This chapter describes the authority and responsibilities of the council, commission, department, planning director and city staff in the administration of this title.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
As provided by state law, the council, planning commission, planning director and planning department shall perform the functions of a planning agency.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
The council, in matters related to the city's planning process, shall perform the duties and functions prescribed in this title, which include the following:
Review Authority on Specified Planning Matters. Final decisions on development agreements, title amendments, general plan amendments, specific plans, zoning map amendments and other applicable policy or ordinance matters related to the city's planning process;
Appeals. The review of appeals filed from commission decisions; and
Compliance. The above listed functions shall be performed in compliance with Section 21.32.020 (Authority for land use and zoning decisions) of this title, Table 4-1 (Review Authority), the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the city's environmental review procedures.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
Appointment. The appointment, terms, removal and the filing of vacancies of the commissioners shall be in compliance with Section 2.76.030 of this code.
Duties and Authority. The commission shall perform the duties and functions prescribed by state law and this title, including the following:
The review of development projects;
The recommendation, to the council for final decisions, on development agreements, title amendments, environmental documents, general plan amendments, specific plans, zoning map amendments and other applicable policy or ordinance matters related to the city's planning process;
The investigation and preparation of an annual report to the council regarding the status of the general plan and progress in its implementation in compliance with state law; and
The above listed functions shall be performed in compliance with Section 21.32.020 (Authority for land use and zoning decisions), Table 4-1 (Review Authority), the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the city's environmental review procedures.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
Appointment. The planning director shall be appointed by the city manager in compliance with Section 2.76.101 of this code.
Duties and Authority. The director shall:
Have the responsibility to perform all of the functions designated by state law;
Perform the duties and functions prescribed in this title, including the review of administrative development projects, in compliance with Section 21.32.020 (Authority for land use and zoning decisions) of this title, Table 4-1 (Review Authority), state law, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the city's environmental review procedures;
Perform other responsibilities assigned by the council, commission and city manager;
Delegate the responsibilities of the director to department staff under the supervision of the director; and
Serve in an advisory capacity, in compliance with state law (Map Act Section 66415). The director is charged with the responsibility of making investigations and reports on the design and improvement of proposed divisions of real property.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
Membership. The development and environmental review committee (DERC) shall be composed of the following city administrators:
The director;
Fire chief/building services manager;
The public works director;
Authority. The development and environmental review committee (DERC) shall have the authority to:
Review development projects for compliance with the title;
Review development applications for completeness;
Determine the level of CEQA review (i.e., exempt, negative declaration or EIR).
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
Membership. The minor variance committee shall be composed of the following city administrators:
The director;
The superintendent of building and safety; and
The public works director.
Authority. The minor variance committee shall have the authority to review, approve or disapprove minor variances, in compliance with Chapter 21.50 (Variances) of this title. The committee may also defer action on minor variance applications and refer the item(s) to the commission for the final decision.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
Membership. The sign committee shall be composed of the following:
Two commission members appointed by the commission; and
The director.
Authority. The sign committee shall have the authority to review, approve or disapprove signs permits and master sign programs.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)