This chapter reflects the organizational structure of the city resulting from consolidation, streamlining and more cost efficient operations as the city has evolved and as the city government's mission has adapted to those changes.
(Ord. 1506 § 2, 2015)
Throughout this code, whenever references are made to previous organizational structures or positions, the following corresponding organizations and positions shall be recognized:
"Building and safety department," "fire/building department," "building department," "health and building department"
or similar words used in this code with reference to the building or construction function shall hereinafter mean "planning/building department."
"Building director," "building and safety director,"
or similar words whenever used in this code with respect to a building or construction function shall hereinafter mean "planning/building director.
"City Attorney."
The office of city attorney is hereby eliminated. The city will contract for legal services. Any reference in this code to city attorney shall refer to the city's "contract legal services firm."
"Fiscal services manager"
shall mean the director of finance.
"Fiscal services division"
shall mean the finance department.
"Personnel manager"
shall mean the human resources director.
"Personnel," "personnel system" or "personnel division"
shall mean human resources, the human resources system and human resources department, respectively.
"Recreation manager" or "community services manager" and "community services division"
shall mean the recreation and community services manager and the recreation and community services division, respectively.
(Ord. 1506 § 2, 2015)