In accordance with the terms and provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law, the City Council declares that there is a need for a Redevelopment Agency to function in the City. It is the intention of the City Council to reaffirm the prior declaration of the need for such community Redevelopment Agency as set forth in Resolution 5552, adopted by the Santa Rosa City Council on the 17th of March, 1958 and that the functions and operations of such agency, heretofore conducted under the names, "Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Santa Rosa" and "Santa Rosa Community Development Commission" shall continue without interruption. All prior action taken by said "Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Santa Rosa" and the "Santa Rosa Community Development Commission" are ratified and approved.
(Prior code § 2.25)
The Commission shall be known as the Redevelopment Agency of the City.
(Prior code § 2.26)
The Redevelopment Agency of the City shall consist of five Commissioners. Each Commissioner shall be a resident elector of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
(Prior code § 2.27)
The nature, power, authority, functions and jurisdiction of the Redevelopment Agency of the City shall include, but shall not be limited to, all of the nature, power, authority, functions and jurisdiction as set forth in the California Community Redevelopment Law.
(Prior code § 2.28)