It is the intent of this chapter to: (A) authorize City staff, including, but not limited to, Santa Rosa Police, Santa Rosa Code Enforcement Officers, and others as may be designated by the City Manager, to enforce Orders of the Sonoma County Public Health Officer and of the California State Public Health Officer within the City limits; and (B) provide City staff with administrative enforcement tools to assist in achieving compliance with those Orders.
(Ord. 2020-007 § 1)
As used in this chapter, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meaning:
"Citation" or "administrative citation"
means a civil citation issued pursuant to this chapter.
means the City of Santa Rosa.
means for the purpose of commercial gain or as part of a commercial enterprise.
means the Santa Rosa City Council.
means the County of Sonoma.
"County public health officer" or "county health officer"
means the County Health Officer designated by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 101000.
means calendar days, unless otherwise indicated.
"Enforcement officer"
means any City of Santa Rosa employee or agent of the City with the authority to enforce any provision of the Santa Rosa City Code or ordinance, State law or public nuisance, including code enforcement officers, police officers and any other employees designated by the City Manager.
"Local health emergency"
means the Local Health Emergency declared by the Sonoma County Health Officer on March 2, 2020.
means all violations that are not included within the definition of "commercial" within this section.
"Public health order"
means any current order issued by the Sonoma County Public Health Officer or the California State Public Health Officer related to COVID-19 and containing mandatory, binding, or enforceable obligations applicable to the public.
"Responsible party"
means an individual or legal entity, or the agent or legal guardian of such individual or entity, whose action or failure to act violated a Public Health Order, including, without limitation, any person or entity that causes, maintains, permits, or allows a violation of this chapter, any person or entity that owns, possesses, or controls any parcel of real property upon which a violation of this chapter is maintained, or any person or entity that owns, possesses, operates, manages, or controls any business within the City that is responsible for causing or maintaining a violation of this chapter.
means an act, omission, or condition contrary to a provision of a Public Health Order.
(Ord. 2020-007 § 1)
All Public Health Orders issued during the Local Health Emergency are adopted as the law of the City and deemed orders and regulations of the Council, pursuant to Government Code Section 8634, and are determined to be necessary for the protection of life and property during the Local Health Emergency.
(Ord. 2020-007 § 1)
All procedures and remedies contained in this chapter are cumulative and in addition to any other procedures and remedies available under local, State or Federal law, whether administrative, civil or criminal in nature. As such, the provisions of this chapter may be utilized alone or in conjunction with any other procedure or remedy. Election to employ the procedures or remedies provided by this chapter shall be at the sole discretion of the City, and shall be without prejudice to the City choosing to also proceed simultaneously or subsequently by pursuing different proceedings and remedies with respect to the same violation.
(Ord. 2020-007 § 1)
Any violation of a Public Health Order is a public nuisance.
Any violation of a Public Health Order represents an immediate danger to public health, safety and welfare and may be enforced as a misdemeanor, as a public nuisance, through injunctive relief, or as a civil violation through citation and immediate imposition of civil penalties as detailed in this chapter.
Each and every day a violation of a Public Health Order exists constitutes a separate and distinct offense.
This chapter may be enforced by any Enforcement Officer employed, contracted or otherwise engaged by the City.
(Ord. 2020-007 § 1)
When an Enforcement Officer discovers or otherwise determines that a violation of a Public Health Order has occurred, such Enforcement Officer may issue a citation to the responsible party or parties as provided by this chapter.
All violations of a Public Health Order are subject to a civil penalty as follows:
After notice, a non-commercial violation shall be subject to a civil penalty of $100.00 per violation.
After notice, a commercial violation shall be subject to a civil penalty of $1,000.00 for a first violation, $5,000.00 for a second violation, and $10,000.00 for each additional violation by the same responsible party.
Civil penalties may be imposed by an Enforcement Officer, a hearing officer or a court.
The civil penalty provided in subsection (B) becomes effective and due immediately upon issuance of the citation or upon issuance of an order by a hearing officer or a court, whichever occurs first. Payment shall be made to the City of Santa Rosa at the address provided in the citation or order. The responsible party shall have 21 days from the date of service of the citation or order to pay the penalty in the absence of a timely submitted appeal, pursuant to Section 9-24.080, below.
The City may pursue any remedy authorized by law to collect civil penalties that are not timely paid, including, but not limited to, a civil action for collection of civil penalties or submission to a collection agency.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an owner of residential rental property offered for long-term rental (rentals for periods of more than 30 days) shall not be subject to an enforcement action or civil penalties pursuant to this chapter for the acts or omissions of a tenant or occupant or guest of a tenant or occupant that violate this chapter.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an owner of residential rental property offered for short-term rental (rentals for periods of 30 days or less) shall not be subject to an enforcement action or civil penalties pursuant to this chapter for the acts or omissions of a visitor or guest that violate this chapter, provided that the owner has informed the visitor or guest of the applicable requirements of the Public Health Orders and has provided the visitor or guest a copy of those Orders.
(Ord. 2020-007 § 1)
A citation issued pursuant to this chapter shall contain the following information:
The name and address of the responsible party;
The date and address or description of the location where the violation occurred;
Reference to the Public Health Order that has been violated, including reference to the paragraph number containing the provision(s) violated;
The amount of the penalty due;
Identification of appeal rights and a description of how to appeal; and
The signature of the Enforcement Officer issuing the citation along with the date of the issuance of the citation.
A citation issued pursuant to this chapter shall be served on the responsible party in one of the following ways:
By personal service, provided the personal service can be accomplished without violating Public Health Orders. Without limitation to other methods of personal service, personal service is effective if the citation documents are set down near the responsible party and orally identified in a manner that can be heard by the responsible party.
By posting and mailing a copy of the citation, if the violation occurred on real property known to the Enforcement Officer to be owned, possessed, or controlled by the responsible party. The citation shall be physically posted on the real property in a position that is likely to catch the attention of a person entering the property including, without limitation, a front door, a gate, or a mailbox. The citation shall also be mailed by overnight mail, postage, prepaid, to the address at which the citation was posted, or to any other mailing address of the responsible party that is known to the Enforcement Officer.
By mailing a copy of the citation to a mailing address of the responsible party that is known to the Enforcement Officer, if personal service or posting is impracticable.
By emailing a copy of the citation to an email address reasonably likely to be accessible to the responsible party, if personal service or posting is impracticable.
Service shall be complete at the time of personal service or emailing, one day after posting and mailing the citation, or five days after service by mail alone. The failure of any person to receive the citation shall not affect the validity of the citation or of any other code enforcement steps or proceedings taken pursuant to this chapter or other provision of the Code.
(Ord. 2020-007 § 1)
Except as otherwise set forth herein, the procedures set forth in Chapter 1-30, Article 6, of the Santa Rosa City Code shall apply to an appeal of a citation issued pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 2020-007 § 1)