Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 2648, 2672, 2728 and 3238.
The purpose of this chapter is: (1) to prohibit skating activities on sidewalks and streets within the specified downtown area, the specified Railroad Square area, in shopping centers and within other specified public property; and (2) to prohibit bicycle riding on sidewalks in the specified downtown area, the specified Railroad Square area, on pedestrian walkways in shopping centers and other specified areas of public property.
The Council finds that skateboarding, use of scooters, and skating-type activities create a physical hazard to pedestrians and motorists in congested areas in that these devices can quickly change direction, often without warning to nearby pedestrians and motorists; that total operational control of these self-propelled devices is rarely achieved; that a person operating such a device can become easily hidden behind pedestrians and motorists, and thus, be unseen to others nearby; that the noise emanating from the operation of these devices alarms many pedestrians and motorists, particularly when these devices are located nearby, but are not immediately apparent; and that such devices are being used on public property in such a way as to cause damage to public property.
(Ord. 3249 § 1, 1996; Ord. 3516 § 1, 2001)
No person shall ride, propel, or in any manner operate a skateboard, scooter, roller skate, in line skate, or similar self-propelled device upon any public street, public sidewalk, public alley, or public gutter located within the specified downtown area or specified Railroad Square area; or on, along, or over any pedestrian walkway, privately owned roadway or parking area situated within a shopping center located anywhere within the City limits; or upon any specified public property which has a sign posted prohibiting such activity on said specified public property.
No person shall ride a bicycle upon any public sidewalk in the specified downtown area, the specified Railroad Square area or other specified public property, or on any pedestrian walkway situated within a shopping center located anywhere within the City limits.
This prohibition shall not apply to peace officers riding bicycles during the course and scope of their duties.
This prohibition shall not apply to scooters operating on public streets, public alleys, and public gutters for the duration of the Shared Scooter System Pilot Program approved by City Council Resolution No. RES-2021-232.
(Ord. 3249 § 1, 1996; Ord. 3516 § 1, 2001; Ord. 2022-005 § 1)
The provisions of Section 9-22.020 shall not apply to pedestrian walkways, privately owned roadways, or parking areas that are situated within a shopping center unless the person in charge of said shopping center, has accomplished each of the following:
Posted a sign, as described below, along each exterior entrance to the shopping center, which is in plain view of pedestrians and motorists. Additional signs as described below may be posted within the interior of the shopping center. These signs shall be continually maintained by the management of the shopping center.
Delivered a written notification to the Chief of Police, not less than 24 hours prior to posting the signs described above, that invokes the provisions of this chapter as of a certain date which shall be specified in the notice.
Each such sign mentioned in subsection (A)(1) of this section shall state: "Use of Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Roller Skates, In-Line Skates, or Similar Devices are Prohibited.", and below that: "Santa Rosa City Code Section 9-22.020." The letters of the prohibition shall be two inches in height and shall be printed in black with white background. The citation to the Santa Rosa City Code shall be printed in black, with letters one inch in height. The sign shall not exceed 280 square inches in area.
The person in charge of a shopping center may withdraw the center from the provisions of this chapter by removing the signs required by this section and notifying the City in writing of such withdrawal.
The provisions of Section 9-22.020 shall not apply to other specified public property unless the Department Head for the department that has oversight responsibility for said property does each of the following:
Makes a determination that the interests of public safety or the need to protect public property requires that Section 9-22.020 is applicable to said public property or a portion thereof and if any specific hours of application need to be applied; and posts a sign, as described below, upon or along the specified public property at the perimeters of the specified public property and in plain view of pedestrians and motorists. Additional signs as described below may be posted upon or along the public property. These signs shall be continually maintained by the City.
Delivers a written notification to the Chief of Police and the City Council, not less than 24 hours prior to posting the signs described above, that invokes the provisions of this chapter as of a certain date which shall be specified in the notice.
Each such sign mentioned in subsection (A)(1) of this section shall state: "Use of Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Roller Skates, In-Line Skates, or Similar Devices are Prohibited.", and below that: "Santa Rosa City Code Section 9-22.020." The letters of the prohibition shall be two inches in height and shall be printed in black with white background. The citation to the Santa Rosa City Code shall be printed in black, with letters one inch in height. The sign shall not exceed 280 square inches in area. Where a determination is made that this Section 9-22.020 applies to a portion of a public property and/or that Section 9-22.020 applies during specific hours, the sign shall describe the portion of the public property to which Section 9-22.020 applies and/or the hours this chapter is applicable.
The Department Head may withdraw the specified public property from the provisions of this chapter by removing the signs required by this section and notifying the City Manager and Police Chief in writing of such withdrawal.
(Ord. 3249 § 1, 1996; Ord. 3516 § 1, 2001)
The following definitions apply to the provisions of this chapter:
"Pedestrian walkway"
means that area of a shopping center which is open to the general public exclusively for persons who are walking or otherwise afoot or in wheelchairs.
"Privately owned roadways and parking areas"
means those areas of a shopping center which are open to the general public for vehicular traffic and parking, and for persons who are walking or otherwise afoot or in wheelchairs.
"Roller skate" or "in-line skate"
means a shoe or similar device worn on the foot that has wheels or a cylindrical device affixed to its sole and which would enable the wearer to skate or propel oneself in sidewalks, gutters, streets, or hard surfaces.
means a platform or footboard mounted between two wheels controlled by an upright steering handle and which is propelled by human or motorized power.
"Shopping center"
means the privately owned real property upon which a business/commercial development is situated, which development is open to the general public and primarily devoted to retail sales and services from shops and stores situated therein, although it may also contain some offices and eating places, as well as other accessory uses compatible with a retail sales shopping area.
"Sidewalk" and "street"
mean any public sidewalk or street with the specified downtown area, specified Railroad Square Area or other specified public property.
means a mechanism on wheels, often resembling wheels on roller skates, which are fastened to a platform, commonly constructed to accommodate a standing person. Skateboards are normally propelled by the operator pushing off the ground with one foot or by force of gravity.
"Specified downtown area"
means that area, which is bound on the east by, and includes, the west sidewalk of E street, between 5th Street and Sonoma Avenue, and along the east sidewalk of Mendocino Avenue between 7th and 5th Streets. It is bound on the south by, and includes, the north sidewalk of Sonoma Avenue between E Street and Santa Rosa Avenue, and along the south sidewalk of 1st Street between B Street and Santa Rosa Avenue. It is bound on the west by, and includes, the west sidewalk of B Street between 7th and Sonoma Avenue. It is bound on the north by, and includes, the north sidewalk of 5th Street between B Street and Mendocino Avenue, and along the north sidewalk of 5th Street between Mendocino Avenue and E Street.
"Specified public property"
means such public property owned by the City, or a portion thereof, to which Section 9-22.020 has been made applicable by following the procedures set forth in Section 9-22.030.
"Specified railroad square area"
means the area bound on the east by, and includes, the east sidewalk of Davis Street between 5th and 3rd Streets. It is bound on the south by, and includes, the north sidewalk of 3rd Street, between Davis Street and the railroad tracks. It is bound on the north by, and includes, the north sidewalk of 5th Street between Davis Street and the railroad tracks. The western boundary is the railroad tracks between 5th and 3rd Streets.
(Ord. 3249 § 1, 1996; Ord. 3516 § 1, 2001; Ord. 2022-005 § 1)