There is created and established the Cultural Heritage Board of the City which shall consist of seven members appointed by the City Council.
Qualifications of Members of the Board. It is desirable, but not required, that the Board include:
One member who is a State licensed architect;
One member who is a State licensed general contractor;
One member who is a State licensed structural engineer or civil engineer;
One member who is a practicing architectural historian, historian or archaeologist; and
All members should have a demonstrated knowledge or interest in the history and architectural and cultural development of the City and be interested in the preservation of historic structures and sites. Members shall have such additional qualifications as the City Council, by resolution, may require. A member of the Board shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed by the affirmative vote of four members of the City Council.
Terms. The members of the Board shall be appointed to terms of four years and may serve thereafter until their successors are appointed, qualify and are seated; provided, however, that of the first Board appointed, in order to achieve staggered terms, two members shall be appointed to initial terms of two years, three members shall be appointed to initial terms of three years, and two members shall be appointed to terms of four years.
Director of Community Development. The City's Director of Community Development, or designated representative, shall attend meetings of the Board and serve as the principal advisor to the Board. The Director of Community Development, or his or her designated representative, shall also serve as secretary to the Board and in such capacity, among other things, shall prepare and keep the minutes of its meetings and all other records of the Board.
Quorum. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The Board may not transact any business unless a quorum is present and voting. Any Officer of the Board or its Secretary shall have the power to adjourn a meeting of the Board if a quorum is lacking.
Organization. The Board shall elect from among its members a Chairman and a Vice Chairman who shall serve for a period of one year and thereafter until their successors are elected. The Chairman shall preside at meetings of the Board and shall represent the Board at functions and perform such other duties as are appropriate or as may be assigned by the Board or the City Council. The Vice Chairman shall preside at meetings and perform the duties of the Chairman in the Chairman's absence.
Meetings. The Board shall meet at least monthly and shall meet as often as the Board determines is necessary in order to expeditiously carry out its duties and responsibilities under this chapter.
Procedures, Rules and Regulations. The Board may adopt such procedures, rules and regulations for the purposes of scheduling and conducting its meetings, transacting its business, and exercising its functions and powers as it deems appropriate, provided the same do not violate the procedures set forth in this chapter or applicable State statutes or the State or Federal constitutions.
(Ord. 2668 § 1, 1988; Ord. 2919 § 1, 1991; Ord. 3114 § 5, 1994)
The Cultural Heritage Board shall:
Conduct surveys, as needed, of structures, buildings, sites, neighborhoods, places and objects within the City that may qualify or be eligible for designation as a landmark or preservation district under the provisions of this chapter;
Recommend designations of landmarks and preservation districts to the City Council pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and as to each recommended designation:
Recommend the environmental determination that should be made for the designation.
Recommend the determination that should be made with respect to the designation's consistency with the general plan.
Review and make determinations on restoration, rehabilitation, alteration, development and demolition proposals for landmarks and preservation districts pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
Compile and maintain a current register of all landmarks and preservation districts designated as such under the provisions of this chapter;
Work for the continuing education of the citizens of the City about the heritage of the City and the landmarks and preservation districts designated pursuant to this chapter;
Seek means for the protection, retention and preservation of any landmark and preservation district, including, but not limited to, suggesting appropriate legislation, seeking financial support from individuals and local, State and Federal governments, and establishing a private funding organization;
Coordinate its activities, where practical and advantageous to do so, with the Sonoma County, the State and Federal Governments;
Consult with and advise the City Council in connection with the exercise of the Board's duties and functions.
The Cultural Heritage Board may:
Prepare and adopt plans for the preservation of landmarks and preservation districts;
Recommend zoning and general plan amendments to the Planning Commission and City Council for the purpose of preserving landmarks and preservation districts.
(Ord. 2668 § 1, 1988; Ord. 2897 § 1, 1991)