Except as provided in subsections (B), (C) and (D) of this section, the urban boundary of the City as depicted in the general plan's parcel specific land use diagram shall not be changed until December 31, 2035, and then only as part of a general plan update process.
At any time the Council may act by general plan amendment to change the urban boundary as follows:
To adjust the boundary to include or exclude ten acres or less for the purpose of aligning the boundary with property lines as they existed on the date the ordinance codified in this chapter was approved by the voters;
To adjust the boundary for the purpose of protecting open space or a natural resource;
To add lands to be permanently maintained as public parks or open space, to protect natural resources, or for sewage treatment or disposal uses;
To add lands for the purpose of providing sewer or water to eliminate health hazards existing in improvements constructed prior to the date the ordinance codified in this chapter was approved by the voters; provided that no land designated as community separator or with agricultural land use categories LEA, LIA or DA by the Sonoma County general plan shall be included within the urban boundary under subsections (B)(1), (2), (3) and (4).
As part of a general plan update process, by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the total membership of the Council, the Council may act by general plan amendment to change the urban boundary to replace land inside the urban boundary established in the 2009 general plan update which has been designated for a particular land use and is subsequently determined to be unsuitable for that land use due to unforeseeable environmental constraints, and only upon the Council making all of the following findings:
That the evidence of unsuitability is provided by a public agency other than the City of Santa Rosa or by court decision;
That the Council has determined that there is insufficient remaining land designated within the then current urban boundary to meet the demand, within the following five-year period, for the particular land use designation and that it is infeasible to redesignate land within the urban boundary to meet the demand for that land use;
That the projected population and commercial/industrial land development estimates in the 2009 general plan update or subsequent general plan have been met or exceeded by the population and commercial/industrial land development existing at the time the Council considers a general plan amendment;
That the adjustment to the urban boundary does not include land designated as community separator in the Sonoma County general plan;
That the adjustment to the urban boundary does not include land designated with the agricultural land use categories LEA, LIA, or DA by the Sonoma County general plan.
By affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the total membership of the Council, the Council may act by general plan amendment to change the urban boundary to provide an overriding public benefit to Santa Rosa that cannot feasibly be accommodated within the existing urban boundary, in order to provide a unique educational, cultural or economic opportunity for the City. This provision shall not apply to residential or retail commercial projects. During each 20-year period, adjustments allowed by this subsection may not exceed a total of one percent (approximately 280 acres) of the area within the 1996 general plan update urban boundary. The change in the urban boundary allowed by this subsection shall be made only upon all of the following findings:
That the proposed land use cannot feasibly be accommodated within the existing urban boundary;
That land designated as community separator in the Sonoma County general plan is not included within the proposed urban boundary amendment;
That land designated as agricultural land use category LEA, LIA, or DA in the County general plan is not included within the proposed urban boundary amendment.
(Ord. 2872 § 3, 1990; Ord. 3296 § 3, 1996; Ord. 3961 § 3, 2010)
The ordinance amending this section was placed on the ballot as "Measure G - Santa Rosa Urban Growth Boundaries" at the City's general municipal election held November 5, 1996. The results of that election were declared by the City Council on December 17, 1996 and are set forth in City Council Resolution No. 22972. The ordinance amending this section was adopted with 28,080 "yes" votes and 20,138 "no" votes being cast, became effective on December 27, 1996, and was assigned the number 3296 by the City Clerk for record keeping and administrative purposes.