No pedestrian shall be in or upon any grade separation, except such grade separations as shall have pedestrian walks specifically designated or constructed thereon, provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply, in the event of an emergency, to persons employed to do work or labor upon such grade separation, or to members of the police department when engaged in law enforcement or traffic regulations.
(Ord. 415 § 15, 1966)
No person shall ride or drive any animal, even though tethered or harnessed in or upon any grade separation.
(Ord. 415 § 15.1, 1966)
Unless otherwise directed by a member of the police department or other authorized person, vehicles in or upon any grade separation shall at all times stay to the right of the center of all grade separations; slow moving vehicles shall remain as close as possible to the right hand side or curb of the grade separation; and where a grade separation is marked with traffic lanes, vehicles shall cross the markings only when overtaking and passing other vehicles. It is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to cross any such marking unless such movement can be made with safety.
(Ord. 415 § 15.2, 1966)
No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park said vehicle in or upon any grade separation, except in the event of an emergency, or when necessary to avoid injury or damage to persons or property, or in compliance with the direction of a member of the police department or other authorized person, or with the direction of a sign or signal.
(Ord. 415 § 15.3, 1966)
When any vehicle in or on any grade separation is stopped for any reason and is obstructing or may obstruct the flow of traffic, any member of the police department may move such vehicle or have such vehicle moved to the nearest terminus of said grade separation and beyond to a place of safety. The registered owner or owners and the operator of such vehicle shall be responsible for all reasonable charges for the moving services.
(Ord. 415 § 15.4, 1966)