There is hereby created and established a water department to be known as "The Fountain Valley Municipal Water Department."
(Ord. 85 § 1.01, 1962)
means an individual or agency applying for water service.
"Commercial service"
includes commercial uses and retail businesses excluding commercial agricultural usage.
means an individual or agency of record receiving water service from the Fountain Valley municipal water department.
"Date of presentation"
means the date upon which a bill or notice is mailed or delivered personally to the customer.
"Domestic service"
means provision of water for household residential purposes, including water for sprinkling lawns, gardens and shrubbery, and other similar and customary purposes.
"Fire protection service"
means provision of water to premises for automatic fire protection.
"Industrial service"
means provision of water to a customer for use in manufacturing or processing activities.
"Irrigation service"
means provision of water for irrigation of open land or fields separate and distinct from domestic service as herein defined and for commercial agricultural, floricultural or horticultural use.
means distribution pipelines located in streets, highways, public ways, or private rights-of-way which are used to serve the general public.
"Main extensions"
means extension of distribution pipelines, exclusive of service connections, beyond existing facilities.
"Meter rate service"
means provision of water in measured quantities.
"Municipal or public use"
means provision of water to other departments within the city government, or to other public body.
means the integral property or area, including improvements thereon, to which water service is or will be provided.
"Service connection"
means the pipe, valves and other facilities by means of which the utility conducts water from its distribution mains to and through the meter, or to the curbstop or shut-off valve on an unmetered service connection.
"Temporary service"
means a service for circuses, bazaars, fairs, construction work, irrigation of vacant property, and similar uses, that because of their nature will not be used steadily or permanently.
"Water superintendent" or "superintendent"
means the person designated by the city council to be the chief officer of the water department or such officer or agent as shall be duly authorized to act in enforcement of these regulations.
(Ord. 85 § 1.05, 1962; Ord. 426 §§ 2 and 3, 1966)
There shall be a water superintendent who shall, under the direction of the director of public works, have charge of the supervision and administration of the water department of the city and the enforcement of this title.
The director of public works or his authorized representative shall act in such capacity without additional compensation until such time as such additional position may be authorized by the city council.
(Ord. 85 § 1.02, 1962; Ord. 426 § 1, 1966; Ord. 736 § 1, 1975)
The area in which service is or will be furnished by the water department is that area wherein the city can exercise appropriate jurisdiction over said water system. The area does not exclude those areas outside the city boundaries which may be served upon approval of the city council.
(Ord. 85 § 1.03, 1962)
Supply. The water department will exercise reasonable diligence and care to deliver a continuous and sufficient supply of water to the customer at a proper pressure, and to avoid any shortage or interruption in delivery.
Quality. When furnished for human consumption, the water department will supply a safe and potable water at all times.
Classes of Service. All service installed by the water department will be classified as follows:
Municipal or public use;
Fire protection.
Types of Service. The types of service available from the water department are:
Metered rate;
(Ord. 85 § 1.04, 1962)
An official identification card shall be carried or worn by inspectors, foremen, meter readers, and all employees who in line of duty may be required to enter upon private premises.
(Ord. 85 § 8.01, 1962)
Duly authorized representatives of the water department shall have the right of access at all reasonable times to any premises where water is used, for the purpose of inspection.
In case such representatives are refused admittance to any premises or are otherwise prevented from making an inspection, the water department may cause the water to be shut off from said premises after giving at least twenty-four hour's notice to the owner or occupant of said premises.
(Ord. 85 § 8.02, 1962)
Every officer or employee, upon resignation or dismissal from the water department, shall forthwith surrender and deliver to the proper officials all identification cards, badges, and credentials of the water department.
(Ord. 85 § 8.03, 1962)