For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases will have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
"Approved uses"
means the uses defined in the City's Recycled Water User's Guide or by State law as being approved for use of tertiary treated recycled water.
"Customer," "consumer," or "user"
means a person or entity having a connection into the recycled water system or potable water system owned and operated by the City.
"On-site recycled water system"
means that portion of the recycled water system on the consumer's premises which begins at the coupling on the consumer's side of the water meter.
"Potable water"
means water which meets the federal, state and local standards for human consumption and is approved for human consumption.
"Recycled water"
means tertiary treated water which results from the treatment of wastewater, is suitable for direct beneficial use, and conforms to the definition of disinfected tertiary recycled water in accordance with State law.
"Recycled water project area"
means all areas within the Santa Rosa Urban Growth Boundary. Customers within the Recycled Water Project Area are eligible for recycled water service for approved uses when it becomes available.
"Recycled water service area"
means the area within the Recycled Water Project Area which has recycled water service or is about to receive recycled water service within a reasonable time, as determined by the Director of Utilities.
"Recycled water use permit"
means a permit given by the City to the customer which grants permission to use recycled water and requires the customer to use recycled water in accordance with the rules, regulations and standards of the Recycled Water User's Guide and all applicable state and local rules and regulations.
"Recycled water user's guide"
means City's document which details the requirements of the state and local rules and regulations that apply to the design, installation, and operations and maintenance of the on-site recycled water system, including but not limited to the requirements of the California Code of Regulations, Title 22.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
The State of California has declared that the use of potable water for non-potable uses is a waste or unreasonable use of water if recycled water is available. The City owns and operates the recycled water distribution system providing recycled water for approved purposes. The City also owns and operates the potable water distribution system.
The Board of Public Utilities has the authority to adopt rules and regulations for the purpose of administering and enforcing the provisions of this chapter, and for the purpose of regulating and operating the recycled water system.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
All areas served by potable water service within the Recycled Water Project Area are eligible for recycled water service connections for approved uses when recycled water becomes available.
However, the Director of Utilities, or designee, may determine that connection to the recycled water system is not economically or operationally feasible because of distance from an available recycled water source or other such conditions as the Director of Utilities, or designee, deems appropriate.
For single-family residential landscape irrigation, the Director of Utilities will review each request to determine the suitability for recycled water use.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
The City reserves the right to require all customers who connect to the City water system on or after October 19, 2007, to use recycled water in-lieu of potable water for all approved uses.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
The City will at all times have a Recycled Water User's Guide which will be prepared, maintained and updated by the Director of Utilities, or designee. The purpose of the Recycled Water User's Guide is to detail the requirements of the following rules and regulations as they apply to the City recycled water system: this chapter; the California Code of Regulations Title 22; other State and local rules and regulations related to the use of recycled water as they may be adopted or changed from time to time.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
The City will issue to each recycled water customer a Recycled Water Use Permit for each site, which grants permission to use recycled water and requires the customer to use recycled water in accordance with the rules, regulations and standards of the Recycled Water User's Guide and all applicable State and local rules and regulations.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
Each customer will be required to designate a Site Supervisor for each site covered by a Recycled Water Use Permit. The Site Supervisor must serve as a liaison with the City, and must have the authority to carry out the requirements of the Recycled Water User's Guide and Recycled Water Use Permit, including the operations and maintenance of the on-site recycled water system and prevention of potential hazards.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
Each customer will be required to operate and maintain the on-site recycled water system in accordance with the Recycled Water User's Guide and Recycled Water Use Permit.
Notwithstanding compliance with this section, the City reserves the right to take any action necessary with respect to the operation of the customer's recycled water system to safeguard public health.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
The City reserves the right to require a backflow prevention device on the customer's recycled water system if it is determined that there is a backflow hazard on-site. If a backflow device is required, it must be properly maintained by the customer, inspected quarterly and tested at least annually. All required tests must be submitted to the City in accordance with the City backflow prevention program.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
As a condition of recycled water service for new customers and as a condition of continued recycled water service for existing customers, the customer will permit the City to enter upon the customer's property during the City's normal working hours, or in case of emergency at any time, to inspect the customer's on-site recycled water system for compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)
The Director of Utilities may immediately terminate recycled water service to any customer who violates the provisions of this chapter.
In the alternative, the Director of Utilities may issue a written warning to anyone who violates the provisions of this chapter. If a customer does not correct the violation within 15 days of notification, or such other time as specified, the Director of Utilities may terminate recycled water service without further notice.
(Ord. 3845 § 8, 2007)