Whenever the Building Official determines that violation(s) of the Santa Rosa City Code exist on any property, the Building Official shall record a notice of noncompliance for that property with the office of the County Recorder and shall notify the owner of the property of such action.
A notice of noncompliance:
Will describe the property;
Will set forth the conditions violating this code;
Will state that the property owner has been so notified.
The Building Official shall submit a release of noncompliance notice to the owner of the property to be filed with the County Recorder when it is determined that the conditions violating the Santa Rosa City Code have been corrected or removed.
A fee as established by City Council resolution shall be charged to the property owner for the issuance of a release of noncompliance notice.
(Ord. 3879 § 1, 2008; Ord. 3920 § 3, 2009)
A notice of noncompliance shall describe appeal rights for the responsible party(s). A party may request a staff review by the department head or designee of the issuing Enforcement Officer. A staff review shall be an informal review by the department head or designee to validate or dismiss a notice of noncompliance that has been proposed.
A request for a staff review shall be made in writing within seven days of proposal. This request shall be submitted to the Code Enforcement Officer who issued the written communications and must include grounds on which a responsible party relies. The request must include any information that the responsible party desires considered in the staff review.
The staff review shall be conducted by the "staff review authority" i.e., department head or designee. The staff review authority shall review the facts of the case, the written request for a staff review, and any evidence the responsible party may submit with the request for a staff review.
If the staff review authority concludes that no code violation occurred or that the responsible party is not responsible for the violation, then the department head shall negate the recordation of the notice of noncompliance.
The City must notify the responsible party, in writing by mail, of the results of the staff review within seven calendar days of filing the written request for a staff review. This review shall not be a final decision and is not subject to judicial review.
(Ord. 3879 § 1, 2008)