For the purpose of this title, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section. Words and phrases used in this title not specifically defined shall be construed according to the context and approved use of the language.
means an individual engaged in the act of guarding property as the owner, member, or employee of a patrol system.
"Patrol system"
means any private service or private system which purports to furnish, or does furnish, to members or subscribers any watchman or guard, either uniformed or otherwise, to patrol any part of the city, or to guard or watch any property, including guarding against theft, fire, or both, or to perform any service usually and customarily performed by the law enforcement agency of the city as a peace officer. "Patrol system" does not include the guarding of property of a single owner which such property is not open to the public by one or more individuals whose entire salary or wages is paid by such owner, irrespective of whether such salary or wage is paid direct to the individuals performing such guard duty or to another, or service of any nature performed by an employee whose main or principal duty is not that of guarding or protecting property.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
In addition to general application information described in Section 4.04.070 and the permit application fee that must be paid as required by Section 4.02.040, for a patrol system permit other specific application information is required. The specific application information for a patrol system shall be as follows:
The district or territory proposed to be serviced by the patrol system;
A description of the methods of operation;
The names and addresses of all patrolmen who are or will be owners, officers, or employees of the applicant;
Such other information as either the city of the law enforcement agency may require.
With every application for a permit to conduct a patrol system, the application shall produce evidence that he has a license issued pursuant to Section 7520 of the Business and Professions Code.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
Every permit to conduct a patrol system shall contain, among other things, an accurate description of the area in which operations are permitted and the names of all patrolmen permitted by such permit.
The permittee of a patrol system shall so inform the city manager and the law enforcement agency within five days after any patrolman no longer is an owner, member of employee of such permittee and return the permit and such other identification of such patrolman to the law enforcement agency. The name of the patrolman shall then be removed from the permit of such patrol system.
Should the permittee employ additional patrolmen not listed on the original permit, the new patrolmen shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
In addition to the general application information described in Section 4.04.070 and the permit application fee that must be paid as required by Section 4.02.040, specific application information for a patrolman's permit is required. The specific application information for a patrolman's permit shall be as follows:
A statement of all businesses and occupations engaged in for the last five years and the names and addresses of not less than three persons able to verify such statement;
A complete set of fingerprints of the applicant taken by the law enforcement agency of the city;
The name and permit number of the patrol system by whom he will be employed, or of which he is to be an owner or officer. If no such permit has been granted, the applicant shall state when an application for such permit has been filed;
Such other information as may be required by either the city or the law enforcement agency;
The name, photograph, and right index fingerprint of such patrolman.
A patrolman's permit shall allow the permittee to act as a patrolman only for the system designated on the permit.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
With every application for a patrolman's permit the applicant shall also file a letter from the licensee of a patrol system certifying that such permittee desires to employ such patrolman or that such patrolman is, or will be an owner or member of such patrol system.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
The application shall be processed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 4.04.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
The operator of a patrol system shall neither employ nor utilize the services in any way of a patrolman whose name is not on the permit of such operator, or who does not possess a valid, subsisting permit.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
The holder of a patrol system permit shall not sell or offer to sell any transfer or relinquishment of the privilege to operate a patrol system in territory assigned to him or for any consideration whatever agree to advocate or not to oppose the granting of any other patrol system permit.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
A person shall not give, deliver to or sell any patrolman's badge or any badge of a design the same as, or similar to, the patrolman's badge as to be mistaken therefor, to any private person.
A person shall not purchase or receive as a gift, pawn, or pledge any patrolman's badge.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
Uniforms. A patrolman shall not wear, or a patrol system shall not permit its patrolman to wear, any uniform which is an imitation of, or can be mistaken for an official sheriff's uniform or an official police uniform of the city police force.
Use of Rank. A patrol system shall not use, grant or bestow, or permit any patrolman to assume or use any rank or title the same as or similar to any rank or title used by the law enforcement agency or by any police department within the county of Orange.
Actions. Patrol systems and patrolman shall not perform official police or investigation activities, but shall immediately report any violation of law and every unusual occurrence to the law enforcement agency. A patrolman or patrol system shall make a full report of any such violation or other occurrence without necessary delay to the law enforcement agency.
Equipment. The law enforcement agency shall specify the police equipment, including weapons, which a permittee may wear while on duty. A permittee may not wear any equipment or carry any weapons which have not been approved by the law enforcement agency.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)
Nothing in this chapter limits the power of the city to grant a permit to more than one patrol system to operate in the same area.
(Ord. 1181 § 1, 1992)