PERMIT REQUIRED. No person shall deposit or maintain in or upon any street, any building material of any kind, any debris from any building or building excavation, or any other kind of material or equipment used or intended for use in connection with any building or other work upon adjacent private property without first making and filing a written application with the department of public works, receiving a permit therefrom to do so, and making a deposit with the department of public works.
This deposit shall cover the costs of inspection and restoring the street and sidewalk to its original condition. Fee schedule is set forth in Section 13.16.050. The minimum deposit for permits for swimming pools shall be set forth by resolution of the city council.
APPLICATION FOR PERMIT. The application for said permit shall contain: (1) the name, residence and business address of the applicant; (2) the name, location, and area of street for which a permit is desired.
FEE. The issuance for material in streets permit shall be set by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 117 § 5.01, 1962; Ord. 947 § 6, 1982; Ord. 1254 § 6, 1996)
Every permit granted under Section 13.20.010 shall be granted upon the condition that the person to whom the permit was granted shall comply with all the provisions of this title.
The department of public works may revoke any permit granted under Section 13.20.010 for the violation of any section of this title.
No person shall continue to perform any work under any permit after the permit has been revoked by the department of public works.
(Ord. 117 § 5.02, 1962)
No person shall fail to remove any building material of any kind whatsoever, or any debris deposited or maintained on any street, within five days after the completion of the construction, alteration, repair or demolition of any building in front of which such material or debris is deposited or maintained, nor fail to leave the street in as good a condition as the same was prior to the depositing of such material or debris therein.
The department of public works shall proceed to do such work or have the same done upon failure of any person charged to do so under this section, and the department of public works shall deduct the costs of any such work from any deposits on hand or that may thereafter be made by such person.
Any material deposited in the street without a permit and constituting a hazard to the public shall be removed by the department of public works and shall be held one week in the city yard. At the expiration of one week material not claimed shall become the property of the city for use on behalf of the public. If during the one-week period the owner of the material secures a valid permit and pays all costs incurred by the city in picking up, transporting, storing, plus fifteen percent overhead costs, such material shall be turned over to the owner at the city yard. The owner shall remove said material promptly.
(Ord. 117 § 5.03, 1962)
No person shall maintain any building material of any kind whatsoever, or any debris on any street, without placing a red light at each end of each pile of such material or debris during the whole of each night from sunset until sunrise. In the event it becomes necessary for the department of public works to place emergency-safety devices upon such material, the cost of placing and maintenance shall be deducted from the deposit.
(Ord. 117 § 5.04, 1962)
No person shall deposit or maintain any building material of any kind whatsoever, or any debris from any building or excavation, in or upon any street:
Within twenty-five feet of any fire hydrant;
A distance greater than ten feet from the curb on the same side of the street;
In any manner as to prevent or endanger passage of any vehicle;
In any manner as to obstruct the gutter space of the street;
Except upon the same side of the street and immediately in front of the building in actual course of construction, alteration, repair or demolition.
(Ord. 117 § 5.05, 1962)
No person shall mix, make, place or pile any mortar, plaster, or lime, or any similar substance or mixture upon any surface of any paved street, or cause the same to remain at any place in such a manner that the same will fall or leak upon the surface of any street.
(Ord. 117 § 5.06, 1962)
No person shall fail to keep the permit granted for maintaining building material or debris at all times at the place where such work is being done; nor fail, upon demand therefor, to exhibit such permit to any member or inspector of the department of public works, or any public officer.
(Ord. 117 § 5.07, 1962)
No person shall store or keep upon any street any material or debris taken from any excavation or building, or fail to remove the same from day to day as it is produced or wet any dry debris or rubbish, so as to prevent the same from being blown by the wind, whether in the course of removal from any building or excavation, or on any street.
(Ord. 117 § 5.08, 1962)
Every permit granted by the department of public works under Section 13.20.010 shall become and be void within sixty days from the date issued.
The department of public works may extend the time of the permit for a period not to exceed sixty days.
None of the provisions of Sections 13.20.010 to 13.20.080, inclusive, shall apply to work performed under an excavation permit.
(Ord. § 117 § 5.09, 1962)