Title 21 of this code is and may be cited as the Fountain Valley Development Code, hereafter referred to as "development code."
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
The purpose of this title is to implement the policies of the general plan by classifying and regulating the uses of land and structures within the city. In addition, this title is adopted to protect and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of residents, and preserve and enhance the aesthetic quality of the city. To fulfill these purposes, it is the intent of this title to:
Enhance and implement the general plan;
Provide a guide for the growth and development of the city and the social and economic advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of its resources;
Classify, designate, regulate and segregate the uses of land and structures to serve the needs of agriculture, commerce, industry, residences and other purposes in appropriate places;
Establish conditions that will allow all of these land uses to exist in harmony within the community;
Prevent the overcrowding of land, to avoid the undue concentration of population and to maintain a suitable balance between structures and open spaces;
Lessen congestion on streets and promote a safe, efficient traffic circulation system;
Ensure that adequate off-street parking and loading facilities will be installed and maintained;
Facilitate adequate provisions for community utilities, including transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks and other public requirements;
Protect and enhance property values; and
Promote the stability of existing land uses and to protect them from incompatible and harmful intrusions.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
This title is enacted based on the authority vested in the city by the state of California, including but not limited to: the State Constitution; the Planning and Zoning Law (Government Code Sections 65000 et seq.); the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Sections 66410 et seq.) and the California Health and Safety Code.
This title and the zoning map (Section 21.04.030 of this title) are the primary tools used by the city to implement the goals, objectives and strategies of the general plan, which is the overall policy document of the city, hereafter referred to as the "general plan."
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
This title applies to all land uses, structures, subdivisions and development within the city, as provided by this section.
New Land Uses or Structures—Changes to Land Uses or Structures. Compliance with the requirements of Chapter 21.06 (General Requirements for Development and New Land Uses) of this title or, where applicable, Chapter 21.56 (Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Parcels) of this title, is necessary for any person or public agency to lawfully establish, construct, reconstruct, alter or replace any use of land or structure.
Issuance of Building or Grading Permits. The building department may issue building or other construction permits and the department of public works may issue grading permits only when:
The proposed land use and/or structure satisfy the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, and all other applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations; and
The city engineer determines that the site was subdivided in compliance with Chapters 21.66 through 21.84 of this title.
Subdivision of Land. Any subdivision of land proposed within the city after the effective date of this title shall be consistent with: the minimum lot size requirements of Chapters 21.04 through 21.14 of this title, all other applicable requirements of this title and the city's subdivision regulations.
Continuation of an Existing Land Use. An existing land use is lawful only when it was legally established in compliance with all applicable regulations, and when it is operated and maintained in compliance with all applicable provisions of this title, including Chapter 21.56 (Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Parcels) of this title.
Existing land uses that were in violation of city zoning regulations applicable before the effective date of this title, are in violation of this title. These uses shall continue to be in violation unless they conform to the current provisions of this title, except as otherwise provided in this title.
Effect of Changes to this Title on Projects in Progress. A land use permit application that has been accepted by the department as complete prior to the effective date of this title or any amendment shall be processed according to the requirements in effect when the application was accepted as complete.
Minimum Requirements. The provisions of this title shall be minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare. When this title provides for discretion on the part of a city official or body, that discretion may be exercised to impose more stringent requirements than set forth in this title as may be necessary to promote orderly land use development and the purposes of this title.
Other Requirements May Still Apply. Nothing in this title eliminates the need for obtaining any permit, approval or entitlement required by other provisions of this code or complying with the regulations of any city department, or any county, regional, state or federal agency.
Conflicting Requirements. Any conflicts between different requirements of this title, or between this title and other regulations, shall be resolved in compliance with subsection (d) of Section 21.02.020 (Conflicting requirements) of this title.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
This title shall be administered by the city council, planning commission, planning director, and the planning department, in compliance with this code and Chapter 21.32 (Authority for Land Use and Zoning Decisions) of this title.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)