Any person numbering or renumbering any building in the City shall first procure from the City Engineer the official number of the section of the block where such number is to be placed, and no number not so procured from the City Engineer shall be placed for numbering buildings.
(Prior code § 22.81)
The City Engineer shall, when necessary, or on demand, ascertain and furnish to any person the official number of the section where the number of the building is to be placed.
(Prior code § 22.82)
For the purpose of numbering all buildings fronting on streets running east and west, the San Francisco and North Pacific Railroad track shall be the base or initial line, and buildings shall be numbered east and west from such track from No. 1 as the initial number, upward in regular gradation, and all that portion of any street which crosses such track and lies on the west thereof shall officially be known and designated for the purpose of this chapter by its original name with the word "West" affixed thereto. For example: All that portion of College Avenue lying west of such track shall be known and designated as "West College Avenue."
(Prior code § 22.75)
For the purpose of numbering all buildings fronting on streets running north and south, First Street shall be the base or initial line, and buildings shall be numbered north and south from such line from No. 1 as the initial number, upward in regular gradation. All that portion of any street which crosses such street and lies on the south side thereof shall be officially known and designated for the purposes of this chapter by its original name with the word "South" prefixed thereto; provided, that in case any street now crossing any base or initial line is now named as an "extension" of a former street, the term "extension" shall be dropped from the name of it as to either side of the initial line.
(Prior code § 22.76)
No more than 100 numbers shall be allowed to any one front of any block, and such numbers shall be so arranged that all even numbers along any street running west and east shall be on the south side thereof and all odd numbers shall be on the north side thereof. All numbers along any street running north and south shall be so arranged that all even numbers along such street shall be on the east side thereof, and all odd numbers shall be on the west side thereof.
(Prior code § 22.77)
The front of each block shall be divided by the City Engineer into sections of 20 feet each. Each section, or fraction thereof, shall be entitled to one whole number and no more; provided, that upper stories of any building may be designated by adding to the number of the sections the letter "A" for the entrance to the first story, the letter "B" for the sec-ond, etc., and by placing the same above the entrance to the story so designated.
(Prior code § 22.78)
The whole numbers in the short blocks shall in all cases alternate or correspond numerically in their order with the required or regular numbers of the long block and shall as near as possible be opposite the same, where opposite blocks are of unequal length.
(Prior code § 22.79)
In case any block, portion of a block or building fronts on any street, portion of street or cul-de-sac, which does not extend to a base or initial line, such block, portion of a block or buildings shall be entitled to the same number as if such street, portion of a street or cul-de-sac extended to the base line and were divided in sections as provided in this chapter.
(Prior code § 22.80)