For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section.
"Mechanical play device"
means and includes any machine, device or apparatus, the operation or use of which is permitted, controlled, allowed or made possible by the deposit or placing of any coin, plate, disk, slug or key into any slot, crevice or other opening or by the payment of any fee or fees, for use as a game or contest of any description or which may be used for any such game or contest, which contains no pay-off device for the return of slugs, money, coins, checks, tokens or merchandise.
"Operator or distributor"
means and includes any person engaged in the business of selling, leasing, delivering to or otherwise supplying mechanical play devices to any place of business located in the City.
(Prior code § 18.1)
It is unlawful for any person to have, maintain or permit to be operated in any place in the City open to the public any mechanical play device, as the same is defined in Section 6-36.010, unless a license therefor has first been obtained from the City.
(Prior code § 18.2)
It is unlawful for any operator or distributor, as defined in Section 6-36.010, to operate or distribute any mechanical play devices unless a license therefor has first been obtained from the City.
(Prior code § 18.3)
The following license fees are fixed and established:
For each mechanical play device which is used or permitted to be used, by the deposit of a coin, slug or token in any slot, crevice or other opening, the sum of three dollars per month, payable monthly in advance. All licenses for the operation of mechanical play devices shall be issued on the first day of each and every month.
A distributor or operator of mechanical play devices shall pay for the right to distribute mechanical play devices in the City the sum of $500.00 per year, payable semiannually in advance. Licenses for the distributors or operators shall be issued semiannually and shall expire on the thirtieth day of June and the 31st day of December of each year; provided, that any distributor or operator applying for a license between the first day of July and the first day of January shall, nevertheless, pay for such license the sum set forth in this section, notwithstanding the expiration date thereof, as provided herein, may be less than six months.
(Prior code § 18.4)
Application for a license required by this chapter shall be made to the Chief of Police of the City upon a form furnished by the City, and shall contain the following information and a statement, the truth of which shall be sworn to by the applicant:
Name of applicant;
Residence of applicant;
Date and place of birth;
The place where the mechanical play device is located;
Has applicant ever committed a crime?
A statement that the mechanical play device for which a license is sought is not intended to be used for any gambling purpose whatsoever;
What is the nature of the applicant's interest in or title to the mechanical play device for which license is sought?
All applications shall be acted upon by the Chief of Police in the order in which they are filed, and shall be granted or denied by him or her within a period of 15 days from the date of filing.
(Prior code § 18.5)
Any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be issued for a particular device, each of which, before being licensed, shall be registered in the office of the Chief of Police. Such registration shall be affixed in a conspicuous place to the device for which the same was issued, and shall remain thereon until a new or different license is issued therefor. No license shall be transferable to any person or from one device to another.
(Prior code § 18.6)
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to permit the licensing, maintenance or operation of any mechanical device or apparatus which is contrary to the laws of the state, this code or the ordinances of the City, nor to permit the operation of any mechanical play device licensed under this chapter in such a manner as to be contrary to any such laws, this code or other ordinances.
(Prior code § 18.7)