This chapter provides requirements for subdivision survey work, and the placement of subdivision monuments.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
The procedure and practice of all survey work done on any subdivision, whether for preparation of a final map or parcel map shall conform to the standard practices and principles of land surveying, the California Land Surveyor's Act, and the provisions of this chapter. All related documents shall be executed by a California-registered civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or licensed land surveyor.
Traverse. The traverse of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision computed from field measurements of the ground must close within a limit of error of one foot to ten thousand feet of perimeter before balancing the survey, or comply with other requirements established by the county surveyor.
Field Notes. When required by the county surveyor, the engineer or surveyor making the survey shall prepare complete field notes, in a form satisfactory to the county surveyor, showing references, ties, locations, elevations and other necessary data relating to monuments, set in compliance with these regulations, and shall submit the notes to the county surveyor to be indexed and retained as a part of the permanent public record of his office.
Geodetic Monuments. Whenever the county surveyor has established a system of coordinates which is within a reasonable distance of the subdivision boundary, as determined by the county surveyor, the field survey shall be tied into the system.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
In surveying a subdivision, the engineer or surveyor shall set sufficient permanent monuments so that any part of the survey may be readily retraced. Survey monuments shall be set by the engineer or surveyor for all new subdivisions requiring a parcel map or final map, and for any lot line adjustment unless waived by the county surveyor, in compliance with this section. Survey monuments shall be set in compliance with city standards.
Boundary Monuments.
Boundary monuments shall be set on the exterior boundary of the subdivision at all corners, angle points, beginnings and ends of curves and at intermediate points approximately one thousand feet apart. The locations of inaccessible points may be established by ties and shall be so noted on the final map or parcel map.
All exterior boundary monuments shall be set prior to recordation of the final map or parcel map or as certified on the final map.
Interior Monuments. Whenever interior monuments are required, the monuments shall be set at:
All block and lot corners and angle points;
The beginnings and ends of curves;
Points of intersection with centerlines of other existing and proposed streets and alleys; and
The points of intersection with the exterior boundary lines.
Monument Type and Positioning. All monuments set in the course of the survey shall be as specified by the county surveyor and shall be set to the depth and in the manner prescribed by the county surveyor.
Identification Marks. All monuments shall be permanently and visibly marked or tagged with the registration or license number of the engineer or surveyor who signs the engineer's or surveyor's certificate and under whose supervision the survey is made.
Replacement of Destroyed Monuments. Any monument which is disturbed or destroyed before acceptance of all improvements by the city shall be replaced by the subdivider.
Timing of Monument Installation. The exterior boundary of the subdivision shall be completely monumented or referenced before the final map or parcel map is submitted to the county surveyor for filing. interior monuments need not be set at the time the final map or parcel map is filed if the engineer or survey- or certifies on the map that the monuments will be set on or before a specified later date, and if the subdivider furnishes the city a bond, instrument of credit, or cash deposit in a sufficient amount to guarantee payment of the cost of setting the monuments in compliance with Map Act Section 66496.
Notice of Completion. Within five days after all monuments have been set, the engineer or surveyor shall give written notice to the subdivider and the county surveyor that the final monuments have been set. Verification of payment to the engineer or surveyor shall be filed as required by Article 9, Chapter 4 of the Map Act. The cost of setting monuments shall be included in the engineer's estimate for improvements in compliance with Section 21.80.040 (Improvement agreements and security) of this title. If requested, this amount of the bond may be released upon verification of the setting of the monuments by the county surveyor.
Inspection and Approval. All monuments shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the county surveyor.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)
The following survey information shall be shown on each final map or parcel map for which a field survey was made in compliance with this title.
Stakes, monuments (together with their precise position) or other evidence found on the ground, to determine the boundaries of the subdivision;
Corners of all adjoining properties identified by lot and block numbers, subdivision names, numbers and pages of record or by section, township and range, or other proper designation;
All information and data necessary to locate and retrace any point or line without unreasonable difficulty;
The location and description of any required monuments to be set after recordation of the final map, and the statement that they are "to be set";
Bearing and length of each lot line, block line and boundary line and each required bearing and distance;
Length, radius and angle of each curve and the bearing of each radial line to each lot corner on each curve;
The centerlines of any street or alley in or adjoining the subdivision which have been established by the county surveyor, together with reference to a field book or map showing the centerline and the monuments which determine its position. If determined by ties, that fact shall be so stated;
Any other survey data or information as may be required to be shown by the county surveyor or by the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1308 § 5, 2000)