards for commercial zones of Chapter 19.912 shall be applied to such reference.
Any deviation from the criteria of this Division and the Auto Center Specific Plan may be considered via a conditional use permit application.
Any property located in the CR zone.
(Ord. 1347 § 11.C, 1997; Ord. 1382 § 19, 1998; Ord. 1441 § 1, 2003)
All signs except those exempted by Section 19.904.080 shall be subject to the zoning compliance review procedure (Section 19.128.090). Any change in the face or copy appearing on any such sign, as well as the erection, alteration, or relocation of any such sign, is subject to this provision.
A zoning compliance sign permit pursuant to Section 19.128.050 is required prior to the erection, alteration, or relocation of any sign subject to sign guidelines established in accordance with Section 19.904.060.
The provisions of the Building Code shall be complied with prior to the erection, alteration, or relocation of any sign.
The types of signs listed in this section shall be subject to the limitations provided herein and shall be exempt from the requirements for obtaining a zoning sign permit or zoning compliance review as called for in Section 19.904.070, and from the sign regulations of Chapters 19.908 through 19.916.
Public Signs, Warnings, and Notices.
Traffic and regulatory signs posted by the City, legal notices, railroad crossing, or warning signs,
Warning or trespass signs on private property. Each sign face area shall not be more than 2 square feet. Such signs shall be spaced at least 100 feet apart unless a closer spacing is approved by the Director,
Public utility signs containing only warning or service information.
Directional Signs. Signs, for purposes of identifying entrances to and exits from an establishment, or giving other directional or warning information to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, shall be subject to the following limitations:
Free-standing signs shall be not more than 8 feet in height. Height and location of directional signs attached to a building shall be subject to the approval of the Director.
Each sign face area shall be not more than 4 square feet, unless a larger sign is approved by the Director for safety and traffic control purposes.
No other type of information shall be included except each entrance sign may contain, within not more than 25 percent of the sign face area, a logo or other identification of the establishment served.
Memorial Signs and Cornerstones. Memorial signs or tablets, cut into stone or formed of permanently installed incombustible material. Only the name of the building or site, and/or date shall be shown.
Residential Directory Signs. Directory sign for a residential building or group of buildings provided such sign does not face a street and is no greater than 4 square feet in area.
Professional Signs. Nameplate or identification sign for a professional establishment, attached to a commercial or institutional building. Each sign face area shall be not more than 4 square feet.
Bulletin Boards. Bulletin board for a public, charitable, or religious institution and located on the premises of the institution. There shall be only 1 such exterior bulletin board on each such premises. The sign area of such bulletin board shall be not more than 20 square feet.
Window Signs. Temporary window signs on the premises of a nonresidential use, advertising special items or events. The total sign face area of such signs on each window shall not exceed 20 percent of the area for each window. No such sign shall remain longer than 30 days.
Construction Signs. Temporary signs on construction projects or development sites identifying the owners, major tenants, architects, engineers, or contractors. Each such sign shall be neatly painted and not over 32 square feet in sign area.
Real Estate Signs.
Temporary signs advertising property for sale, lease, or rental, located on the property offered, subject to the following limitations:
8-foot maximum height above grade,
Residential Property. No more than one sign on each property offered except that a property which maintains a second street frontage on a major, primary, or secondary highway shall be permitted one additional sign; the maximum area of each sign shall be not more than six square feet.
Nonresidential Property.
Where the total lineal street frontage is not more than one hundred twenty feet: Not more than one sign per street frontage; the maximum sign area of each sign shall be twenty square feet.
Where the total lineal street frontage is in excess of one hundred twenty lineal feet: Not more than one sign per street frontage; the maximum sign area of each sign shall be thirty-two square feet.
No sign shall be directly or indirectly illuminated.
All such signs shall be removed either when escrow is closed or a transaction is otherwise completed, or when the property is removed from the market.
Open House Signing.
On-site Signing:
Numerical Limitation: Not more than four pennants of not more than three square feet each.
Such pennants shall be permitted to be placed on the property where the open house is held. No such pennants shall be placed in center medians, over fences, or in areas not deemed permitted by this subsection.
Such pennants are permitted only during periods when either the property owner or sales agent is present and are further subject to the following day and time restrictions:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday—9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday—11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
No on-site pennants are permitted to be placed or present on any day or at any time other than as set forth in subsection (iii.aa) and ( hereinabove.
One sign indicating that an open house is presently occurring shall be permitted in the front or side yard setback of the property being offered.
Signs Permitted Under Section 19.904.030(F)(2). Signs in compliance with paragraph 2 of subsection F, Section 19.904.030.
(Ord. 1671 § 6, 2019)
Temporary signs advertising the sale of lots in a land subdivision may be located within the subdivision subject to the following limitations:
Not more than two sign structures in each subdivision, with not more than two sign faces per structure. Each sign face shall not be more than sixty square feet.
All such signs and structures shall be removed no later than twelve months after all required permits for such signs are issued.
Cash bond in the amount of five hundred dollars for each sign structure shall be deposited with the City's Finance Director, such deposit to guarantee removal of the signs.