Resolution of Approved List of Street Trees. The City Council shall adopt by resolution a list of trees which may be planted within the planting strip adjacent to City streets or within five feet of the paved portion of a City street or a public sidewalk. A planting strip, as used in this section, is the open soil area that may exist between the curb and a sidewalk. The Council's list of permitted street trees may be amended from time to time by resolution and may also specify minimum distances that shall be maintained between the various kinds of trees listed.
Prohibition on the Planting of Unapproved Trees and Certain Plants. Except as provided in Section 17-24.070(A), no trees shall be planted in a planting strip or within five feet of the paved portion of a City street or a public sidewalk. No other landscaping planted within a planting strip or within five feet of the paved portion of a City street, may exceed 24 inches in height, measured from the paved street grade.
(Ord. 2858 § 1, 1990)
No tree growing within a planting strip or within any public right-of-way shall be removed or altered by or at the instigation of the abutting property owner or anyone other than a duly authorized officer, agent or employee of the City, except upon issuance of a permit therefor by the Director of Recreation and Parks who may require, as a condition of permitting the removal or alteration of a tree, the posting of security for such work and the planting, at the expense of the permittee, of a tree to replace the one removed, which tree shall be selected from the list approved under Section 17-24.070(A), and planted with the spacing and in the manner approved in accordance with Section 17-24.070(A). The Director of the Recreation and Parks Department shall establish in writing a policy thereon and the Director of Recreation and Parks in issuing and denying permits and fixing conditions thereof under this chapter shall follow insofar as possible the written policy.
A permit approved by the Director of Recreation and Parks under the provisions of this article shall be valid for a period of 60 days from its issuance unless a longer term is set forth in the permit. If the work to be done under the terms of the permit is not commenced prior to its expiration and thereafter expeditiously pursued, the permit shall become null and void.
Any decision made by the Director of Recreation and Parks under this article may be appealed to the Planning Commission by an interested person within the time and in the manner set forth in Section 17-24.090.
An owner or occupant of a lot shall keep all trees and hedges situated on the lot which abut upon or overhang a public sidewalk properly trimmed so that the same shall not interfere with the free use of the sidewalk. Such trimming shall not require a permit.
(Ord. 2858 § 1, 1990)