Prior to approving a project subject to CEQA, the decision-making body shall certify that it has read, reviewed and considered the information contained in the certified EIR, or adopted and approved a negative declaration for the project, and shall make one of the following determinations:
As shown by the EIR or the negative declaration for the project, the project will not have a significant effect on the environment;
As shown by the certified EIR for the project, the project will have one or more significant effects on the environment and the decision-making body has made one or more of the findings required by State CEQA Guidelines Section 15091, in accordance with Sections 15092 and 15093;
That, because of the existence of one or more of the conditions set forth in Section 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines, a subsequent EIR or supplement to the EIR shall be prepared prior to the decision-making body giving further approval consideration to the project. (1986 CEQA.)
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)