It is unlawful for any person to move, or cause to be moved, any building, structure, equipment, vehicle, or conveyance subject to any sections of Division 15 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California (Section 35000 et seq.) in, on, upon, along or into any public street or highway in the city without first obtaining a permit from the city in accordance with the provisions of Section 13.32.015.
(Ord. 117 § 8.01, 1962; Ord. 270 § 1, 1964; Ord. 729 § 1, 1974; Ord. 1158 § 1, 1990)
In accordance with Vehicle Code Section 35780 et seq., and upon written application to the director of public works, the director may, in his/her discretion, issue a permit authorizing the operation upon city highways of a vehicle or combination of vehicles, the size of weight, or load of which exceeds the maximum specified in the vehicle code. The application permit form shall be a substantially similar form to that used by the Department of Transportation. Said permit may be issued for a single move or may be for an unlimited number of moves on a annual basis. At the time of approval of the application, and the issuance of such a permit, a permit fee will be paid to the city in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in Section 13.32.020.
(Ord. 729 § 2, 1974; Ord. 1158 § 2, 1990)
The fee for each permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be set by resolution and shall not exceed the fee schedule developed by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 35781.
(Ord. 117 § 8.02, 1962; Ord. 729 § 3, 1974; Ord. 1158 § 3, 1990)
No permit for oversize or overweight loads for the moving or relocation of a structure or building into the city for permanent establishment therein shall be issued unless said application has been authorized by the planning commission of the city.
(Ord. 117 § 8.03, 1962; Ord. 729 § 4, 1974)
A permit issued is limited to the person or authorized agent and any attempt to assign or transfer rights thereunder is void and of no effect.
(Ord. 729 § 5, 1974)
When necessary to protect against injury to the road, foundation, surfaces or structures, the director of public works may deny or restrict a permit as follows:
By limiting the number of trips;
By establishing seasonal or other lime limitations;
By otherwise limiting the conditions of the operation of the vehicle.
Bonds may not be required unless the director of public works determines that there is an unusually heavy or wide load that poses a substantial risk to public facilities.
Proof of financial responsibility is required in compliance with the Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 117 § 8.04, 1962; Ord. 512 § 10, 1968; Ord. 658 § 1, 1972; Ord. 1158 § 4, 1990; Ord. 1483 § 1, 2013)
A permit for oversized or overweight loads shall not be issued for a move to take place on either Saturday, Sunday or any legal holiday unless specifically authorized in writing by the director of public works. All moves shall take place during daylight hours only, except that no moves will be allowed between the hours of seven a.m. to nine a.m. and four p.m. to six p.m. unless specific permission is granted by the director of public works in writing. Except for annual permits, all permits shall be issued for one day. If the move was not made on the designated date and time a new permit must be obtained by the contractor.
(Ord. 117 § 8.05, 1962; Ord. 512 § 10, 1968; Ord. 1158 § 5, 1990)
It is unlawful for any building or structure fourteen feet or more in width to be moved over, upon or across any highway, street, alley or way unless the contractor so moving the same shall have not less than five persons engaged in said moving operations comprised as follows: Number 1, a foreperson; Number 2, a truck driver; Number 3, a person on the building to handle wire clearances; Numbers 4 and 5, two flagpersons, one to be at least three hundred feet ahead of the building or structure; the other flagperson shall follow said building or structure at a distance sufficient to give adequate warning to approaching traffic. Said flagperson shall carry the signals required by law.
(Ord. 117 § 8.06, 1962; Ord. 1158 § 6, 1990)
If a street must be closed during a house moving operation, the contractor must effect the street closure in conformance with the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (W.A.T.C.H.) as published by Building News Incorporated. Electronic sequential arrow boards shall be used on all lane/road closures. Arrow boards shall be in conformance with Section 5-06 of the Traffic Manual, State of California, or successor provision.
(Ord. 117 § 8.07, 1962; Ord. 1158 § 7, 1990)
To take care of any contingencies that may arise, the "mover" shall provide lanterns, additional fuel for same or extra lanterns, jacks, "Street Closed" signs, and other warning and safety devices which must be carried on the equipment assigned to the move.
The contractor shall carry a fire extinguisher on the moving equipment to quickly extinguish fires that may occur.
(Ord. 117 § 8.08, 1962)
The contractor must have sufficient persons to handle the move and enough power (trucks) to pull the load.
The contractor shall be responsible to place flags, ahead or behind the building to be moved, to protect traffic.
(Ord. 117 § 8.09, 1962)
The city engineer shall have the authority to reject an application in which the route proposed is unsatisfactory for causes of structural inadequacy of the existing paving on the proposed route.
(Ord. 117 § 8.10, 1962)
If through any circumstances, the house moving contractor is unable to get the load to its destination before the expiration time of the permit, he shall take all precautions to protect the traveling public. The load shall be relocated so that no portion projects within four feet of the traveled lane. He shall protect the public by providing an adequate number of warning lights and other safety devices.
The permittee shall post an undertaking or other security as may be deemed necessary by the city to assure that the building is moved by the completion time set forth in the permit. The terms of said surety shall provide that, in the event the permittee fails to complete the move as scheduled for whatever reason, the city may take possession of the building and moving equipment and cause it to be moved or relocated by its own forces or by other contract forces.
(Ord. 117 §§ 8, 11, 1962; Ord. 863 § 1, 1978)