All property owners owning or controlling property facing upon any street or avenue of the City shall lay or cause to be laid all necessary sewer and water pipe connections with the mains before any street or avenue is paved, and every separate lot shall be so connected with sewer and water mains.
(Prior code § 22.3)
Whenever the City Council adopts a resolution ordering any street in the City to be paved, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of streets to notify all persons having rights, privileges or franchises to lay water mains, that they must commence to lay such mains immediately. Upon receipt of such notice, such persons shall immediately commence to lay their mains, together with laterals to property lines, and prosecute the same with all reasonable speed.
(Prior code § 22.4)
It shall be the duty of the superintendent of streets to give written notice to the property owner, or his agent, if known, or to the occupant of the property, if there be any, or if the owner or his agent is not known, and there is no occupant, to post such notice conspicuously on the property, that sewer or water pipe connection shall be made. Such notice shall briefly describe the work required, referring to this chapter and shall contain a notification to the effect that unless such work is done within 10 days, the superintendent of streets will do the same, and the costs and expenses of such work will be charged upon and made a lien against the property. If such work is not done within 10 days after the service or posting of such notice, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of streets to forthwith proceed to do the same.
(Prior code § 22.6)
The superintendent of streets shall keep a record of notices issued pursuant to Sections 13-08.020 and 13-08.040. He shall also keep a separate record of all work done pursuant to section 13-08.040, upon each piece, parcel or lot of land and the costs and expenses of the same.
(Prior code § 22.7)
As soon as the work is completed, when done by the superintendent of streets pursuant to Section 13-08.040, the superintendent of streets shall render a statement of the costs thereof and deliver the same to the City Assessor, who shall note the amount thereof upon the margin of the assessment roll against the property so charged, and thereafter such amount shall be a lien against the property and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as the City taxes.
(Prior code § 22.8)
Any owner or person who desires to build upon any property affected by the lien provided for in Section 13-08.060 shall first pay the lien before he will be allowed to make any house connection with sewer or water pipes so laid. Every property owner who fails to make any such street connection when so notified by the superintendent of streets shall pay, in addition to the lien for the costs and expenses of making such street connection, before he will be permitted to make any house connection with the sewer or water pipes so laid.
(Prior code § 22.9)
It is unlawful for any person to ride or drive, or cause to be ridden or driven any animal, or to ride, drive or propel, or cause to be ridden, driven or propelled, any vehicle, over or across any street in the course of construction or any newly made pavement in any public street, across or around which pavement there is a barrier, or at, over or near which there is a person or a sign warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement, or a sign stating that the street is closed.
(Prior code § 22.2)