Pursuant to the provisions and authority of the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1979 (Streets and Highways Code Section 36500, et seq.), there is established "The Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area No. One." The boundaries of the improvement area hereby established are as follows:
All properties included within the figure created by a line Beginning at the centerline intersection of "B" Street and Seventh Street, thence drawn Easterly along the centerline of Seventh Street to the centerline of Beaver Street; thence drawn Southeasterly along the centerline of Beaver Street to a point approximately 130 feet Northerly of the centerline of Fifth Street; thence drawn Northeasterly, at a right angle to the centerline of Beaver Street to the centerline of "E" Street (so as to include only those businesses fronting on Fifth Street); thence drawn Southerly along the centerline of "E" Street to the centerline of its intersection with Fifth Street; thence drawn Easterly along the centerline of Fifth Street to a point coincident with the Easterly property line of the lot located on the Southeast corner of Fifth Street and "E" Street; thence drawn at a right angle to the centerline of Fifth Street, Southerly to the Northeast corner of the aforementioned lot; thence drawn Southerly along the Easterly property line of said lot and all other lots having a frontage on "E" Street and approximately parallel with the centerline of "E" Street to the centerline of Second Street; thence drawn Westerly along the centerline of Second Street to the centerline intersection of Second and "D" Street; thence drawn Southerly along the centerline of "D" Street to its intersection with the centerline of First Street; thence drawn Westerly along the centerline of First Street to its intersection with the centerline of "B" Street; thence drawn Northerly to its intersection with the centerline of Seventh Street, said point being the point of Beginning.
All properties included with the foregoing figure are situated in the City.
The City Council finds and declares that the effect of subsection A of this section is to modify the boundaries of the parking and business improvement area by excluding therefrom the area known generally as the "panhandle" (being generally the area easterly of "E" Street with the exception of those businesses having property frontage on "E" Street), the property on the southeast corner of the intersection of "E" and Second Streets, and the properties fronting on the southerly side of Second Street between "D" and "E" Streets.
(Prior code § 15.200; Ord. 2926 §§ 1, 2, 1991; Ord. 3035 §§ 1, 2, 1993)
The revenues raised by the charges and/or assessments imposed on businesses situated within the boundaries of the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area No. One shall be used for the following purposes:
The acquisition, construction or maintenance of parking facilities for the benefit of the area;
Decoration of any public place in the area;
Promotion of public events which are to take place on or in public places in the area;
Furnishing of music in any public place in the area;
The general promotion of business activities in the area.
(Prior code § 15.201)
There is imposed an annual assessment on each business situated within the boundaries of Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area No. One. Retail Businesses (class "R" businesses) within the improvement area which are classified and taxed under Section 6-04.220(A) of the City code shall pay an annual assessment of 2.5 times their business tax based on the City's tax rates in effect on January 1, 1992; all other businesses (class "G" businesses) within the improvement area which are taxed under Sections 6-04.220(B), (C), and (D) and 6-04.230 shall pay an annual assessment of 1.75 times their business tax based on the City's tax rates in effect on January 1, 1992.
Revenues produced by the additional assessment (.75 times the business tax) placed on retail businesses (class "R" businesses) shall be used exclusively for retail sales promotional events.
Notwithstanding subsection (A), the minimum assessment on each business within the improvement area shall be $100.00 per year and the maximum assessment on a business shall not exceed $1,500.00 per year.
In the case of dual tax certificates issued to the same business at the same location, the certificate with the lesser tax liability will be used to calculate the charges hereby imposed.
(Prior code § 15.202; Ord. 2926 § 3, 1991)
The assessments imposed under this chapter within the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area No. One are due and payable, and shall be collected, at the same time and in the same manner as business taxes under Chapter 6-04 of the City Code.
(Prior code § 15.203; Ord. 2926 § 4, 1991)
Notwithstanding Section 6-56.080, charges for the remainder of calendar year 1980 only are imposed on businesses in operation on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter in an amount equal to 20 percent of the charge that would otherwise be due for a full calendar year. Charges for the last fifth of calendar year 1980 are due and payable November 1, 1980. Charges on businesses opening after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter but before the close of the 1980 calendar year are imposed for the remainder of calendar year 1980 in an amount equal to a percentage of the annual charge, which percentage shall be determined by dividing the number of days in a full calendar year into the actual number of days left in the 1980 calendar year at the business' opening. Charges for a business opening after the effective date of this chapter but before the end of calendar year 1980 are due and payable at the business' opening or, if earlier, at the time the business' license tax is paid for the business.
(Prior code § 15.203(a))
The Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Association, as the same now is constituted and as its membership may change from time to time, is designated and appointed as the advisory board to the City Council to make recommendations as to the expenditure of the revenues collected within the improvement area and to assume such other duties and responsibilities in connection with the improvement area as the City Council may from time to time, by resolution, deem useful and appropriate.
(Prior code § 15.204)
The businesses within the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area No. One shall be subject to any amendments to the Parking and Business Improvement Law of 1979, as may be enacted by the State Legislature.
(Prior code § 15.205)