Subject to the eligibility requirements established in Section 11-26.020 and the administrative regulations issued by the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 11-26.060, owners and employees of businesses located within a 200-foot radius of the preferential parking area specified in this section may be issued preferential parking permits by the Parking Division.
Preferential Parking Area
6th Street, south side of street, from Wilson Street to Tee Vax driveway
6th Street, north side of street, from Wilson Street to 115 6th Street driveway
West 6th Street, south side of street, from Wilson Street to Pierson Street
West 6th Street, north side of street, from Wilson Street to Chops Teen Club
Adams Street, between West 6th Street and West 7th Street
West 7th Street, south side of street, from Wilson Street to Stark's Steak & Seafood
West 7th Street, north side of street, from Wilson Street to 37 West 7th Street
West 8th Street, south side of street, from Wilson Street to Western Farm Center
(Ord. 2019-010 § 2)
The Parking Division may issue preferential parking permits to owners and employees of qualified businesses located within the area specified in Section 11-26.010 subject to: the availability of spaces; the business having a valid business tax certificate in the City of Santa Rosa; and the completion and approval of an application and payment of the requisite permit fee. A lottery system may be utilized by the Chief Financial Officer or designee to allocate preferential parking permits to ensure that all qualifying businesses have a fair opportunity to obtain permits.
(Ord. 2019-010 § 2)
A preferential parking permit shall allow the permittee to park one vehicle associated with that permit, and no other vehicles, in the area specified in Section 11-26.010 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, except City recognized holidays. Permits may not be transferred by permittees.
(Ord. 2019-010 § 2)
The fee for preferential parking permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be adopted by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 2019-010 § 2)
Subject to Section 11-26.060, permits shall be valid for one year and may be reissued annually to permittees in good standing.
(Ord. 2019-010 § 2)
The Chief Financial Officer is authorized to issue administrative regulations that are consistent with the purposes of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the conduct and timing of the lottery for allocating preferential parking permits, permit application requirements and submittal date, the number of permits that will be issued to individual qualifying businesses and regulations governing the use of the permits.
(Ord. 2019-010 § 2)